* The SimJake Killer Was Born *

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Hi, I am Sim Jake, and I adore my work as a hitman, taking out evil men who harm my people. I was raised in a church where we were not allowed to leave until we were eighteen. However, I managed to leave the church when I was ten or eleven years old, along with my friends Ella, Jay, and Sunghoon. We had to leave because the church was selling special children who were young and had pale skin, and Ella's name was on their list paper. I did not waste time trying to flee with Ella and Jay because I knew that our time together would not last forever. Understandable, given that her brother vanished at midnight a few weeks ago. There was no trace of him anywhere, and they looked around but it felt like he had never been there, which only made them angrier because they would never be able to find him again... And that is when I made eye contact with her, realising she was next in line... The first morning, I shared with my close friends and tried to save her from any harm that was about to happen. We had to stop it or we would lose Ella, just like her brother. Me, Jay, and Sunghoon began to plan to save her, our only little star, so we are all now slowly walking out of the gate so as not to draw attention to ourselves. "I know I said I wanted to go out before my birthday comes but don't you guys think this wrong?" I wish I could tell her that we are leaving this place permanently for her own benefit, but she seems to be unaware of the reason we are risking our lives to help her escape. Then, without warning, Jay pushed Jake to the ground, grabbed Ella's hand, and dragged her back to their starting point. "JAY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING AND WHERE IS SUNG-" "Hoon," I said as I saw the headless body with blood streaming from its open wound. His eye was turning a brilliant gold color as if he were changing into someone else when I slowly glanced up. "Good thing we had this kid on our side or we would lose our money again and—damn you did not have to kill him though?" was what I could hear them say over some footsteps. Correct, Jake." "LET ELLA GO YOU MONSTER! JAY WAKE UP HE MUST BE CONTROLLING Y-" "I am in complete control of this business." "Jay?" "Who are you to call my name with your dirty mouth?" he slapped Jake's face, increasing the amount of blood flowing into it. "Whao—Boss, calm down. We have got our girl. Let us kill him on the ground." "It is not a bad idea, but even though I would prefer to keep you alive longer, I will take the chance." "What do you mean by that?" She was shot dead before he could say anything more, and he threw her close to Jake Hand, which is how the Killer got his start. From Jake's viewpoint I grabbed the pistol without hesitation when he killed her right in front of my eyes. And I know it is wrong to take crime things in my hand but I had no choice to grab the pistol to bang shoot them all and the fear I had in me become more bloodthirsty and made me pour my heart out all... I must have gone crazy killing them laughing without stopping I messed up my life while killing my evil kind too. But the feelings wouldn't let me get rid of out of control and I was showered by their blood. And I was enjoying with tears in my face. I stopped after the rain started to fall and I looked down at my hand with a pistol and toss it aside from my sight, that's when I lost all my reason to live a normal life. My friend sunghoon body is now cover in woods I use it to hid it from wild animals. And I chose the wrong path where there is no hope but I left Jay *Alive* So I have to live to kill him but I stopped walking just to met this kid who was being bullied by boys and it was starting to rain a little heavily while they beating him up non-stop. I got in their way purposely to stop their movement entirely to notice me covered with blood and all I had to do was slap the strongest kid in their group. "Oops...Did I hit him so hard for him to die rather easily?" I looked at the body lifelessly and it made me giggled it wasn't big deal at all cause I already murdered so many on my way this was nothing I look at them back as they ran away leaving their friend dead body like I did on raining day. "What a weird friend you got there, huh? At least, before I leave I covered him in woods so he can sleep peacefully there" I said that while kicking him to fall off the ground deepest place. " Well someone like me will just have to kick your body like trash, Bye bye." By the time I turned around, I saw him lying on the ground covered with mud. "I can't just leave you like that right, in this rainy day, where you can get a cold easily and I also have nowhere to go... haha..." I laughed sickly not knowing the reason why I gave him a piggyback and I started to walk where someone could save him if is not me that was ok... Before I knew it everything got black... And I could still hear foot steps coming closer again... This time I really black out and faint. "Jake, me and sunghoon is happy to see you again. But I have to ban this 02z group name since we no longer exist and it is too soon for you to come here with us." She said that holding his hand tightly unwilling to let go " I wish we could meet again so please liv-" I opened my eyes to look around my surrounding and I think I am safe as I can see a gently woman widen her eye and run back to call a doctor. "Surprisingly he is in good condition so after few rest I am sure your son will get well." He called me a what? "Mam, what is he talking about?" She shh him and told him not to worry and could rest well. After few days She told me how she found him on the Rainey day with her son Sunno and so thankfully he deserved a family he never had but he refused her offer. And choose his path way and became * The Killer SimJake * To be continue

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