#Chapter 75: We have to find her

1331 Words

Alexander “I’m worried about Fiona. She didn’t look well this morning.” I wiped my brow with the back of my wrist, slicking off a film of sweat. Kayden jumped neatly over a fallen log, landing his lead foot in a puddle. We both got doused in mud. “Yeah? How so?” “She looked pale. Had dark circles under her eyes. And I don’t know if I’m imagining this, but she looked thin, too. Like she lost weight over the past few days. It’s not good for her or the baby, the distance she’s keeping between us.” “Still won’t let you near her, huh?” “It’s not like I don’t understand. But she’s punishing herself more than she’s punishing me.” We slowed our pace as we neared the end of the trail we were running. I took a long, deep breath, relishing the tastes and smells of the damp forest air. “Yo

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