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It was a bright sunny afternoon in the village of Idina, there lived a handsome young man whose name of obinna, he was the son of obadike the farmer, his mother died during child birth and obadike was left to raise obinna alone and he did so excellently, obinna grew up to be hardworking and respectful like his father, they both worked and toiled day and night to support each other, his father was very proud of him. Idina was ruled by king aleko the third, a just and righteous king, his wife Queen adaeze was beautiful and they were both loved by all their subjects, the king and queen were blessed with a daughter, princess adaobi who was so beautiful that all neighboring kingdoms kept sending gifts and their princes just to get her hand in marriage, but in all her beauty and splendour, the princess developed pride and ego, she became so proud that she felt that she was too good for any man, she rejected them all without giving a definite excuse as to why she rejected them.... Father they are not my taste she would say, but they are handsome princes what else do you want young lady, the king asked?, Father they are not my taste, I want a man with smooth skin and not a spot or blemish just like me, you must be out of your mind the king said, look here young lady you are beginning to get on my nerves with your impossible demands in a man, if you don't make your choice soon I will make it for you, Adaeze talk to your daughter before I lose my temper!! the king said turning to his wife before leaving the courtyard, my daughter listen to your father ooo, me am tired of all this your meandering on this topic, but mother!!!, Hush it!!! Don't mother me, have said my own too, am heading back to the kitchen let's go before your dad ask for his supper, his angry enough as it is, yes mother.
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