#Chapter 124: Tell me how you’ll touch me

1666 Words

“And then what happened?” I heard my voice changing, getting louder and deeper. My skin was flushed, hot with anger. Cal blew air out the side of his mouth. “I had him pinned on the ground, next thing I knew. I was telling him off. But he fought me pretty good. Kid may be dumb as a box of rocks, but he’s built like an ox.” “Who won?” “I did. I had him half choked out by the time the bouncers were on top of us. We’re lucky they didn’t call the cops. We all got the f**k out fast after they intervened.” “I heard there were members of another pack involved. What about that?” “I heard about that, too. Afterwards. Sounds like some other wolves that happened to be at the club saw the fight breaking out and wanted to get in the mix. I didn’t see any of that, though. I was pretty wrapped

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