Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Running through the woods, my heart is racing I have to get away from this land before my mate the ruthless Alpha Tate finds out what I’ve done. I know when he finds out I ran away he is going to stop at nothing to come and find me. I know I have to be careful he has patrols everywhere. I don’t know how I am going to get past the guards at the edge of the pack lands, but I guess it's not going to matter maybe a rogue is going to be around and they will be distracted from that and I will get through. I know I am going to have to be careful, but I know if I get caught it's going to be hell for me to pay. I don’t know what he will do when he finds me, but I know it's not going to be good. He is going to hurt me and most likely make me work in the mine with the others that have pissed him off. I don’t want to go there again, I almost didn’t make it out last time. “Are you sure you want to do this Abby?” my wolf Mona whined at me. “You know if he finds us he is going to force a lot of things against us right?” “I don’t care, I don’t want to be here. We have to get out of here before he does make us his slave. The fact he has my father thinking everything is a good idea, I don’t know if I can convince my parents it's not a good thing he wants for us.” “He's going to find us one way or another, I know you don’t think it's going to happen like that but he will find us and pull us back here. But we’re not going to have a good life here,” she whined. “Yeah well, we’re not going to have a good life here no matter what. I know you are afraid of the rogues, but we’re going to the human city, I am pretty sure if there are rogues there we aren't going to have to worry about them.” “Babe, we’re always going to have to worry about them, what about the humans? Aren't you worried about them at all?” she begged to know. I know all of this is going to be new to her, but I have a feeling we’re going to be fine as long as she does what I tell her. “We’re going to have issues if you come out and try and control a situation, you have to let me do the talking when we get there. You don’t have any idea of their world, but my father took me to the city plenty of times.” “Well I am not going to leave you there to fight for yourself.” he mused. “But I guess you are going to get what you want, I am not going to be too excited to see you want to be the Boss out there, but if it makes you feel safe fine.” “Good at least you are beginning to trust me a little more, I know I am young. But together you and I are going to make a great team, and we’re going to kick some ass. We don’t need this pack, and even if we want to come back we cannot.” “Are you sure your parents are going to be good without us? I mean you are their only daughter.” “I’ve asked them to come with us, but I don’t think they are going to want to go, they didn’t want to hear it the last time I talked to them about leaving for the human city, and now that I don’t have a choice I am going to leave them behind. They want to stay here that is their choice, but I am going to go.” I didn’t want my parents to stay behind, but they thought I should take up the offer and become a Luna. I think my mate is out there, I don’t know where he is or if we will find each other but that is something I am willing to take a chance on. I know Mona wants to find him more than I do, and that is fine she will keep looking but I am going to make a good life for us. She is going to help when she can, and she is going to have the fun that she has, but she cannot take control and destroy the human world. She cannot tell them that I am a wolf and that I won't take any crap from them. That is the only thing I am worried about with her, if she opens up to someone and that person tells on us, we could get into a lot of trouble. I guess wolves aren't supposed to live among them but who is going to stop me if no one knows? “Just promise me you are going to give this place a chance?” I whined. “I don’t want to come back here and I know it's something that you are trying to convince me of.” “But what if our mate comes and we’re not here?” she whined. “If he comes here, I am sure he will figure it out, the Moon Goddess is the person behind the show, she is going to make sure he finds us at the right time. I don’t know what I will do if he doesn’t, but I have to hold out hope he is going to find us.” “Well you better be right, otherwise I am not going to forgive you.” she mused. “I love you though so I know you are doing the right things for us.” “Good finally, now let's finish getting packed. I want to be gone before the shift change, that way we can get out of here without them finding us.” I said throwing more of my stuff in my bag. I know I cannot take a lot of stuff since I am running by foot but I want to make sure I am not leaving anything behind. I know it's going to be tough when I first get there, but I hope I can find a job easily and then get a room or a hotel place that will rent a room to someone of my age. I am not even nineteen and here I am going into the big bad world. I know my parents are going to freak over this, but I don’t care they have to see I am not marrying or being mated to that asshole Alpha of ours. “Are we done?” she mused. “I know this isnt a lot but I cannot carry a lot and try and run.” “Well, you’re not shifting,” I said rolling my eyes. “I don’t want to get caught, and with you shifting it's going to cause the wolves in the pack to notice our smell. I am going to have to do all of this alone, I mean you’re here but you cannot shift.” “Well you’re not fun,” she whined. “I thought you would at least give me time to shift and play a little on our way to a place where I won't be able to come out when I want,” she whined again. “I know I am complaining.” “You aren't going to stay in my head always, I will get to the woods and let you play. It's not going to be as bad as you think but you have to give me a chance to get settled. I don’t know how this city works but I know we have to be careful.” “I know,” she said backing away. “Let me know when you are going to I can at least see where everyone is, I know that comes in handy.” “It does.” Mona isnt a normal wolf, she can see and feel the others around us. It does kind of help when we want to avoid getting caught, but she also puts out a strong scent so that is another reason I don’t want her running around, but if it comes down to things I will let her shift. I just don’t want our Alpha to notice that I am gone at least not yet. Even though I am sure he is going to come to the human city, I think we will be able to blend in as long as we’re not on the street. I want to find a job near the middle even though I am sure he is going to look there but I hope he doesn’t find us. I hope this is going to be easy, but I have a feeling it's not going to be fun for a bit. “I think I am ready to go.” I finally said, putting my bag on my back. It's a lot heavier than I thought it would be. “Did you get your savings?” “Oh s**t,” I said shaking my head. “If I had forgotten that, then this would have all been for nothing,” I said, taking my bag off and putting the money in. “I am ready now,” I said shaking my head. “Now that I’ve made a mistake, I guess you are going to have to keep kicking me in the butt until we get there.” “Deal.” she mused.
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