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I sit quietly beside him. He hasn't said anything. Neither do I. My mind is empty. "We are home, Myshka. Come." The door opens for him, and he steps out of the limo, and takes my hand. I slide out, noticing the hundreds of armed men outside the huge mansion. Holy s**t. "What do you think? I swallow. I think escape is impossible. "Myshka," He tugs my hair. "Answer me. Do you like?" I look at the stone building. "It's beautiful." "Now, tell me truth." "I feel like I'm heading to prison." "That's accurate feeling to have. Come." He places his hand on my lower back, escorting me up the stairs. "Why so many stairs?" I huff. I'm a damn stripper but this ridiculous. "See how tired you are? That is why. Makes for difficult entry, no?" His face is stone cold but his deep voice floats with light amusement. I've noticed he doesn't make many facial expressions. But his voice changes slightly with any emotion he feels. My only way out, is through him. I have no doubt that he will hold his end of the bargain. He'll take good care of my parents. But as for me... "What if you have evacuate?" The armed men, salute him. We walk into the house. All the maids stand and welcome him. They all say the same thing. "желанный, Pahkan." (Welcome Pahkan) He's obviously the big boss of something. "Take her to room. Prep her. Bring her to me when finished." "да, Pahkan." (Yes, Pahkan.) *** I'm ushered to a room. Maids take off my clothes, put me in a bath and wash me. I don't protest. I'm numb, barely feeling. This is what has become of me? A powerful man's toy. What would my mother say! What my Father say? If I hadn't done this...if. If? Do I have a choice? No. Not against him. A beautiful woman with dark hair and light eyes addressed me. "Miss it's time. Pahkan is waiting for you." "Any idea what he'll do to me?" She says nothing, but looks at me with pity. "Come, miss. We mustn't keep him waiting." I breath in. Out. I've been stuffed in a tight Gold dress. God. I'm marching down winding hallways, that all look the same. Then I'm taken into a room. He's there. Sitting there, with a group of powerful men in suits. They all look at me as I walk in. "Here she is, right on time. Come Myshka." He opens his arms. I swallow roughly, stepping into them. He sits me on his lap. "This is my new...companion. Myshka, these are my brothers. You'll see them more than anyone. Maybe even me." "Pahkan. Is she?" He puts his hand on my belly. "Not yet." Is he...is he trying to get me pregnant? Oh hell no. "S-Sir, I though I was gonna sign a contract." "You are. As soon as I finish drafting it. I don't want any legal issues." "Is any of this legal?" I grumble. "Legal is such a...strict term. But don't worry about what's legal, myshka. For now, just sit still, and look pretty." I bite my lip. "Yes Sir." "Good girl." He pointed to the man in the corner. He looked like...well like he ate the hulk. His hair was low cut, blood, and his face was tattooed. With a skull. A skull was tattooed across the surface of his face. This man obviously has a high tolerance for pain. "This man is going to teach you to defend yourself. Try to hurt me and I kill you." "Hello, little girl." He nods. I nod back nervously. "He will also keep you safe when I am not around. This man will teach what to say to pigs when they try to get you snitch. Do it, and I break your neck." I touch the neck in question. "Is there any consequences except death?" He tugs my hand from my neck, replacing it with his own strong gloved hand. "Not really. No." "Now, this man, truth be telling, I like him least-he is lawyer." "I thought the other guy was a lawyer?" "Common misconception. Now, if you ever run into legal problem, you call him." "Why would I have a Legal problem?" He stares at me stone faced. I clear my throat. So...he's not answering that question.
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