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Meanwhile, Alexandria had arrived at her father's abode, he for good measure let her in. When she entered the room he knew, she had become a different person. "Are you really my daughter? The daughter I know and raised would never come to me, especially after she has lost all favour with me." the Duke asked fearful that his chance to see his daughter was lost forever. "I knew coming here was a risk, based on this body's memories and the memories of the world, you have that special eye that sees through all", the man laughed in mirth but with a hint of sadness then proceeded to ask her if his daughter had died but she explained that they were one and the same person. "I don't know how to explain this to you but I am your daughter I've been in this body since she was born but for some reason, I'm only awakening now, must be the work of whoever sent my soul here ", the family head knew she wasn't lying. "So why have you come to me?" He asked knowing full well that she didn't come there to chat and have tea. She told him that she was planning to destroy some things and people but also build and grow some other things and needed to know who had enough power to stop her or if there would be repercussions even with her title. "You may have changed but you're still you, you know why? Because you still have no idea the extent of our power, even if you commit treason you could easily take over the kingdom, easily", that was one scary title was the thought that went through her head. They sat quietly enjoying each other's company, who knew they were more alike than one would think. She took her leave later that evening. 2 He had been waiting for her all day only to see that she returned later in the day, he rushed put to confront her for keeping him waiting, "You dare keep me waiting?! A lowly thing such as yourself-" she quickly put up her hand to silence him and interjected what he said "A lowly thing such as yourself, Duke" He looked confused so she proceeded to explain, "If you're gonna disrespect me, do it with honorifics, after all, we're outside one may think I'm just an abused wife", He was taken aback, he was awestruck, perturbed, whatever adjective you know for shocked you name it. He caught himself and let out a sarcastic laugh, "Duke? I'm the husband here", "Husband but not the duke", she corrected He was at loss for words she never talked back to him, never, and she never looked him in the eye, ever this new Alexandria was intimidating and he didn't like it one bit. He had to stop it before it got too far, he threatened her with a divorce and she stroked his ego, daring him to do it then further mocking him and telling him he had no balls to do it. He stalked off in search of who she assumed was his attorney. "Like taking candy from a baby", She laughed as she merrily retreated into the duchy home. The mistress had no idea what was going on and didn't have the privilege of knowing what would occur in the passing seconds. "Ah ehm", the attorney of her soon husband-not-to-be cleared his throat, not believing the contents of the paper he held, no, matter how you looked at it his client had nothing to gain or lose from leaving her. The big question was if this man would let go, and what the woman in front of him would do. He played predator with opposing sides in court especially when he knew he was going to win, even when he was going to lose he'd bluff his way through anything except in court bluffing wouldn't help just cold hard facts. The point was that he knew a predator when he saw one. She was one of the dangerous types of predators, the type that would sit still up to the extent that the prey would mock them, thinking of them as incapable but once they clamped down there was no mercy or escape. He calmly explained to his client the content of the document, knowing fully well that he'd still fly into a fit that would jeopardize his work or take any further actions to make the divorce favourable for the man and less hassling for the lady in question. Before he began explaining to him, he specifically told him to keep his cool but the dimwit still flew off the handle yelling at her, she sat still until he was calm then things took an interesting turn. She had an attorney behind her but by the looks of it he didn't need to do anything much just whisper a few words in her ear from time to time, he began to wish he had her as a client. After he managed to calm down she began to lightly sob. The sound of her sob was so gentle but inexplicably convincing, "Do you see that? I've been suppressed for so long by this man, I've been so afraid for my life living under this man. I married him even at my father's disapproval it's like father saw the future. I went to his place recently and he reminded me that I was his daughter and Lechester doesn't fear anyone so I gather my courage to ask, but before I could he was yelling at me for going to meet my father and started screaming at me for a divorce, I thought he was joking so I told him he wouldn't dare it was him after all he kept a mistress in the open instead of divorcing me so what was the point. To my surprise he arranged a day for it so I called you all to be my witness", She looked to the gentlemen who took their place behind her. He was sure one of them was sure surely her attorney but he had no clue who the other gentleman could be or what his identity was but based on her character he had taken note of so far, there may or may not be foul play. One wrong move and the game would be over, he decided to cautiously approach how he would enquire about the reason for the man's presence which was simple enough since she hadn't pointed out who was her attorney. "Excuse me pardon me asking, which one of these men is the attorney you would be using to represent yourself?" She chuckled then looked at him directly into his eyes and stated with full confidence, "I am my attorney, it states that one can be their attorney if need be", he had been taking her seriously up to the point when she stated that. He thought her a smart woman but he just overestimated her, it would be a walk in the park or so he thought. It became increasingly aware to him that he would be the one losing the battle as the discussion drew to an ending, he had to admit his defeat, he failed the moment he underestimated her. After the talks and negotiations, her husband, ex-husband was left with nothing but rage which he exercised on his attorney, him just being a mere attorney didn't allow him the right to talk back to a noble. Alexandria seeing this took pity on him, there was no way he could have won, no matter the attorney he hired he would have still lost. After he was done she called for him, she was a duke so he had to heed her call. He thought he was going to get more condescending words but what she offered shocked him. "How would you like to work for me? It's not out of pity, I think you're really good though, at what you do is what but we're talking about me here. My blood truly is of Lechester, I lost my mind for a while and let that fool dictate me forgetting who I was, where I came from and whose blood is running through my veins. Stick with me and I'll show you more than that limited vision of yours". After hearing what she had said he was for sure going to follow her, only a fool would decline such endless opportunities. For her to succeed the duke wasn't luck the last thing you needed, it wasn't talent either that could only take you so far. It was a training, a vigorous training that even the royal family wouldn't make it, simply put see was a beast then more so now. He agreed and they shook hands on it, she gave him and he knew he just might have signed a deal with the devil. The divorce may have seemed like all was well but the war had only started and she knew for sure that the man wouldn't silently move his things, luckily she had advised the duchy workers in advance to move all his belongings out of the duchy completely. That was to say he'd go completely ballistic meeting his mistress and belonging strewn at the side of the street, not exactly strewn but neatly stacked so he wouldn't have anything leverage against her, a carriage was on standby and an extra one for his belongings. When they got to the estate and he noticed his properties outside he immediately stopped the carriage and flew into the fit she expected he would but the problem was when he dared to pull her by her hair screaming obscenities at her. Luckily the men she invited were watching closely from another carriage for this very obvious reason. She kicked the side of his legs causing him to fall quickly, especially because he was not expecting it, she quickly fastened his arm behind his back pinning him under her knee. Usually, she wasn't supposed to have the strength to hold him down more so with the weak body she had inherited but it was made possible because of magic which happened to exist in the current world she was in. "How convenient", she hummed in approval st the existence of magic, he was thoroughly surprised and taken aback by the realisation that he was being pinned under the body of the petite and weak woman he'd always known. "How?" Was the only thing he could ask "This thing called magic is so convenient, you know, I picked it up but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do but what do you know?! Ha-ha never thought I had it in me", one could see she clearly was delighted, enough for one to know it was her first time trying it and sone reason a part of him found it endearing but he quickly shook off the thought. "To think a day I'd see the gloomy, unreadable Lechester look like a little child would ever come", one of the men who were present at the divorce negotiations suddenly made his presence known.
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