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WHEN June is certain that the thugs were gone she approached the dark alley. Soft cries emit from the darkness. “Hello.” She called out. She put her hands up to let the person in the dark know that she means no harm. “I’m here to help. The men who harassed you were gone already.” A loud sob and a scratching sound later, June felt a small body collide with hers. Two slim arms surround her torso. The side of the woman’s forehead bumped with her chin. She almost staggered if not for her good balance. She was rooted on her feet as sparks bombarded her senses. It electrifies the depressing thoughts invading her mind since she left the bar. This is what they have been telling her. When mates touched, sparks will be felt skin touched.   June grinned. She tentatively put her right hand at the lower back of the woman in her arms. As if it calms her, the sob reduced to soft cries. But the crying woman’s arms remained on her back holding on as her life depends on it. Well, a few minutes ago, yes. She felt bare skin in her palm. The top of her mate must have ridden up when she reached out for her hands. Sparks speak louder as their skin made contact. The smile on June’s face widen. She sniffed. They said, your mate will smell like your favorite thing in the world. She chuckled softly. The woman in her arms is indeed her mate. She smelled like sweet strawberries. Like her favorite milkshake and shortcake. June looked up and expressed her gratitude to the moon goddess for the blessing that is in her arms. She found the person made for her. Finally, at 28 years old she got hold of her elusive mate. A while ago at the bar, she was having a meltdown. The two years that the alpha gave are coming to an end in four weeks. She was feeling hopeless already. She expressed another ‘thank you’ by having a female mate. The moon goddess really knew her children. Her s****l preference was one of June’s dilemmas. Though she openly informed her immediate family that she likes women, the moon goddess assures that the population of the werewolf community will not perish. The goddess normally paired off male and female werewolves. She seldom put together same-s*x couples. Only a small part of the pack population has same-s*x mates. It was also a blessing that their pack never discriminate against same-s*x mates. They perfectly understood that it was the decision of the goddess herself to pair the homosexual mates. June was never attracted to men in general. She has been praying to the mother of werewolves to gift her with a woman for a mate. She would probably reject her mate if he was indeed male. Thank goodness, the goddess listened to her plea. June looked down. She openly stared at her mate. In her height of five foot - eight inches, the woman in her arms just reached her chin. She caressed the black, shoulder-length mane of her mate. Her sobs finally stopped. “You’re safe now.” “Thank you.” Gently, her mate pulled away from her. June will be able to see the face of the person that the moon goddess blessed her with. With messy hair, a tear-stained face looks up. June’s gray eyes met hazel eyes. Wet long lashes adorned rounded eyes. Thin lips and button nose complimented her round face. Her mate petite mate is beautiful. “Feeling better?” She asked with a smile. Her little mate nodded. “We should get out of here.” June guided her mate towards her bike. She put the helmet at the petite woman’s head. She helped her ride in the bike before turning on the accelerator. They stopped in front of the convenience store. The store is about half a mile away from the dark alley. It is quite safer here since the place is well lighted and CCTV is installed out front. She helped her passenger before unmounting herself. She leaned on the bike and aid the petite woman in removing the helmet. In the bright light, her mate is more beautiful. Her expressive eyes screamed innocence. A frown marred June’s face. She gazed at her mate intently. Her mate is quite young. Goddess. “How old are you?” She muttered almost in a whisper. “Eighteen.” Oh, goodness. She scratched her nape. She looked up. In her mind, she is asking the moon goddess why she was given a very young mate. “Are you okay?” Her young mate asked. June found the teenage woman staring at her. A frown is forming in between her thick but well-formed brows.  Brows still puckered, her mate blinked a few times. The teenager scratched her eyes with the back of her hands. “Are you alright?” This time it was June who asked. Her mate nodded. “My glasses. It was left in the alley.” “I don’t want you near that place again. You have to visit your doctor, I’m afraid.” “It’s fine. I’m about to pick up the new one, anyway.” She said and bit her lower lip. “Thank you for your help back here. I owe you my life.” June takes a deep sigh as she stared at her young mate. She appeared younger than her age. “You’re welcome.” June noticed the scratched on her mate’s forehead and the discoloration of her left cheek. She had the urge to return to that alley and wait for those assholes to come back. She would love to beat them until they crawl. She sighs again. Gently, she caressed the bruised area. Her mate did not protest. And she is thankful. She wanted her mate to be comfortable with her presence. “Does it hurt?” The teen shakes her head. “I should send you home. Your parents might be worried.” “Please.” “Tell me your exact address.” A nod and a few exchanges of words later, they were back on the road. Despite the bad circumstance, June was thankful. Because of her hero complex, she saved someone, and that someone is the very person that she has been looking for for the last couple of years. As she revs the accelerator the hands circling her torso tightened. She also felt her face pressed on her back.  With a smile, she slows down. The body leaning on her back relaxed slightly.   
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