Chapter 12 killing

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Cheyenne’s P.O.V   When I finally woke up Mercury was still holding me tightly in his arms, but I really needed to use the toilet, so I gently and carefully moved his arms without waking him up. I got off the bed, went to the bathroom, did my business and washed my hands. While I was drying thcem I looked at the clock and saw that it was still early. I walked back into the bedroom and Mercury was still sound asleep, so I decided to treat him and make him breakfast, my way of thanking him for holding me last night after my nightmare. I snuck out of the room and went downstairs to the kitchen, I got out the food I would need and started cooking. I cracked a few eggs, diced some tomatoes and onions up, then some shredded cheese, mixed it up and poured it into the pan. I got the bacon and fried it, then made coffee. When all of it was done I put the food on the plate and washed everything else up. I put the plate and coffee on a tray and then walked back upstairs to my room. When I got there Mercury was still asleep, so I put the tray down on the nightstand and began to wake him up.   Mercury’s P.O.V   I was having the best sleep I've had in a long time and this night was awesome, but when Cheyenne woke me up and told me that she had a bad dream I was more than happy to hold her in my arms. I smelled bacon and coffee and felt as though I was being shook. I opened my eyes and saw Cheyenne sitting on the bed next to me. I had a huge smile on my face when I saw that she was happy and smiling.   “Morning, sleepy head. I made you breakfast and coffee, it's a thank you for last night.” Cheyenne said, leaning over me, taking a piece of bacon and putting it in her mouth as she sat back down. I was more than happy to eat and drink coffee. When i was done i looked up at Cheyenne, smiling.    “Thank you, everything was delicious. You're a good cook.” I said, kissing her cheek.   “Thank you, so what are your plans for today? Any business to take care of?” Cheyenne asked, taking a drink of her coffee. I thought for a moment about the things I had to do today and then it came to me.   “Actually yes, but it's not nice business. If you want to come along you are more than welcome to, but I'll warn you it can get heavy.” I replied and now it was her turn to think.   “Well, it's better than just sitting around here all day and waiting for you to get back. How shall I dress?” Cheyenne said and I chuckled at her way of thinking.   “Dress all in black.” I replied and even though she looked slightly confused, she just shrugged her shoulders and got up to get dressed. I went back to my room and took a quick shower then got dressed.   Cheyenne’s P.O.V   I dressed in black jeans and a black top with black jacket. I brushed my hair and put it up into a ponytail and then decided to wear my black knee high boots. Well, he did say to dress all in black for some odd reason, so I did. I walked downstairs and he was already waiting for me, he was wearing dark blue jeans and a black shirt, he was placing something in his jacket pocket and even though I didn't quite catch what it was, I knew it was shiny.   “Are you ready to go? There are a few rules when you come with me. First, don't ask questions, they will be answered later when we get back. Second, if i tell you to leave and go to the other room, do it. Third, if we get into trouble i want you to use this.” Mercury said, handing me a revolver.   “Do you know how to use a gun?” Mercury asked and all I could do was nod my head, as I looked at the gun in my hand.   “Good, when I tell you to shoot, I want you to shoot. Okay?” Mercury said and once again I nodded, still looking at the gun. I was starting to regret saying that I wanted to come, but this is what I wanted and needed to see.   “And please, for goodness sake don't shoot your foot or hand off. Come on, let's go. We’re already behind schedule.” Mercury said, taking my hand and leading me outside. I walked over to the car we normally use when Mercury pulled me back.   “No, not the car, we’re going in this. You can see out, but you can't see inside.” Mercury said, pointing over to a long black SUV that had blacked out tinted windows. Okay, this is getting weird, I thought to myself and got into the SUV. I put the gun inside my jacket pocket, like how I was told to, then Mercury got inside and we drove off. I didn't ask where we were going or how long the drive was going to be because I didn't want to know. Mercury put on the radio and instead of the usual country music it was heavy metal music, the music where all they did was scream and shout. I tried to zone it out as we carried on driving, but it was really loud. We drove for another twenty or so minutes and then we pulled down a long dirt road. I was looking out the windows, watching the woods and it seemed like the only thing to do until we reached our destination. I was hoping I would see deer running or maybe a bear walking, but all I saw were hawks and eagles, diving down to get their meals. It was a little scary, but this seems to be his life and if I was going to be with him then this will be my life as well. We finally stopped outside this house and it looked like it would collapse at any second, mercury got out the SUV  and came round to my side, opening the door for me. I got out and Mercury stood in front of me.   “Listen, when we walk inside do not say a word. Be a mute unless they talk to you. Have your gun ready and one more thing….” Mercury said, reaching up and taking my hair out of the ponytail, letting it fall freely down my back and over my shoulders.   “There, now you look like you don't play nice with others. When we walk in there just stand with your arms crossed and your legs apart some. I'll tell them you're one of my guards.” Mercury said and I nodded.   “Alright, let’s go.” Mercury said, turning around and walking ahead of me. We walked inside the run down house and there were six guys inside and then suddenly three more walked in. I looked at them and I knew these three Trevor, Spike and Cody…..Cody? My eyes went wide when I saw him, he was Amber’s future husband. What the f**k is going on here? What the f**k is he doing here? I knew not to talk, but from the looks of it Cody was just as surprised to see me as I was him.   “So, Alden what's the deal here? Why the call? What do you want now?” Mercury said, clearing his throat. A tall muscular guy stood up from his chair and walked over to him.   “I want out of here, boss. I want to be a part of your world again, to have the money, the glam and the power.” Alden said, but I could see he was hiding something behind his back and as soon as I saw it I went and stood protectively in front of Mercury.   “Who is this, your bodyguard? She doesn't look like much of one.” Alden said, smirking. He moved to get in front of me, but I again moved in front of him, blocking his path.   “Listen b***h, if you know what's good for you you would move.” Alden said, glaring down at me, but I didn't move and just stood there.   “I SAID MOVE b***h!” Alden shouted and took the knife out that he had been hiding, slashing it at me and before I knew it I had taken my gun out and shot him in the head. I watched the body of Alden fall to the floor, but I didn't realise that he had caught me with that knife at first. I dropped the gun and just calmly turned around, walking out of the house. As soon as I reached outside I dropped down on the ground and all I could hear inside the house was a bunch of growling and screaming, then everything went silent. I felt myself being picked up and carried, I could see parts of the SUV as I was lifted into it and then all I could hear was Mercury.   “GET TO THE PACK DOCTORS NOW!” Mercury screamed and everything went black. I kept waking up and then losing consciousness and the next thing I knew I was being carried again, but this time I was being laid down on a bed. Everything went black again and I was out cold.   Mercury’s P.O.V   Alden lashed out at Cheyenne with a silver knife, but thankfully he missed her and she shot him in the head. Cheyenne dropped the gun to the floor and calmly walked outside and that's when all hell broke loose inside. Trevor, Spike and myself shifted and took care of the other six men, while Cody was fighting another man. Once we had finished I rushed outside to Cheyenne only to find her collapsed on the floor and bleeding. I thought he had missed her, but the wound on her stomach said otherwise, so I quickly picked her up and rushed over to the SUV. I screamed at whoever was driving to take us to the pack doctors now, while I tried to stop the bleeding, but it was coming out faster and faster. We made it to the pack doctors in record time and I rushed Cheyenne in, laying her down on a bed. The pack doctor came rushing in and as soon as he saw the state of Cheyenne he got to work and packed off her wound. He put an IV in her arm and hooked her up to so many machines, then looked at the stab wound.   “Alpha, she's not a full wolf yet, so the silver in the knife did not harm her body or her blood, but the knife left a deep gash in her side and she is going to need stitches. The knife hasn't hit any organs, but she has lost a lot of blood, too much blood and will need a blood transfusion. Are you willing to do this? Are you willing to risk her being changed into a werewolf? You need to hurry and decide because she's fading fast. I'll stitch up her wound while you make a decision. You have until I have finished to make a decision.” Doctor Cloud said and left the room, coming back in with a staple gun. He gave her a local that way she wouldn't feel anything and then proceeded to stitch her up. It took twenty staples in total to close her up and when the doctor was finished he placed everything down and turned to face me.   “Have you decided?” Doctor Cloud said, but I was in a daze. Could I risk her being turned into a werewolf? Should I mark her first or after? Would she still want me or would she leave me? Would this really save her life or could it make things worse and kill her? All these questions were running through my mind.   “ALPHA, have you decided yet?” Doctor Cloud said, shouting at first to snap me out of my thoughts.   “Yes, but first….” I said, coming back down to earth. I turned to Cheyenne and leaned down to her.   “Cheyenne, there is so much i need to tell you, but you need a blood transfusion and i'm going to give you my blood, but it will change you into something you might not like, that you might just hate. I'll be there for all the answers, but i'm going to mark you, fully mark you and if you hate me when you wake up then so be it, but at least you will be alive.” I whispered, trying to explain to her and I just hope she somehow heard me. I leaned forward and bit deep into her neck, marking her as mine, then pulled my canines out and licked the wound so it would heal.   “Let’s do this.” I said, rolling up my sleeve and holding my arm out to the doctor. I sat down on the chair next to Cheyenne and the doctor came over with a needle, some clear bags and a long tube. The doctor found a vein in my arm and stuck the needle in, then taped it in place, he attached the tube to the end of the needle and clamped the tube shut, then he attached a bag to the end of the tube and removed the clamp. My blood started coursing through the tube and into the bag, when the bag was full the doctor clamped it shut again, removed the bag and put the next one on, unclamping the tube again. The doctor finally had enough of my blood and began the blood transfusion on Cheyenne, he had three bags of my blood in total and it took six hours for the transfusion to be complete.   “Now we wait and see if it worked. Her vitals are good, but she's going to have to want to come out of it.” Doctor Cloud said and I sat down, shaking my head.   “I've never turned anyone before and if she hates me when she wakes up I don't care, at least she will be alive. If she rejects me then I will never have another Luna, I will forbid it.” I said, more to myself than anyone else. I didn't know what to do, I've never been in love before. I’ve slept with many women and used them until I got tired of them, then never called them back, but with Cheyenne it's different. Yeah I bought her, but it's different now, I love her.   “How long will it be until she comes out of it?” I asked Doctor Cloud, but he just shook his head.   “Who knows, it could be a day, a week, a month. It's entirely up to her.” Doctor Cloud replied.   "Cody, bring me a change of clothes, I'll be here for a while, I'm not leaving her.” I said, mind-linking Cody. Even though he wasn’t a werewolf I could still mind-link him and he could mind-link me back because I am the Alpha.   "Yes sir, should I tell Amber?” Cody replied, very quickly.   "NO, she doesn't know she's a werewolf, when the time comes, she will know in time.” I replied, shaking my head, it was Amber's decision when she told her, not mine.    "Yes sir, I'm on my way to you now.” Cody said and I cut the link and looked down at Cheyenne. If she's as strong as I think she is, she will wake up in a few days and then she will know everything. I looked down at my arm where she bit me during one of our s*x times, she marked me without her even knowing she did. I belonged to her now and I’m going to keep it that way.   "If my pack would see me now, they would think I went soft and they would think they can go buck wild. I'll have to show them differently once she recovers.” I said, chuckling and turning to face Doctor Cloud, but he looked at me like I was nuts.   "No sir, no one will think that. Your Luna is just as hard as you are, I can feel the power coming off of her. She will be an Alpha as well and together you two will rule, just don't let it get to your head or you will lose her.” Doctor Cloud replied and as I looked back down at Cheyenne, so many thoughts ran through my head as I watched her.
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