5 - Coralanna Escapes

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Coralanna POV     I had been stuck at that Goddess forsaken pack for ten long years now.  I was determined to escape this ruthless pack of worthless mutts once and for all, even if it meant death.  I can not stay here for another night.  Sure I might be hurt and it's going take me hours to get to the Silver Moon Pack but this bullshit has to stop.  My body can't handle the trauma of getting brutally raped and beaten like this anymore.     As soon as Sasha stitched up my wounds for what felt like the millionth time at this point, she carried me to her room.  Mark had started beating me with the whip on a regular basis just for the fun of it and my back hurt something awful as she laid me down on her bed.  She told me to rest for a few hours while she put together a care package for me to take.  I did as she said and let sleep take over my mind, hoping that the nightmares would stay away for a change.       Sasha woke me up a few hours later.  She had a small back pack filled with a few sundresses and a little bit of miscellaneous food.  I saw a small chunk of bread, an apple, a bottle of water, and a few small pieces of jerky.  It was enough to sustain me on the journey and I was grateful.       I didn't want to change out of my torn clothes because I knew that would make the wounds on my back sting worse.  Sasha tried to give me her tennis shoes but I refused to take them because they were the only pair she had.  Instead I slipped on a pair of slightly oversized flip flops.     It was sometime after midnight when we both walked through the pack house trying to be as quiet as we could so that we didn't wake anybody.  We heard talking behind a few of doors and would instantly freeze up and look around before we silently continued.  As soon as we walked out of the back door of the pack house, I took in a deep breath of the fresh air.       Sasha grabbed my hand and gently pulled on it to get me to follow her into the woods.  As soon as we got there, she whispered, "Can you wear the backpack while you ride on my wolf's back."     I hooked on of the arm straps around my neck and let it dangle on my side.  It was still painful but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle considering everything I had already been through.  I gave her a thumbs up earning a smirk from her.  She quietly removed her clothes and shifted into a beautiful white wolf with patches of black.  She crouched down so that I could climb onto her back.  When I was securely holding onto her neck, she sprinted through the woods in the direction I needed to go.  I was amazed at how soft her silky fur felt against my sore body.     As soon as we reached the border, she crouched down and mind linked me that we were at the border.  As soon as I slid off of her back, she shifted back into her human form.  Instantly tears formed in her eyes as she walked closer to me.  She gently gave me a hug as she said, "Please run as fast as you can at first.  No time for a long goodbye, but know that I love you and I hope you find the happiness you deserve."     "I love you too, Sasha.  Thank you for everything," I responded as I kissed her cheek.  She immediately shifted back to her wolf and sprinted back into the woods toward the pack house.       I stood there for a second and took a deep breath.  I turned around and started walking at first because my back was now stinging like crazy.  I had been walking at a fast pace for about fifteen minutes when I heard a twig snap behind me.  s**t, I thought to myself as I looked around for whatever caused the noise.  When I didn't see anything, I sprinted in my current direction, hoping to see the road I was looking for soon.     Suddenly I heard a pair of footsteps running behind me.  I didn't dare to look back as I pushed myself to run faster.  After about five minutes of running, I tripped over a log that had fallen and fell on top of it.  Before I had a chance to stand back up, I smelled Mark's familiar scent.  I rolled over ripping the stitches on my back and started kicking him as hard as I could.  Surprised by my sudden willingness to fight back, he stopped for just a second.  My foot shot forward and landed on his face knocking him backwards.       I jumped to my feet and ran over to him before he had a chance to try to get up.  Immediately I stomped on his stomach as hard as I could, effectively knocking the wind right out of the piece of s**t.  I don't know where the burst of energy came from, but it was like ten years of pent up rage came flooding out of me.  I plopped down on his chest and laid punch after punch to his ugly face.  By the time I snapped out of my fit of rage, his whole face was a bloody mess and he was unconscious.     I jumped up and grabbed the back pack, then I found the log I had tripped on and sprinted in the direction I had been going.  I had lost my flip flops when I was kicking Mark, but I kept running as fast as I could.  I refused to take the chance of another one of them catching up to me.     When I reached the road, I ran across and into the cover of the forest as I ran in the direction of the Silver Moon Pack.  I refused to stop to rest and when I did eat on the food Sasha had sent me with, I continued moving forward just at a slower pace.  After what felt like the entire night, a huge gate appeared in the distance.       By the time I reached the gate, I could barely walk because my feet hurt so damn bad.  They were cut and it felt like there was glass or something embedded in them.  I could feel blood slowly seeping out of the gashes on my back where all of the stitches ripped during my last encounter with Mark.       As soon as the warriors guarding the gate saw me, two of them ran towards me.  As they got closer I watched their eyes go wide in shock as their jaws dropped.  They were by my sides within seconds each locking an arm with mine to help me walk.  I looked over at the one to my right and breathlessly begged, "Please help me.  Please you have to hide me.  They will find me and hurt me again.  Please don't let them find me, please."     When the pain in my feet became too much, I went limp between the men.  