Chapter 2 Girls’s night out

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As soon as I came down to the street and I checked my phone, I saw two missed calls. One from Adam and another one from my best friend Serena. I sent a brief message to Adam, and then I called Serena. She had been there for me, from day one, as her parents had been best friends with mine, but she was also against my relationship with Adam because she knew me and my story. “What’s up C?!!!” I had to take my phone away from my ear, so I wouldn’t go deaf by her voice. “Not much, Sisi, just that I GOT A JOB AT CARNIVORA!” I revealed, and we both screamed. Even though we both were adults, we couldn’t stop acting like kids when we were together. “That’s amazing C, wow! I didn’t believe it would work, everyone I know have been turned down by them!” I smiled, as I crawled back in to my car. “Yeah, I know, I can’t believe it myself either” I cried back at her. “We have to celebrate it, I’m coming!” I rolled my eyes at her. I knew that she wouldn’t take a no for an answer, and she had a good job, so she could just take the next flight and be here in an hour. Her family had never been in any lack of money either, so she never knew how it was to be missing out on anything, so, I just accepted her own invitation. She booked at flight to 2.30 pm, and she would arrive 3.35 pm. It gave enough time to go home and get ready, before I would pick her up in the airport. When I arrived home, I was congratulated by Adam, who had bought a beautiful cake. “I knew you could do it!” he continued with a big smile and gave me a kiss. I smiled at him. “I know, although, I only got a job as an assistant. But you know me, I have no intention on staying there. I’m going to show them what I’m capable of.” I reassured him, as I took a bite of the delicious cake. He nodded reassuringly at me. “I know you will, but if you don’t have any plans, I was think..” I stopped him before he finished. “Well, about that.. Serena has kinda invited herself for a girl’s night out.” I bit my lip and looked up at him, I could see he was a bit disappointed, but he just smiled at me. “That’s fine, then go get ready, we can do it some other time then.” I gave him a bright smile and ran up the steps as I yelled, “I love you!”. I was standing at the flight gate, waiting for Serena. As soon as she saw me, she started to swing her arms up and down like I hadn’t seen her. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and smile, at the same time. I ran to her arms, and we hugged for a long time. “Looking good C!” She chimmed while giving me the look. I laughed a bit. “You too, Sisi.” I replied. Unlike me, Serena was very outgoing and liked to show off, if we haven’t been friends since childhood, I don’t believe we would have been, because of our different view on everything, which were unlike each others. I loved her to pieces, but she could be a little over the top sometimes. “Now listen to me, C! I just found out that, there is this amazing nightclub, in your town. We have to go there, I’ve heard that all the biggest VIPs are coming there”. She was over the moon, talking about this club. “I don’t know, isn’t it kind of expensive, Sisi?” I told, as I gave her a worried look. “Oh come on, you know I'll pay, and maybe some hot guys will bring us some free drinks” she spoke carelessly, while wiggling her eyebrows. I got a little frustrated by her attitude towards Adam, and I know she noticed, because she quickly changed it. “Don’t worry C, I promise to be good.” she gave me puppy eyes, while crushing her heart. I gave her a gentle push on the arm. “You better.” I warned her, as I gave her the look. And we both laughed, while leaving the airport. At 08.00 pm, we were standing outside the club. The music was so loud, that we even had to yell outside to hear each other. As we walked to the entrance, we were stopped by security. “Only invited guests are allowed” Serena was trying her best persuading the guy, but he wasn’t giving in. Just as we were on our way to leave, three men came to the entrance. “They are with us!” One of them told. The men were all very tall and also muscular build, in the same way as all the men I had seen at my job. what was it with all those good-looking guys in this town? The security guard looked at them and then at us. “Are you sure about that?” I wasn’t certain whether he was asking us or them, but Serena was quick to answer. “Yes of course!” The guard look hesitant, but he let us all in, and my first impression was just wow! The nightclub was so big inside, it really looked spectacular. I had never seen at nightclub this fancy. I got surprised, when one of the guys positioned his arm on my shoulder, he smiled at me, and then yelled. “Well guys, shouldn’t we buy some drinks for the ladies, to wish them welcome to our town?” I looked up at him confused. “How do you know we not from around here?” I asked him, while trying to get loose of his grip. Hejust grabbed me tighter as he leaned closer to my ear, before he whispered. “Let’s just say, that you smell too nice, to be from here.” It ran cold down my spine, but I chose to let it go, because Serena seemed to have so much fun. We went over to get some drinks, and then me and Serena were dancing. While we danced, I suddenly felt like someone was staring at me. But before I could get a chance to look into it. The guys were back. “Don’t you two, want to come with us to the VIP lounge, at the top floor?” I had a bad feeling and looked at Serena with knitted eyebrows, so she knew I didn’t