Untitled Episode

229 Words
Gamila is not as easy to find as her sisters thought she would be. Throughout the centuries, she became a master in her field and that is being untraceable.  She moves like a shadow, taking everything and everyone she finds desirable, and she thrives on making hers what once belonged to others. Titles, certificates of ownership, not even simple decency or women's solidarity mean a thing for her. Actually, the more something seems unreachable, the more she wants it. A beautiful home, that annoying blonde's husband, a red shiny Porsche, that one painting that would go great with her curtains, nothing is safe or sacred. It's not like she can help it, it's in her nature, and she stopped asking why she's like that a long time ago. After all, a little Magpie is nothing if not adaptable.  But when driven by a challenge from a criminal underworld, she agrees to steal a ruby necklace, worth a small fortune she doesn't know her entire life would turn upside down. The shadows that she so far treated as her safe haven, would now start to hunt her, not to mention the disturbing news about being wanted by the werewolves and associated with them individuals.  How will our little Magpie handle the mess she created on her own? Will she run, or will she finally understand the sense of her existence?

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