Chapter 2

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"@SpeakComedy: The wife and I just got divorced. We split the house. I got the outside."   >>>>>> Chapter 2 Present time,  "How did my life end up here?" I just sighed, sitting in my office and oblivious to the stare being given to me by my best friend Stacy. She first looked at me like I was crazy causing me to roll my eyes thinking, "Here we go again with the lectures..." "I heard that!" She snapped at me in my mind then started lecturing me. "Sonia Clemton how can you even say that!" "First you have your dream job being a medical surgeon, you own a nice house and you’re an attractive woman  with whom men are always swooning at."  She then paused for a minute... "Can't you see, you have a perfect life."  After saying those words, she left the room leaving those words hanging in my mind. However, if only she knew of my past, then she would understand me. I then thought of the two moments in the past which had greatly affected me.    **********13-year-old me, in the past…********** “Sonia!” a beautiful black-haired lady called out while walking and searching around everywhere in this little cabin house for the most precious thing to her. Sniff...sniff...sniff "Sonia where are you my dear, and are you crying?" "I'm here grandma, under the table." replied the little 13-year-old me. "What's with all the tears my dear?" she then said joining me under the huge table and putting me on her lap.    "Grandma I can't tell you." the 13-year-old me answered with more tears now flowing down. Grandma then used her hand to gently wipe them away.  "Why not, but you promised to tell me anything remember." she cheekily responded me. "Promise you won't make fun of me." I asked her and she nodded her head even doing the pinkie swear. "Yesterday while watching my favorite movie Aladdin, I started imagining myself as Princess Jasmine`s pet, the Tiger just for fun. Something weird then occurred, I actually turned into...." I looked at her as she gave me a nod to continue. "A. real-life tiger!." After saying that I closed my eyes while waiting for her to laugh at me like the other kids did but I heard nothing of that sort. No laughter or her making fun of me. "I believe you." she then said, causing me to open my eyes and look at her. "Why?" I asked her in a surprised voice. Everyone else had been so mean and said I was making stuff up when I was not. At school, the only friend I had told, had gossiped to the whole school and now I was being called a freak.  "Sonia for you to understand, let me tell you a story." "A long time ago your an ancestor of ours did an honorable and heroic thing by saving a special being. That magical being rewarded her with a special gift for that." "What was the special gift grandma?" I interrupted her while she was still talking.  "The special gift was that in our bloodline after every 1000 years that passed if the first-born child was a girl, she would inherit supernatural powers." "So, what am I supposed to understand grandma?" I asked her while looking super confused.  "Silly girl, what I'm trying to say is that you and me Sonia, we are one of the girls who inherited the supernatural powers of the gift." "So, you mean to say that I have powers." Before she can respond I start blubbering. "Can I fly like Supergirl or will I have superspeed like that person from-" Before I could finish my babbling, she interrupted me. "I don't really know because you have to discover the powers yourself, my dear.’’ "Grandma, wait! are you 1000 years old?" I then blurted out after some silence of me digesting everything in my young mind. "Aha finally! I was still wondering when you would catch up to that question. To answer your question,” “Yes, my dear, I am 1013 years older than you," she whispered while giving me a small wink.  And that was the last time I ever saw her...   *******18-year-old Me, in the past*****  "Hello babes, are you alright?” I said nervously on the phone while talking to Harry, the guy I had now been dating for 2 years. He was my high-school sweetheart. A friend of mine had tipped me off that they had spotted Harry coming out of a ring shop.  Which had meant that he was finally ready to propose to me? We had just graduated high school and even though I was now 18 years old, I felt ready to become his fiance. We could then get married during university life as I planned to study to become a Doctor.   Because of that, 2 weeks ago, I had invited him for dinner at my dorm and decided to tell him about my powers. He was the love of my life, and I wanted him to know everything about me, including this.  Although feeling nervous, after dinner as we sat cuddling by the sofa, I finally decided it was time. So, I had first started with telling him the tale that my grandma had told me in the past of the special being and as I moved on to the powers, I could tell he did not believe me and thought I was just joking. However, as I stood up and shifted into a clone of him, demonstrating my shifting power, he had quickly jumped away from me in fear. “Harry, its still me your Sonia.” I cried out while shifting back to myself. At first, he had continued staring me with conflicted emotions. “I’m sorry Sonia but just give me some space to go think about this.” Harry had then said to me while quickly taking his jacket and leaving my dorm in a rush. After that I had continued standing at the same spot, wondering what had just happened. And now after 2 weeks of me in agony, he had finally decided to call. “Sonia, I’m breaking up with you.” As soon as he started uttering those words, I had felt like he was hammering a nail to my heart with each word. “Harry why? You said you loved me. We would always be together. Nothing could ever break us and I was your future wife.” I whispered in a pained voice, “That was before I knew the real you. How can you expect me to marry some immortal woman who does not age after 21, while I will be left to age into some 80-year-old man?” Harry then said shouting angrily. “I’m sure we can find a way.”  I whispered with some hope now, after all he seemed to have thought this through. “I’m sorry Sonia, but I did not sign up for that. You are abnormal and I will not date a freak of nature like you. Goodbye Forever.” And then the phone had hanged up, leaving a girl with a shattered heart.   ******Back to Present time: And so here I was, living agelessly and stuck as an immortal 21-year-old who could not age. Harry had been right to dump me. I would have made his life more difficult. After graduating from university, I thought maybe Harry had been wrong, I could still live a normal life.  I got a good job as a Doctor, but time became my enemy. 50 years passed and I was still looking like a bloody 21-year-old.  As I started getting stares from those who had aged while I did not, I realized I had to move away after all it was human nature to fear the unknown. Being the freak that I was, people would grow to hate and come after me. I also had to break contact with my immediate family, my mom, dad, and my brother Phillip. So, I faked my own death. To them, I died at the age of 30 years old in a car accident.  It was better this way.  So, I lived like a nomad, only stayed at a place for 20 years pretending to arrive as a 21-year-old. Then I would move to start again somewhere else. I cannot even count how many fake birth certificates I had forged. Right now, I was in this little hidden town called Bridgeville. After 5 years of living here, I made a friend, Stacy Clearwaters. The one who had just been shouting at me just now. She was also a supernatural just like me but a different kind. A small part of me was also always looking for my grandmother. After all, she had told me she was just like me and did not age, which meant she was still out there.  Suddenly someone burst through my office door calling my name. I realized it was Mike, a new male nurse who had just started working here. I think he had a crush on me from the way he was always trying to subtly ask me for a date. But sorry for him as he was just a friend to me. I never wanted to go through another Harry thing ever again. After I thought that a small voice scowled at me, "That is why you’re going to end up lonely forever!" It was better to guard my fragile heart. "Sonia!" Mike then called my name again as I seemed distracted.  I looked at him and he then told me breathing heavily, "There is an emergency in-room W11 where some old guy had an animal attack accident and needs medical care quickly." After hearing that news, I quickly ran to room W11 not knowing that this was going to be the start of a new supernaturally beginning in my life.
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