#Chapter 35: An easy decision

1260 Words

Alexander “I’m sorry to bother you, Sir, but I had to show you immediately.” I plucked the letter out of the soldier’s fingertips warily, keeping my eyes locked on his as I did so. Something in my gut was telling me not to trust this man. It was, after all, the same soldier who dared to disrespect me in front of the pack just the day before. But my suspicions of him flew out the window when I started reading the letter. Because they had a new target. “Tell me where you found this.” “I was going to get an extra workout in,” he said. “And came across something I didn’t expect out in the yard. A, uh… well, first a little pile of clothes, and then the girl they came off of.” “What?” “Yeah, uh, there was this purple-haired girl, and, well, I don’t know how else to say it, Alpha Alexande

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