#Chapter 15 Someone wants to kill her

1238 Words

Alexander   The soldier who threw the javelin rushed to Fiona and Susan’s side and apologized many times for almost hitting her. Anger and fear tore through me in a red wave of heat, and I couldn’t think. Everything was red, and I wanted to tear everyone down. Peering at Fiona on the ground, I took a deep breath and pushed the anger down. Once I shifted from my wolf back into a man, a soldier tossed a pair of pants at me. I quickly put them on and picked up the two halves of the javelin. Susan helped Fiona up, eyes wide with fear. Susan fussed over Fiona, dusting her off. “Oh my, are you okay?” I stared at the javelin pieces, felt their weight, and scented them. Something was off. I stared at Fiona for a long moment without a word. I could have lost her and the baby in one blow. My

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