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  CHAPTER FOUR “I really appreciate you doing this for me mum,” I said.   “Nonsense. When it comes to Francis, its not an obligation. Not only is he a sweet little boy but also my first and only grandson. Nothing feels better than stay the night with him,” She smiled.   Looking at her now, I felt a huge wave of guilt wash through me. All my life I had spent my time judging and loathing her for getting knocked up by some rich fellow. Not once did it ever occur to me that I should have given her a chance.   “Are you okay Lana?” She questioned.   With tears brimming in my eyes, I suddenly hugged her.   “I love you so much mum,” I whispered.   “I love you too but is everything okay Lana? You seem both distracted and sad,” She really was a mother if she could notice so easily that something was bothering me even though I tried to camouflage it.   “Yes. Everything is fine mum. I’ll see you tomorrow morning when I drop by to pick Francis up,” I smiled as I pulled away from her.   “Okay. Have a great time at work dear,” She said as I walked towards the door. I was not about to cry before my mother even though my life right now felt very much overwhelming.   “I will mum,” I answered, spearing her one brief smile before walking out to my car.   Twenty minutes later, I packed the Audi in my spot at clubs parking lot.  I stepped out, purse on one hand, my phone on the other while wearing confidence on my office. This place was like my second home and doing something that I actually loved, put all the stress in my mind at bay.   “Looking great Pete,” I smiled at the guard by the door.   “Thank you ma’am,” He answered.   Since we were not opening until another one hour, I needed to oversee everything and make sure we were set. Good reviews were a huge boost when it came to this type of business that had lately been attracting high profile personnel.   “Connor,” I greeted the young man.   “Lana. It’s good to see you back at work. This place is never really the same without you around,”   “Its good to be back too Connor. How is everything so far?”   “Well, restocking was done exactly as you ordered. The receipts and invoices are your office. One of the waitresses, Diana, called in today sick but I already arranged for a replacement. Apart from that, its just the usual business,”   “Great work as always Connor,” I turned to walk away but then a though struck me. Actually, it had been something I had been think for a while now but this seemed like the perfect time to actually put it in action.   “Can you please gather everyone for a minute? I’ll be back downstairs once I’ve put my stuff in the office,”   “Sure Lana,”   My office was exactly as I had left it. It was pretty funny remembering that there was a time I was homeless and this had become my sleeping base. At least then, I was still single because truth be told, being engaged to Andrew was proving more difficult than I had anticipated. Shaking the negative thoughts off my head, I walked back downstairs where all my workers were already gathered.   “How are my favorite people doing?” I greeted with a smile.   “We are fine Ma’am,”   “To be honest, today I’m a really happy woman. I was away for almost an entire week and you never disappointed me at all. Business is booming and there is actually an increase in figures. As a way of thanking you, I’ll be making a five percent increase on your salaries and I know-“I was cut off mid-sentence by their cheering and excitement.   “Now I know that isn’t much but as time goes by and I grow more stable, there is a sure chance of increased pay. Now let’s get ready for opening my people,” It was hard not to feel proud and happy when my workers actually saw me a friend.  I watched them disperse and get to their duties with excited chatter.   “I don’t know how to tell how much that salary addition has put a smile in my heart. To you, it may be small but to me that is very huge,” There were almost tears in Mourad’s face. That made me curious. The Mourad I knew was one great bartender always making silly jones. Seeing him emotionally, peeked my interest.   “Why is that?” I questioned.   “See, the only reason I came to America was to find a job but even with my degree in therapeutic studies, no one was willing to hire me. I started off as a cleaner in a public school until just my luck you hired me. If I don’t get enough money to send back home to India, my sister will not get married. So you see why this kind gesture from you means so much to me,”   “Why have you never told me before?”   “You were kind enough to hire me as a bartender even though I was not well-versed in that area. I made mistakes but you never called me out in the open. Actually, for the first I met such a kind person in my life. There was no need to tell you about my problems. Trust me Lana, lucky is the man who put a ring on your finger. Not only are you a great boss but you have a great personality, something that lucks in many bosses. Keep being you Lana and don’t let money change you like it does to many people,” he smiled warmly then headed off to his spot behind the counter.   His words had struck deep. I was not really a great person but I really wished Andrew would have been here so he could have heard Mourad’s words.
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