Devastating News

953 Words
George began to visit Mary at Hatfield on an almost daily basis. They went horseback riding, had picnics, and took long walks in the gardens or beside the lake. Sometimes they brought scraps of bread to feed the ducks. "My life here was so dreary until you started coming to visit me," Mary told George one day. "I'm so glad to be able to bring joy into your life," George replied. "You've certainly suffered more than you deserve." Something in her smile, in the way the wind gently lifted strands of her hair, tugged at his heart. "May I kiss you, Mary?" "Why, of course!" Mary's heart began to thump madly. She fervently hoped that he couldn't tell. As he gently lifted her chin and softly kissed her lips, an icy shiver went down her spine. It was as if she had been transported to another world, one of sunshine and rainbows. For several days in a row George didn't visit Hatfield. Mary missed him and worried about him. She hoped that he hadn't fallen ill. Another fear, which she tried desperately to push from her mind, was that he may have become enamored with a lady at court. It was with a mixture of relief and dread that she finally saw him arrive one day. He greeted her warmly and seemed genuinely happy to see her, which made her feel slightly better. However, he seemed unnaturally quiet during the visit, which perturbed her. She tried to ignore it at first but finally could bear it no longer. "You seem unusually quiet, George. I feel that something weighs heavily on your mind. Would you care to share it with me?" Mary felt her stomach turn over as she watched emotions flicker across George's face. "I may as well tell you now," he said at last, obviously with great reluctance. "It wouldn't be right to keep it from you. My daughter was born several days ago." It was as if Mary had been struck by a bolt of lightning. "Your...daughter?" "Yes. Her name is Emily." Mary choked back tears. She was determined not to let him see her cry. She turned and ran back toward her quarters as fast as her legs could carry her. "Mary! Wait!" George called after her, but she ignored him. Throwing herself across her bed, she gave in to the great sobs wracking her body. She couldn't believe how foolish she had been to think that he could actually have cared for her. When she had cried until no more tears would come, she began to pray. "Dear Lord, I have made a huge mistake. I have allowed myself to care for a man whom I should have known better than to love. After all, his sister is a w***e. How could I have ever expected him to be any different? Now he has informed me that he has known another woman carnally, that she has borne his child. For all I know he may be secretly married to her. And all this time I thought that he sincerely cared for me, that he was chaste as I am." To her surprise, George returned to visit again the next day. She couldn't believe that he would actually have the nerve to do so. She saw the look of hurt and confusion on his face as she turned away from him and was determined not to let it affect her. Several more times over the next few days she noticed him looking at her with longing in his eyes and refused to acknowledge it. Then one day Eustace Chapuys arrived with devastating news. "Your blessed mother is near death," Eustace told Mary. "The King has given permission for you to visit her one last time." "I must go to her right away!" Mary cried. Mary was shocked at the change in her mother's appearance. The normally strong and stoic Katherine looked so weak and helpless that it broke her daughter's heart. Katherine's eyes lit up when she saw Mary. "My Mary," she said, reaching for her. "I came just as soon as I heard," Mary cried, running into her mother's arms. "Mother, please don't leave me!" "The Lord is calling me to His side. He has a beautiful mansion prepared for me above, far away from this world of sorrow and woe. Treasure my memory in your heart, dear child, and never forget how much I love you." "I won't, Mother. I promise." "Cling to God and to His church, my child. Fill your life with prayer and strive daily to do all that He calls you to do. Pray the rosary that He will bring you a husband equally devoted to Him and His true church. I wish you a long and prosperous life, my darling daughter." "I love you, Mother. Please don't go!" "I love you, darling Mary. May God bless you and keep you until we meet again in heaven." "Oh, Mother!" Mary clung to Katherine and refused to let go until gentle hands were pulling her away and covering Katherine's face with the sheet. Mary sobbed until she could cry no more. Upon her return to Hatfield, the first thing she saw was George waiting for her with mournful eyes. Her previous bewilderment and hurt over him vanished, and all she could think about was how badly she wanted his arms around her. How she ached for him to hold her. "George." She took a step in his direction, and instantly his arms were around her, stroking her, comforting her. She clung to him as if she were drowning and he was a raft, felt his lips kiss her hair, heard his whispered words of comfort.
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