Ch. 16

2843 Words

Nova I was already back at the pack house by the time the first of Maxon's phone calls and desperate out reaches in my mind started. I ignored them all. I didn't want to talk to him; I couldn't talk to him. I was afraid, afraid that if I did I would take the excuse he was going to give me. No matter how stupid, lame, or just down right dumb it sounded. I didn't know if he knew it or not but Maxon was my soft spot. All he had to do was give me the slightest toothy grin, or brush a finger gently against my cheek. Maxon could get away with murder if he was close enough to me, so I decided just to ignore him through and through. I wrapped my arms around my upper body. I needed comfort and the only person who was here to give it to me was myself. Twenty minutes later, I was laying down in Ma

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