Chapter 20: Walk Around Town

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Kurohito decided to take a break from the demands of ruling the kingdom and spend some quality time interacting with the people who had made Savan Kingdom their home. As he walked through the bustling streets, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for the vibrant community that had grown around him. His first stop was near the outskirts, where he spotted Akiho and Kayo engaged in a friendly competition of archery. Kurohito approached them with a smile, watching their skilled shots with amazement. "Impressive aim, Akiho!.." he exclaimed. "And Kayo, your technique is impeccable!.." The two friends grinned, pleased by his praise. Kurohito joined in their banter, teasing them playfully. "Careful, Akiho. Kayo might just surpass your skills one day!.." But he seemed proud seeing their development from when he met them. "To think you two would grow from being scared of the littles things..." "And who liked to skipped their work all the time into a reliable person..." "Ahh... this does bring tears to my eyes..." Kurohito pretends to cry coving his eyes with his hands in a dramatic way. Laughter filled the air as they exchanged stories of their past adventures, reminiscing about the challenges they had overcome together. ... Continuing his leisurely walk, Kurohito came across Shio tending to a blooming garden filled with an array of colorful flowers. He approached her, admiration evident in his eyes. "Shio, your garden is truly a work of art..." he remarked. "How do you manage to bring such beauty to life?.." Shio's face lit up as she shared her knowledge and passion for gardening. "It's all about understanding the needs of each plant, providing them with the right care and nourishment..." she explained. Kurohito nodded, captivated by her words. "It's fascinating how something as simple as tending to a garden can bring so much joy and fulfillment," he mused. "It seems you have lots of knowledge of plants..." "From where did you got all these knowledge..." Kurohito asked. "Umm... Kurohito-Sama when I younger I used to bored staying at home..." "So always sneaked into the forest and collect plants that caught my eyes..." "And by collecting lots of different types of plants I got lots of knowledge about them..." Shio smiled and answered, while looking really happy. ... As Kurohito made his way to the fields, the hardworking villagers greeted him with enthusiasm. They paused their tasks, eager to engage in conversation with their beloved king. "Kurohito, look at the bountiful harvest we've reaped!.." "And because of you the harvest process has been made easier..." "The flying machine that you made automatically harvests all the crops..." "And we have to go around picking up and replanting..." one farmer exclaimed proudly. Others chimed in, sharing stories of their efforts and the challenges they faced. Kurohito listened intently, a sense of gratitude swelling within him. "It's your hard work that sustains the entire kingdom..." he acknowledged. "A simple flying machine is not the one who should get credited..." Kurohito said. "Kurohito-Sama you're so humble..." "You're so kind..." The villagers said. "What crops are you harvesting now..." Kurohito asked. "Were harvesting lots of different kinds of crops..." "Sugarcane, Wheat, Rice, Carrot, Potato, Onion and lots more..." The villagers said... ... Walking towards the mining area, Kurohito witnessed the determined faces of the workers as they toiled under the earth's surface. He approached them, appreciating their dedication and resilience. "Everyone good work, do your best..." Kurohito shouted at the miners encouraging them. "Ohh it's Kurohito-Sama, he came to see our work..." The miners said as they got exited and happy seeing Kurohito. "Look Kurohito-Sama we found lots of Diamonds and Emeralds..." "We also found a big vein on Copper and Iron..." The miners excitedly said... Kurohito got closer to them as to talk with them. The miners beamed with pride, eager to showcase their finds. They explained the intricacies of their work, describing the thrill of unearthing precious gems and discovering new veins of minerals. Kurohito marveled at their expertise, contemplating the immense wealth hidden beneath the surface. "Ok keep up the good work everyone..." Kurohito said and left the mine. ... These interactions, filled with laughter, admiration, and gratitude, allowed Kurohito to forge a deeper connection with his subjects. He realized that his initial goal had transformed into something far greater—an endeavor to create a kingdom where individuals from different walks of life could come together, find solace in unity, and thrive in a society free from discrimination. With each conversation and heartfelt exchange, Kurohito's perspective shifted. The importance of the relationships he had formed with the people of Savan Kingdom became more apparent to Kurohito. He saw how their lives had been positively impacted by the inclusive and harmonious environment they had collectively created. The more he listened to their stories and witnessed their happiness, the more Kurohito realized that his role as a leader went beyond completing quests or fulfilling his own desires. It was about the well-being and prosperity of the community he had come to care deeply for. The weight of responsibility settled on his shoulders, but it was a burden he willingly embraced. As the day wore on, Kurohito's interactions continued, with conversations flowing naturally from one encounter to the next. He discussed dreams and aspirations with young children who eagerly shared their ambitions, listened to the concerns of the elderly, and engaged in light-hearted banter with the mischievous teenagers. In these moments, Kurohito felt a deep sense of connection and purpose. The kingdom he had built wasn't just a physical place; it was a sanctuary where individuals could be their true selves, supported by a diverse community that celebrated their unique attributes. The transformation of Savan Village into a thriving kingdom had become a testament to the power of unity and understanding. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the kingdom, Kurohito found himself standing at the highest point, overlooking the bustling streets below. The peacefulness of the scene washed over him, and he couldn't help but smile at how far they had come. The worries and doubts that once consumed him were replaced with a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment. In that moment, Kurohito made a silent vow to himself and to the people of Savan Kingdom. He pledged to continue fostering an environment where everyone could flourish, where their talents and contributions would be valued regardless of their race or background. The quest to form alliances in other dimensions would come in due time, but for now, he understood the importance of cherishing the present and nurturing the bonds that had already been forged. With a newfound sense of determination, Kurohito descended from his vantage point and made his way back into the heart of the kingdom. There was much work to be done, but he was no longer alone in this endeavor. Together with the people who had become his family, Kurohito would continue to build a kingdom that stood as a beacon of hope and acceptance for all. And as he walked, engaging in conversations and sharing laughter with his subjects, Kurohito couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the unexpected journey that had brought him to this moment—a journey that had transformed him from a mere player with a quest into a true leader, dedicated to creating a world where everyone could thrive.
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