Dealing With the Past. Part Two

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The hours passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was 3 o’clock. I stood, stretched and headed out into the bar. There were maybe ten people not including staff. A few were seated at the bar, the rest spread out through the seating area. I saw Jace and Megan behind the bar. Jace was pointing out things and explaining them to her while she nodded. I walked over and smiled. “Hey Megan, how are things going?” “Oh my goddess Jessie hi, there is a lot to take in, but so far it’s going great.” she said with a smile. I could tell she was a bit exasperated, but there was determination in her eyes, and I liked that. “That’s good, I think I’m going to start you on as a server. It will give you a chance to get used to the place and get familiar with the menu. After a week or two, we can start teaching you to tend bar on the slow days, if you’re interested?” I saw the smile on her face grow, and I knew this was the break she was looking for. I was willing to give it to her. She packed up her life in Texas to be with my brother. A year ago, Jace decided he wanted to get away from our family and the pack in order to find himself, and I found him on my doorstep. I gave him a place to live, and a job. After six months, he really came into himself, and decided that he wanted to make his impromptu visit permanent. When he went home to let Mom, Dad, and our older brother know he bumped into Megan, who had just gotten back from her own journey of self discovery. As soon as they saw each other, they knew they were mates. Jace told her his plan, and she packed her bags, found an apartment, and here we are. “That sounds fantastic Jessie, thank you so much for this. I didn’t think it would be this hard finding a job out here.” I laughed and said “Yeah, California is much different than Texas, huh?” She simply nodded her head, then ran off to help a customer that had gotten her attention. The hours passed like seconds, nor surprising on a Saturday night. It was 11 o’clock, three more hours until last call. I was really looking forward to it tonight. My body had been acting weird for the last hour. My heart was racing, and I was sweating a lot. I was drinking water like I had just spent three days in the desert. I thought maybe I was coming down with something, like the flu. What was really getting me, was the scent of cinnamon that seemed to hang in the air. It was alluring and remined me if found memories with my father. He loved to have cinnamon sticks with his coffee. It made me crave some thing cinnamon flavored. Jace usually had some Big Red gum with him, but of course the one night I want to hit him up for a piece he doesn't have any. Bastard. I was currently wiping down a table on the upper level, so that the people waiting patiently for one could use it. I got a strong whiff of that cinnamon and I had a feeling Jace was holding on and tormenting me. It seems to be his favorite pass time. As I finished wiping down the table, I heard a loud short whistle from the bar that was meant to get my attention. When I turned around, Steph, my closing bar manager, nodded her head toward the bathroom, where a couple of guys were pushing each other and shouting. The loud music and people talking made it so my sensitive ears didn’t hear them right away, the fact that I was feeling off didn't help either. I could see a fight brewing and I was not having it. Now don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t care less if they wanted to beat the s**t out of each other, but no one fights in MY bar, tables and chairs were expensive. Most of the time I didn’t have a problem if people started to fight. Brian would usually just stand up and growl. One growl from him had even me shitting my pants, and I don’t intimidate easily, it’s why I love having him here. There were those occasions that I had to step in and break up a fight like I did now. Brian had to step out to grab pens, because for whatever reason we were out. “'Ay!” I shouted, and since I had alpha blood in me, allowed my voice to carry. As soon as the word left my mouth everyone stopped talking and the music quieted down. The two that were fighting looked around for the disruption, and once their eyes landed on me, the shorter of the two’s eyes widened and he paled slightly. He was slowly becoming a regular, and he had seen me in action a time or two, did not want to be on the receiving end of it. He started to slowly shrink back and move away from the big guy. The big guy on the other hand, I had never seen before, and he just looked at me like I was gum on his shoe. It irked me. “What do you want, little girl?” His voice was deep, he narrowed his eyes and smirked when he said the last two words. Remember how I said I was irked, now I’m pissed. “No fighting in the bar.” I said as I slowly walked down the steps, not taking my eyes off this asshole. I made sure that my voice and face didn’t give away just how angry I was. He scoffed and rolled his eyes before saying “What I do, does not concern you, little girl.” I was ready to drop this guy. It didn't bother me that he didn't know the rules or who I was. I wanted to kick his ass because he disrespected me, twice. “Rules state that if you want to fight, you take it outside. This is a bar, not a brawling ring.” He just stared me