chapter 4❤

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Early in the morning, the sun began to rise in the horizon and showered it’s never-ending mercy and proceeded to light up everyone’s life… Starting with the sun, the birds too began to welcome the new day happily with the start of their sweet and melodious chirping along with the tunes of nature. Everyone was busy in the morning following their daily routine and filled their part by doing their work, making the city wake with its bustling noise. Slowly the roads began to fill and the daily office workers and others maneuvered their way towards their destination… Unlike the busy waking city, the other side of the city with less noise, less pollution, less crowded streets and few people to begin with started its day really slow.. Since there is no big buildings to be filled with people, the suburban area, had its own benefits. The peaceful environment provided a sense of tranquility to the natives of the area and the passersby. In that peaceful environment, stood a two storey building with a faint white paint. The garden before the house was plain and vacant indicating the traces of the withered flowers and plants of the past. The grass was unkempt and told their sorry story to the passersby. The two storey house had cracks and few damaged parts on roof reminding everyone that it once had a glorious view and had had the better days in the past. Unlike the peaceful atmosphere offered by the quiet neighborhood, the inside of the house, didn’t seems to absorb that quality of peace. The quiet moment in the early morning was disturbed by the screeching sound of Mary's yelling... “Bella…..Bella!!!!!Wake up…..Why can’t I see any breakfast on the dining table today? Where the hell have you been???”. Due to all the disturbance caused by the yelling of Mary, a small figure at the second floor began to stir in her bed. “Bella!!!!!” bellowed Mary suddenly, which shook the whole house a little. The voice sent a shiver down the spine of Isabella, who was sleeping on her bed. She woke up with a jolt. Due to the sudden action, she felt a little dizzy and fell down from the bed on the hard floor of her bedroom. The sudden impact to the floor, woke her up completely from whatever little sleep present in her eyes and brought a little pain in her back, due to which she groaned lowly. She began to rub at the injury soothingly in instinct. When the pain subsided a little, she looked around to capture her surroundings and came to her senses. Only then she realized that she fell from her bed in her sleep. When she was lost in her thoughts, she again heard a loud noise. “Bella…??!!”. Due to the sudden sound, she was startled and jumped a little. Only after a few seconds, she realised that the sound which made her to fall on the hard floor of her bedroom was none other than the voice of her sister-in-law Mary, who was busy yelling her lungs out in the early morning angrily. Only then Bella saw the clock in her room and cursed herself lowly. Usually she was the first one to rise early in the morning. After doing all the household chores and making breakfast, she would wake up Mary to have her breakfast. But today she slept in a little late, due to her severe headache. She took tablets for her headache last night, due to which she overslept in the morning. ‘Realizing there is no breakfast, sister-in-law began to yell for me' thought Bella. “Coming Mary. Give me a minute” answered back Bella. She quickly got up from the floor and rushed to the bathroom. Quickly doing her morning routine, she brushed her teeth and washed her face clearly, to get rid of the remaining sleep. She quickly did her long sandy blonde hair which she got from her mother and put it in a lazy bun on top of her head and headed downstairs. Due to her fast movements, she tripped a few times, before coming face to face with a scowling Mary. “Why there is no breakfast today. You are so lazy Bella. I’m hungry. I want my breakfast” grumbled Mary unhappily. “Sorry Mary. I slept in due to the tablets I took for my headache last night. Don’t worry I’ll finish everything within half an hour… I’ll go and prepare your breakfast. Please wait for 5 minutes” told Bella and rushed inside the kitchen without giving any time for Mary to say anything. if she stood there and gave the opportunity for Mary to speak, then she would scold her like there is no tomorrow. she would never hear the end of it. Seeing Bella rushing past her to the kitchen, Mary was dissatisfied and mumbled to herself unhappily… then she had a last look at the kitchen and went to her room. “Be fast. I want my breakfast in 5 minutes” came Mary’s grumbling voice inside the kitchen. Bella shook her head lightly and began to cook breakfast for the family. Isabella is a high school graduate. Though she is petite, she is a beauty with her sandy blonde long hair which reached her waist and eyes as blue as the pacific ocean which always had a special attractiveness to it, which made people who saw her eyes to get lost in its beauty. She stands at a height of 5.2 with a slender body. Though she is small, she had curves at right areas making her look like an enchanted fairy, who came out of a children’s fairytale book. She is innocent and kind at the same time. Which is why everyone she comes in contact with loves her very much due to her pure and humble personality. She even helps others as much as she can even though she can’t do any big help, she would help them in small matters within her grasp. She lives in a two storey house in the downtown of the city with her dad Isaac Williams, elder brother Oliver and Mary, her brother’s wife. …………….. Hi darlings and sweeties…..How are you all……how was Isabella….. What do you think about Mary……comment ur feelings……. Luv u all??….see u in NXT chapter …………..
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