#Chapter 113: She was here to stay

1576 Words

Fiona A sharp cramp in my abdomen nearly buckled my knees in the middle of the morning meeting. I gritted my teeth through the sudden pain, doing my best to make sure no one in the room was any the wiser to my troubles. No one seemed to notice. That’s just instinct to me—hiding pain. It’s a well-practiced skill, and one that’s useful in many situations. Fighting? Letting your opponent see your pain gives them power and makes you more vulnerable. And this executive meeting? What a wonderful thing that would be to break down in front of everyone, just when I’m trying to win over their confidence in my leadership abilities. I did not need my coworkers to start seeing me as a delicate, wailing pregnant lady who probably ought to be home with her feet up instead of here bossing them aro

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