down, then he smirked and looked around before looking back at me. “Who’s going to stop me? You?” He had the nerve to laugh. By this time I was standing royghly two feet from the guy and he had maybe three inches on me, but I’ve taken down bigger. “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into buddy. That girl will mop the floor with you, without batting an eye.” Someone behind me shouted, one of my regulars, no doubt. “What, this little thing?” He said looking me up and down. “I bet she can’t even give me a hand job without getting tired, let alone kick my ass. Why don’t you be a good little girl sweetheart, and grab me a beer?” He laughed and turned to find the guy he was trying to fight. “You need to check what century your in. Since you clearly you didn't get the update. It's no long 1950, women are not here you tend to your every need. Get your own damn beer and sit the f**k down.” I was beyond pissed, and as much as I wanted to punch this guy in the d**k, I didn't want to start a fight, but I also wasn’t going to let him think he could talk to me like that. Hell I didn’t want him to think he could talk to any woman like that. I guess he had never had a woman talk back to him because he whipped around so fast and was mere inches from my face. I could smell the whiskey on his breath. “What did you say to me?” He spat the words at me. His face was so red, I was sure he was holding his breath. “Do you need me to repeat it because you didn’t hear me, or because you’re stupid?” I know I should stop talking my mouth has gotten me into more than my fair share of trouble. Right now I didn't care, I was done with this guy, and I wanted him out of my bar. “You b***h!” I should have seen the hit coming, but I was off my game tonight and I didn’t even know he had taken a swing till it connected with the side of my face. It was hard enough to make me turn my head. I placed a finger to the side of my mouth and saw blood. Oh I am so dropping this mother fucker! I thought before I hit him with four jabs to the torso. It caught him by surprise and knocked the wind out of him. He doubled over in pain and tried to catch his breath. While he was bent over, I hit him with a right hook that clearly put him in a daze that I took advantage of. I grabbed his left wrist, turned my body and flipped him over my shoulder. Once he landed on the ground, I looked up to see Brian walking in the door. He looked at the guy on the ground then back up at me. “Welcome back, I have some trash for you to take out.” I said a little out of breath, and oddly a little dizzy. Brian simply nodded at me and handed the bag he was holding to Steph. He walked over, grabbed the guy off the ground and threw him over his shoulder like he was nothing before locking eyes with me. “I’m sorry I missed it.” He said in that deep, deep baritone of his. Brian was a big fan of watching me fight. He always said that it was truly impressive watching someone so seemingly harmless take a full grown man down with little effort. He knew how to stroke a girls ego. “You can always watch the security footage. I'm sure it’s a good show.” Brian simply nodded, before turning toward the door to show our unwanted guest where it was. Once he was gone the bar erupted into loud cheers and cat calls. At this time, the other guy that was a part of the original fight approached me. “Hey I’m sorry about breaking the no fighting rule, that guy was in my face over nothing.” He looked really guilty and he looked at the ground. “Don’t worry about it, I won’t hold it against you, you were backed into a corner.” I said as I clapped a hand on his shoulder. “You should get back to your friends.” He smiled at me and walked back to the people he came in with. I looked down and saw my hand was bleeding, I needed to take care of that. The one crappy thing about being only half werewolf is that I don’t heal as quickly as a full blooded one. I still healed faster than a human though, even so, I needed to get this cleaned and covered. I walked up to the bar and got Jace’s attention. When he walked over I told him what he needed to know. “If you or anyone else needs me, I’ll be in my office. I need to get cleaned up.” “I got you sis, Oh, and nice take down.” He smiled and we did our makeshift fist bump. We touch the side of our fists instead of the knuckles because Jace says everyone does that and he wants us to be different. “I think he might look at women differently now that’s for sure.” I grinned and walked down the hall and into my office. I shut the door before walking to my filing cabinet with the first aid kit. With the kit in hand, I sat at my desk and started working on my hand. It was awkward since I am in no way left handed, but I got the job done and was just finishing wrapping my hand when I heard a knock at the door. I assumed it was Jace coming to check on me. “Come in.” I called, not looking at the door when the smell of cinnamon filled the air, I looked up. I was met with the most perfect pair of lime green eyes, and it was in that moment that I realized why my body was reacting the way it was. My wolf and I weren't able to communicate through words. We are only able to communicate through feelings. So it wasn’t until I locked eyes with this stranger, that I realized she was in her own way screaming that he was my mate.
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