#Chapter 111: Before sunrise

1351 Words

Alexander Fiona’s windchime alarm woke me from an anxious half-sleep. I’d been in and out of vivid dreams all night, startling awake every hour in the middle of clear and precise thoughts, all of which revolved around the two things that were troubling me in my waking life. The odd, unsettling business with Iris was one of these things. The problems brewing within my pack were the other. I caught Fiona by the wrist before she could slip out of bed and pulled her back to me. Her phone clattered onto the bedside table. “Stay just one minute.” My voice was hoarse from disuse and a touch of dehydration. “Okay.” I heard a smile in her voice. She buried her face against my neck. “One minute only though.” I kissed the top of her head. Her sweet smell filled my senses and instantly s

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