#Chapter 8 Only he can help us

1379 Words

Third-person  "No." Alexander denied the accusation by Kayden that he could be fond of Fiona. There had been a moment when he had dreamt of her in that blue dress stretched out like a cat waiting for him in his bed. That perhaps he would pursue her as a mate. However, when he learned of her father’s position and her pack, that dream crumbled to ashes.  She was the daughter of a man he hated and would have his revenge. Alexander was a patient man, and good things came to those that waited. However, the sting of grief would always remain when he recalled the news of his mother's death on the battlefield at Tamarac because of Fiona's father. Kayden pulled up to the hotel. “If you’re going to marry Fiona, you should give her a chance to prove herself without the shadow of her father cas

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