Chapter 11 Hell

2277 Words

As my phone started ringing, I was brought out of my rambling mind, so I picked it up, to check the caller ID. It was Clarissa who was calling me. I looked at the watch, it was 3.12 pm. “What now Clarissa, I don’t have time f..” she cut me off, as she was panicking. “Cathrine is gone! When I came home no one was here, only Charlotte and she was tied up in the kitchen!” She cried in the phone. “Where are Charlie and Grame?!” I asked her. “They are not here, even their car is gone, Chase you don’t think they..” she didn’t finish. I gave a loud growl. I couldn’t believe this. I knew they never really liked humans, but I would never have believed, in a million years, that they would stab me in the back like that. F***ing traitors! I hammered my hand on the steering wheel, as I turned the

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