Chapter 12

1964 Words

That night Odin started to sweat really bad. He was moaning and tossing in his sleep. Persephone woke up by the sounds Odin made. Huginn was also looking very concerned about his owner. He gave him little pecks, but Odin didn’t respond at all. He even didn’t notice Persehone licking his face. She looked at Huggin. What was going on? It felt like her instinct wanted to tell her something. She concentrated and started to sniff in the air. A rotten smell came from Odin. She followed it and soon ended up by the bite from the snake earlier. The wound was now dark, and it smelled terrible. Poison! Persephone ran out of their camp and started to pace back and forth, considering her options. What could she do?  Huginn was created to protect Odin, so of course, the raven knew what to do. He flew t

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