want to. “Come on C!, it’s going to be fun!” She begged me. But before I could utter my opinion to her, she already turned to the guys. “We would love to!” She said with a big flirtatious smile and a wink. The guys returned the smiled, and then glanced at each other, as they seemed like they just said something to one another. Although that would be impossible, cause their lips weren’t moving. It had to be, right? Serena took my hand and started dragging me along with her. It still felt off, but I just sighed heavily and followed her. Not long after we came in to a big dark corridor with different lounge rooms. We could hear the deep bass sound from the music, but otherwise it was almost soundproof. I started questioning my decision to come here, if this really was such a good idea after all, but Serena didn’t seem startled at all. “Here we are ladies” one of the guys opened a door and showed us the big lounge, with two big sofas and an oval table in the middle of the room. The music in the room was as you could talk. One of the guys took Serenas hand and started dancing with her, the second guy had gone out to get some more drinks. The guy from earlier sat down beside me and laid his arm around me. I tried to push him off, but he just squeezed into me, so I couldn’t move. He leaned over, as if he were going to kiss me, so I turned my head away. “I can’t, I’m married” I blurred out, as I showed him my hand, but he didn’t seem affected by it. “We are just having fun.” he smiled and laid his hand on my a*s. Out of the blue, I slapped him in the face, which surprised him, so I could raise from my seat. “I said NO!” I yelled, as I stepped back. It made Serena and the two guys stop up, as they looked over at us, they seemed surprised by my sudden attitude, but didn’t say anything. I saw a flash of anger in his eyes, but he quickly collected himself, and smiled at me. “Okay, I’m sorry, if I made you feel uncomfortable, we are here to have fun, so I’m sorry, if I made you upset.” I couldn’t read him, so it was hard for me to see if he was genuine. But I chose to give him the benefit of my doubt. “It’s okay, I’m sorry that I hit you.” I replied in a calm voice. “Hey, no hurt feelings, right?” he put out the hand to shake, and I smiled. “But I will not be drinking anymore, someone has to drive her home” I grinned while pointing at Serena, who was now making out with one of the guys. “Fine, Lucas, go bring her a soda, you can drink that, can you not?” I smiled and nodded my head and as we were waiting we just talked and listened to the music. I found out, that the guy’s name was Brad and the one who Serena was glued to was Kris. Soon after, Lucas returned with a soda, which he gave to me, and I thanked him. “Let’s toast for new friendships!” Brad said. Everyone raised their glass, and we all yelled “to new friendships!” And started drinking. As we were talking and having fun, I suddenly started to feel dizzy. “Are you okay, Cath?” Brad asked, looking directly at me, like he was observing the situation. Serena was still too busy sticking her tongue down Kris’ throat, to even notice, what was going on. “Yeah, I’m just a little dehydrated, I think.” I began to feel sick, so I wanted to go to the bathroom. I tried to get up from my seat, but I almost tripped, as I felt like the floor was moving. “You sure you’re fine?” Brad chuckled. I just nodded at him, as I tried getting a grip on something. “I think I’ll go for some water and some fresh air” I mumbled. As I was trying to cross the hallway, I heard Brad walking towards me. “Come, let me help you.” he put his arm around me and lifted me up, like it was nothing. Then he walked down the hall and in to one of the rooms and placed me on the sofa. Even though I was very disorientated, I knew something was wrong. “Brad, I need to get home.” I tried to sit up, as I heard the door lock. “Brad, what are you doing?” I asked him. As he walked over, I saw his eyes turn black, like he almost was a different person. He pushed me down, and I felt him inhaling as he put his face against my neck. “Please don’t do this, Brad.” I pleaded. I could feel how much I wanted to run and scream, but I couldn’t move a muscle. “Please, get off me” I cried as I was trying to push him away, but he was stronger, and I was starting to lose control over my body. “You can’t do this.” I whimpered, as I didn’t have any more fight in me. For once, Brad looked me in the eyes, but the way he looked at me was terrifying. It felt like he was a predator looking at it’s prey. I was shivering as his hands moved down over my curves and under my dress. I felt the last energy in me left my body. But suddenly, I heard the door was making a crashing sound and I felt Brad was removed with force. I couldn’t see who it was because my vision was so blurry, and I couldn’t move at all. “What the f*ck is your problem?” I heard Brads angry voice yell. But seconds later I heard a voice I found familiar, but I couldn’t really place it. “She’s mine!” The person growled. Brads voice suddenly sounded scared. “Sorry Alpha, I didn’t see it was you” okay, what the hell!?, firstly, this guy call me his, and now he is some kind of alpha? I suddenly felt a sparkling sensation as the unknown guy lifted me up. I didn’t know why, but some how, he made me feel safe. “Leave NOW!” He growled, and I could hear Brad’s footsteps going stumbled backwards as he spoke. “Of course alpha, I’m sorry.” I felt like floating with every step he took, and soon I drifted off..
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