The one on my left quickly scooped me into his arms and gently held me so that my side was on his arms and my face was against his chest.  I could only assume he held me that way because of the bleeding wounds on my back.  As I sobbed from the pain that was quickly taking over all of my senses, I heard one of them say, "The Luna is on her way.  She said to not let the girl out of our sight for even a second."     Within a few more minutes, the pain and total exhaustion took complete control sending me into a deep state of unconsciousness.  The last thing I remember is hearing one of them say, "Stay with us.  Don't go to sleep youngin, stay with us."  But there was no staying awake at that point, no matter how hard I tried.     The next time I opened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful black haired shewolf hugging what must have been her own pup, because the girl had the same shiny black hair with a hint of dark blue streaks.  When I looked around I groaned in pain making everybody's eyes snap to me.  I noticed another beautiful shewolf standing to the side with a serious look on her face.       Both of shewolves had very strong witch auras surrounding them, but the black haired one's seemed just a little stronger.  However, the other shewolf also had a Luna aura surrounding her.  She must be the Luna that Sasha had told me about.  She sure fit the description that Sasha had given me.  She had shiny black hair with silver streaks and silver eyes.     After I told them who I was, I learned that my mum used to part of this pack.  I was surprised that my mum had never told me that, or I was too young to retain the information when she did tell me.  When I told them about the Red Moon Pack killing my parents and abusing me, I saw pure anger flash through both of their eyes.       I hadn't noticed the guy standing behind me until he asked if I was hurting, and just the sound of his voice scared me.  I started trembling before I responded that I was okay.  He quickly left after that, but not before he mind linked with the shewolf that I had learned was named Andrea.  As he picked up the pup and headed up the stairs, I assumed he must be Andrea's mate and the pup's dad.  He seemed nice but I couldn't control the fear that ran through me at the sound of his masculine voice.  I wonder how long I will be like this, I thought to myself.     They informed me about him being my doctor and that the pup is a hybrid with a healing ability that she used to help speed up the healing process on my wounds.  I was completely amazed and wished I could get Sasha here to see this pup.  It was something she had talked about often, and I knew how rare it was to possess such an ability.       A few minutes later, the Luna excused herself, leaving me alone with Andrea.  When my stomach began growling, Andrea asked if I could walk.  I gently swung my legs over the bed and stood up with Andrea's help.  After a few steps, my wobbly legs steadied and I was able to walk up the stairs trying my best to ignore the pain that still lingered on my feet.  Andrea heated up some lasagna for me and I gladly accepted the delicious smelling dish.  When I finished eating, she got me a blanket and pillow, then set me up on the couch in the living room.  I was still exhausted from everything and fell asleep within minutes of my head landing on the softest pillow I had ever laid on. Anton POV     As I laid in my bed, trying to fall back asleep, I couldn't stop thinking about the intense pain I had felt earlier in the night.  It was one of the worst and that's saying a lot since the fits of pain had been getting worse since that night at my sister's wedding.  I felt like I was slowly dying inside every time I felt that horrible pain, but as I laid there, my sister's words kept playing through my mind.  'Bethany and I both feel a connection to her.'       I couldn't stop thinking about it.  After about an hour, I got out of bed and threw on a pair of sandals.  I would need to be up soon anyway, so I might as well just get my day started now.  In the hour I had laid there, I had decided I am for sure going to visit Andrea.  It had been a long time since I saw her and the pups and I was beyond ready to see them all.  Even I didn't feel a connection to this mysterious shewolf she spoke of, it would still be wonderful to spend a little time with Andrea.     When I got to the kitchen to make some coffee, Alpha Damien was already in there and had a pot brewed.  I quickly poured a cup and added two sugar cubes and a little creamer.  As I sat down and stared at my steaming cup of coffee, I dazed off thinking about what my mate must have been through.  If the shewolf there is my mate, she showed up there in bad condition.  What all could have happened to her over all of these years?  The thought made me frown at my coffee without me even noticing until Alpha Damien cleared his throat, then said, "Anton, what is going on?  I haven't seen you frown like that since your parents died."     I stared him straight in the eye as I said, "Andrea mind linked me this morning.  She said a battered shewolf showed up there and something about her and Bethany feeling a connection to her.  I can't help but wonder if its my mate.  I know she must have took a serious beating last night because of how bad the pain was in my chest."     He furrowed his eyebrows before he said in his serious alpha tone, "I am ordering you to visit your sister.  If there is even the possibility that she is your mate and she has been hurt, you should be there.  Get your suitcase packed.   I expect you to be on the road by nine at the latest."     I was a little stunned, but quickly responded, "Yes, Alpha, thank you."  There was no stopping the infectious smile that spread across my face at the thought of seeing my family and maybe my mate.  I quickly packed my suitcase and told Alpha Damien bye before I got on the road and headed to the Silver Moon Pack.  As I pulled out of the driveway, I thought to myself how glad I am that she went to Andrea's pack since they have the protection spell covering the entire territory.          
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