Chapter 2

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Hera was looking at her reflection in the water of the sea. The sea always has a calming effect on her. That’s probably because her brother is Poseidon, God of the sea. Her reflection gets broken every time it gets hit by a wave. Her thoughts were wandering again to the previous hours in court. If Osiris would’ve had her way, Odin would’ve been banished. Thankfully, the jury stepped in with another punishment. One that was still horrible in the eyes of Hera. She repeated the whole scenario of the court in her head again.    “Odin, do you deny leading the titan Crius to the Crown Of Destiny?” Osiris was looking harshly to Odin. This was finally her chance to take revenge on Zeus. Although it was thousands of years ago, she still felt the heart pain when Zeus choose Hera over her. Osiris had loved Zeus deeply. Looking at Odin, the son of Zeus and Hera was a reminder of the man she lost. She will never forget the day that Zeus had left her.   Odin was looking at Osiris in a very determined way. He wasn’t planning on letting that woman have her revenge through him. The jury didn’t notice it, but he knew very well that the Goddess was still heartbroken and angry because of his father’s love for his mother. Hera had told that story to Odin numerous times.   “Yes, I led him to the Crown but..”  Before he could finish his sentence, Osiris interrupted him.   “So you admit it? You dare to confess to everybody here in the court that you helped a titan steal our precious Crown? She gave a shocked expression in the direction to the members of the jury.  “I only think death could fit such a high crime… Why would you do that, Odin? Why would you betray us? “She’s waving with her hands in front of her eyes, pretending to hold back the fake tears.    Damn, this woman was theatrical…   “No, I didn’t know he wanted to steal it, I even…” She interrupted him again.     “Do you know how many betrayals there were made? Many wars have begun because people made the wrong choices because of their lack of knowledge. But that didn’t stop the betrayals, and that didn’t save lives during wars. They were still responsible. You made a mistake, and you’ve to pay for it. Even if you didn’t know that this would happen. Gods have died because of that man. The Crown is the only way we can defy Cronos when he comes back. And now you’ve taken that chance away by losing it!” All the Gods in the court started whispering. They haven’t heard that name in a while. Hearing it brought back all the horror they had been through.    Odin was biting his tongue, trying not to kill that woman right then and there. He was the son of the supreme God Zeus, the highest in rank. He couldn’t stand how disrespectful Osiris was treading him. She was on her turf, she was boss of the court, but had only gained that position because she was respected. Her entire life, she had acted fair. There were even sculptures made of her. Statues that were representing a woman with a blindfold who was holding a sword and a scale. But when it was about Zeus, all her honesty disappears, and she let anger lead her. By acting this way, she could lose her position in the court. And that would be a disgrace. Then she wouldn’t be anything anymore.    But two could play that game, he wasn’t planning on trying to convince her. Instead, Odin focused on the gods in the jury.   “My dear members, I hope I can speak to you all, this time without interruptions… “ He took a little pause to give a meaningful look in Osiris’ direction. She answered, rolling her eyes.  “The titans gained our trust by standing at my father’s side thousands of years ago during the war. Since my father was chosen as a ruler, he made our empire strong and steady. We can all sleep now, knowing we are safe, our children can grow up without the fear of getting killed for power. This couldn’t be achieved if the titans hadn’t chosen to help us then. When a trusted friend Crius asked me to look at the famous Crown Of Destiny, I wasn’t aware of his plans to steal it. Would you deny such a simple favor to someone who helped to have peace in our empire? I think everybody would’ve done the same thing if they were standing in my shoes!” He looked at the members one by one, still standing proud, showing worthy of his rank. Several members of the jury and gods in the court were al nodding. Admitting that they wouldn’t have refused the simple favor either.   “So Osiris, are you saying that everybody who agreed with me has a lack of knowledge and should be punished for this?” Now everybody who nodded was looking angry at Osiris. Calling God’s dumb was not really a smart thing to do. Gods were known for their ego. Odin gave a sly smile at Osiris. He had used the same twisting technique as her. Both were apparently good at twisting each other’s words.   “No certainly not, I think the members of the jury and the Gods are very clever and special.”  Great, she started kissing asses again… Odin rolled his eyes and let out an irritated breath.   “And these clever men should also find that even though you didn’t know of the betrayal, you were responsible. And real Gods should clean up the mess they made.” The gods were again nodding in agreement.    Great, give those bastards full of ego a compliment, and they follow that person right away… Odin now sees how pathetic they are. Most of the Gods hadn’t accomplished anything in years. They’re still living in the past where they actually accomplished things, unlike the members of his family and serval good friends. They were always busy every day, protecting the kingdom and watching over the people on earth.     “I am all in for taking responsibility for the mistakes I made like a true leader. I won’t disappoint you, I’ll go take back the Crown. If that’s what the members of the Jury want. Then it won’t be a punishment for me. It’s the way it is supposed to—the way a leader has to act. I won’t let you down. “   The jury members were cheering. And speaking to each other.   “What a great leader we have.”  “You can see that’s the son of Zeus.”  “Zeus must be very proud.”  “Our realm is saved if it’s watched by such good leaders.”   The juries all stood up. “It’s decided Odin, you are with this charged with the duty to get the Crown back.”    Osiris was getting furious how did this whole situation change so quickly. Odin has the same ability as his father winning people over. Now they are praising him when he’s the entire reason the Crown got stolen in the first place. At least she has one thing that makes her happy...   “Wow, Odin, it’s so brave to travel to there looking for the Crown knowing that your powers don’t work on earth. While titan’s abilities are way stronger there. To take such a dangerous task upon you.”   Osiris was smiley very mischievously. She’ll make sure he’ll die in his quest on earth. And then she would send her son and help him get back the Crown. She and her son will be praised while the other Gods Zeus and Hera will be laughed at for having such a weakling child.    A big wave got Hera out of her memory. She was completely drained.   “Ha Ha, very funny brother” Hera looked in the waves “I will take my revenge” She was a little excited by the thought of taking revenge on her brother for his little joke. It’s was a game they played when they were younger, and she was all too happy that it never changed between them. She loved her brother very much. For Gods, the family was essential. Except for Osiris… she’s been hurt too many times. Finding your true love among the Gods was very hard. The man Gods would take their time choosing a woman. When they had chosen, they stayed together for eternity. So they took their time to find the right one. Zeus thought he had found the one when he met Osiris. Until he had met Hera. He was stunned by her beauty and kindness. He had met her by the fountain of love. Hera had just wished to meet her true love, and there he stood, the future king among Gods. It was love at first sight, and he felt awful to let down Osiris. But you can’t change your feelings, and they were made for each other. The only one who could tell if people or Gods were made for each other was Aphrodite, her best friend. But she and her family disappeared after an attack. Not a day goes by that she doesn’t think about them. Aphrodite had given birth to a beautiful baby girl. Hera was made the godmother of that beautiful girl and loved her dearly.   Aphrodite even said that her girl and Odin were made for each other. They had such a beautiful future ahead. They would become one big happy family. Until a Chimaera escaped out of Hades’ netherworld. He wanted to take revenge on Hades for all the torture he had been through, his punishment for standing on Cronos’ side during the war against Zeus. The Chimaera attacked Hades’ beloved wife, Aphrodite, himself, and their daughter. When the Gods caught the Chimera, it laughed hysterically, and it had never spoken a word about the family. The only reason it’s still alive is that Hera hopes he would tell what happened to her dear friends and godchild. Because their bodies were never found.   Hera was surprised out of her thoughts when two strong arms surrounded her.  “Mother don’t you worry about me” Odin felt the fear of his mother. She was just too protective. But he understands that. She had lost her best friends and her godchild in a place everybody thought was safe. And now he had to go to earth was his powers were no use.    “You have to look out, Odin, Osiris is planning something. The way she changed her mind so fast, she is up to something I can feel It. “His mother snuck out of his embrace and started to pace back and forth while talking. “But don’t be afraid, son, I’ll guard over you. “After she finished that sentence, she started to sing a song in the old languages of the Gods. Only a few Gods still now this language.    When you leave me behind, my child, you’ll always be on my mind.  Let my eyes see everything that is a danger for you  Let me give you the strength to go through.  Let me be the guide on your journey  Son, I will never leave you behind   Let me create something for my child Something of me, to protect something that’s mine.   And when my child is about to lose, let it protect him and keep him save Help him come back to me, let my tears form a protective wave and a wall no enemies can go through.  Please remember, mommy watches over you. Hear my song, and let’s begin To create my son’s very own raven Huginn.    After the song, waves, sand, and a piece of black clothing from Hera’s dress combined together. And formed a beautiful raven. Feathers and pecker as black as ebony. It was more prominent as a normal raven and stronger. It flew to her and bowed his head. It looked like he was making an oath to her. Then it flew to Odin and nestled himself proudly on his shoulders. Odin felt a connection with his new animal and knew they would be a strong team together. He had a strong ally by his side now, one he would cherish.  “I will keep him save mother” Odin was looking very confident and strong. He was ready for his mission.   “The whole point of Huginn is that he can keep you save, son.” Hera gave him one big hug and turned her back to him, unable to hold back her tears, not able to say goodbye to her only child.    Zeus wasn’t so scared as his mother. When Odin came to him, he had only a few simple words.  “Son, don’t take to long, come back soon. I don’t like to see your mother so worried. Go to your room, prepare yourself and come to me.”   Odin gathered his things in his room while Huginn was looking at him, making a noise when Odin forgot something or took something he didn’t need. He understood Huginn perfectly. When he was ready and wanted to go to his father, a knock was heard on his door. “Come in, it’s open” Huginn stood in a defensive mode ready to attack whatever danger was lurking. But it was no danger. It was a very close friend of Odin. It was a weird friendship because the Sagittarius was even older than Zeus. The Sagittarius was half man half horse. He had met Odin when he was little. When Odin was a little boy, he got lost and ended up on the Sagittarius’s training field. Intrigued by the fighting skills of the warriors, he copied their movements and joined their training.. The Sagittarius was taken away by the little strong, determined boy and became a mentor and close friend.    “Odin, I want to give you a gift before you go.” His friend was not happy to let his friend go on such a dangerous mission alone. Sagittarius trained Odin to handle swords, knives, and fists, but Odin had always preferred to fight with his powers.     “You never wanted to listen. You never took the training seriously, and know what you’ve learned is the only thing that will help you now. I am glad your respect for me was healthy enough to convince you to train. But I am not planning on letting you go without my help. Here are a bow and arrows. The bow is made from one of the stars that draw my image in the sky. If you use this bow and arrows, you will never miss the target. Please accept my give to make the worries of my heart feel lighter. “   “I’ll accept everything from you, my friend, my mentor. Thank you for everything. Every time I fight, I will think of your wise lessons. Please protect my mother and keep her company when my father is too busy handling empire affairs.”    They said their goodbyes and got to the main hall in Zeus’s palace. Gods were standing side by side in 2 rows, bowing their heads when Odin passed them. At the end of the rows, Zeus, Hera, and Poseidon were waiting for him.    “Son Huginn will watch over you like I would.” Hera gave a meaningful look at the raven.  “Nephew the water will protect you, heal your wounds, and bring messages.” Poseidon hugged his sister, who looked at him thankfully for the gift.  “Son may my strength be with you”  “Odin prince of the Gods, our kingdom counts on you, our soldiers look up to you, we don’t say goodbye. We say see you soon” All the gods yelled the sentence together, and then Zeus waved his hands, creating a portal. Odin stood before it, looked back one more time Huginn on his shoulder, and disappeared. He Huginn and the Crown would soon be home.   
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