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*13 years later* "Ranon, you want to come?" Prince Mirio of Eferio asked his sentinel friend to sneak out of the palace. Ranon is his bestfriend guard of the Prince palace of Eferio the west kingdom of Arthodon. He is the only one Mirio can trust and ask for help if the prince want to sneak out and wander out of the Kingdom; at the town, the market, the nearby forest or at the Blue Cystal Sea, commonly called as Irgries. "Where?" Ranon asked and worried. He is now assigned to guard in the prince's royal hall. "Don't worry just come. It'll be fun" Mirio chuckled and still acted as a naughty, spoiled young man in his age of 19 years old.  "But my Prince, we just went out and wander at the forest yesterday. King Alfiro might caught us when we sneak out often" Ranon said, convincing his friend to cancel his plan. "Ranon" Mirio put his arm around his friend's shoulders, "Didn't I tell you to just call me on my name if it's just the two of us" he ambled so Ranon  can't do anything but to follow his pace. "Yes, My Prin.. Prince Mirio" they became friends since Ranon passed the competition and exam and was assigned as Eferio's forces and defender but still he  is not used to it calling the prince 'Mirio' only. Prince Mirio stared at him intensely so, "Mirio" he tapped the sentinel's shoulder before letting him go. "Do not worry too much my friend. This time we will be back before anyone can notice our absence" Mirio said with determination and excitement.   ****** "Yaaaaaahhh!!" Prince Cassius shouted while running towards his opponent with a silver black sword in his hand. King Ramiro ward it off using a huge sword compared to the one of his son and smiled when he felt his son's force pressing forward to him became stronger. "I admit you're getting stronger, Prince Cassius" the king said in a teasing tone and chuckled. "Practice. And.. thanks to my mentors" Cassius answered and then he was kicked by his father before he knows it that made him sit hard on the ground and hurt his back. "A sword is just an extension of your first weapon 'Your Body'. That's why you need to protect it first. When it's damaged, no matter what weapon you use, you can't use it properly anymore" pointing his sword to his son while walking around him. "I know that's why I need to study my opponent's move also" he stood up and again run towards his father and sway his sword in full force. The two sharp weapons sparked and vibrated several times as they touched each other. Prince Cassius swung again his sword and King Ramiro immediately received it. His father instantly attacked by extending  his hand so the tip of the sword directly to the opponent's chest. The prince bent his body facing the sky and slide. His blade run through his father's sword up to the hilt and he swiftly stand. He hit King Ramiro's back that made him crouched in pain. "Nice" King Ramiro said and then right away  Cassius run and jump to his father's face. Immediately, King Ramiro swiped his right hand in the air releasing a fog from his palm to cover himself. "That's cheating! I said no magic" he shouted and swayed his hand to clear the coverings quickly. King Ramiro was not there any more. He looked around and heard a voice above him, "I got you!"  "Not this time" Prince Cassius quickly moved to his side and parried his opponent's attacked and the king's sword was thrown on the ground. The next thing he knows, his son's blade is on his neck. "Surrender and I will spare your life" smirked. "Father, Brother!" Prince Rasse running towards them waving a letter. "Princess Elly sent nus a letter!" he shouted. Prince Cassius gave his father a hand to help him stand. "I'm sure you already opened it" Cassius teased his youngest brother because they are used to it. Whenever Prince Rasse received first their sister's letter, he always opened it and read it. Princess Elly is now in Elliris at the Kingdom of Aldron, studying magic. She wrote letters for her family occasionally, telling them her experiences in the academy. "We opened it" referring to their mother Queen Elvia and he pouted. ****** "Is Maiari here?" Markus asked Clanis while watering her vegetables in front of the house. Markus was Maiari's  first ever friend in the Crow since they moved there. He was so skinny and short when they were little but now he's taller than Maiari. He has a manly lean physique that fits his height perfectly. He has round brown eyes but not too round that narrowed a little whenever he smiles or laughs with his wide thin lips. His hair is straight but dry and a mix of brown and black evidence of his hardwork and diligence in providing his family's needs. The hair reached his shoulder that's why he often tied it with old cut cloth but there's always left hanging in front of his light brown smooth face. Markus love to swim in the sea with Maiari and he's the one who taught her how to swim. He's the kindest human in the Crow they've ever known.   "I thought she's with you. Hunting.." Clanis paused to her chore. "No, I've never seen her since morning" he said, starting to worry. He knows Maiari. She is adventurous, courageous, confident and bold. When she knows it is right she will stand for it firmly, that's why she always gets into trouble given how corrupt this place is. "Where else did she go? What kind of trouble did she go into this time 'AGAIN'?" her face shows anxiousness, putting her jar of water down the soil. Her left hand on her waist. "Don't worry, I'll find her" Markus said, there's a promise in his words. "I'll go ahead" he moved his head and smiled without opening his mouth and then walked. "Thank you Markus. Be careful!" she waved to the fine young man. "Uhhhh" he turned back while walking backwards and showed an expression of 'it will be alright' with a light smile on his lips. ****** "Prince Mirio, it's already past noon" he said in a loud voice though he knew the prince will not hear him because he's under the water. Mirio create his own potion and casted a spell on it for him to be able to stay under water up to three hours. "What really is he looking for underneath?" Ranon's forehead was crumpled and starting to taking off his sentinel clothes to follow the prince below. Later, as he prompt to go to the water, he saw his friend rose and walked towards the shore. Mirio saw his friend undressed and laughed, "What're you doing? You said you don't want to dive" the water from Mirio's broad shoulder travels to his torso and to his perfectly toned abs.  He then gets his clothes lying on a huge rough stone. "We need to hurry. I am certain they're looking for you" Ranon said to his friend who never look worried or anything and then he just handed the prince's shoes to him. Mirio received it and looked to his friend's eyes directly like he was so happy that he don't mind whatever will happen when they get home. "Tell me, Mirio, how important whatever that is you want to see at the bottom of Irgries?" he said in curiousity. "I saw it! The seamount where the Flegrenoff sleeps" Mirio grinned. "Are you out of your mind? You went to Flyth (flee'th)" Ranon was shocked to death that he didn't expect the prince will go there. Flyth is the tallest and hugest seamount in Arthodon located at Irgries, the west ocean. It is the home of the Flegrenoff and is dangerous though not the deepest part of the ocean but it is enough to put your life in injury or death. The journey itself is threatening, you can meet many treacherous sea creatures and water beast.  Flegrenoff is the most poisonous of all Dragons. Its whole body is full of deadly venom, and the Flyth as well is a place of rare poisonous and deadly ores, minerals and sea plants. "Relax, Ranon. I saw it from afar. I didn't come close. I don't even saw the Dragon" he explained, tapping his worried friend on the shoulder. ****** "Since you had read it, just tell us what she said" Prince Cassius continued to tease his brother while putting back his sword to its silver metal scabbard decorated with fine black fire-like and a red golden dragon embossed. "Stop, you always tease your brother" King Ramiro said extending his hand to reach the letter from his youngest son. "Because he still act like a child and always skip his practice" pointing his sheathed sword to Prince Rasse. Rasse wiped off the sheath from his face and looked to his brother fiercely.  "Father, I want to study magic" he said, looking to the king, "in Elliris with Elly" looked back to Cassius "If you want to learn magic, you must learn first how to fight PROPERLY!" Prince Cassius lectured his younger brother, because Arthodon believes that learning magic is a huge responsibilities that requires patience, discipline and humility. That's why one must learn first the pain, suffering and sacrifice that comes in physical battles before gaining the spiritual powers and magical abilities. "I know how to fight!" Prince Rasse raised his voice for he felt his brother belittled him. "You know how to fight?... You can't even defeat anyone in practice!" Prince Cassius uttered in harsh tone  "But why Elly?, she can study magic without learning physical combat then me can't!" Rasse said in a loud voice like shouting but not. "Well, she's a girl. She's a princess, she needs it to protect herself " Cassius said sounding like 'what's wrong with you'. "Wha.. What's the connection of gender in learning magic first? I also need to protect myself" he contended. "Boys, stop it!" King Ramiro said in a firm tone. "And Rasse, your brother's right. If you want to learn magic, you need to follow our laws and ways. If right now you can't or don't want to do and finish your duties, you don't have the right to learn and hold such power" he explained in a chastising but loving voice. He then gave the letter to his son Cassius and faced and put his hand in Rasse's shoulder. Rasse exhaled. His father and his older brother walked back to the palace. ****** Maiari joined a group of hunters who said they find a place with rare herbal and a cave that might contain some expensive ores. The only thing she was wondering about was why they need to wear a mask. So she just thought it was needed for some unexpected gas that might present inside the cave. They passed the woods and up the hill, until they saw a corn and wheat field. At the east of the plantation is a barn and a well beside it. "This is not the said place we should go" Maiari dissented. "You said we're only going to some herbal plants and minerals" "And who is this?" a tall and bulky man that seems to be their leader asked. "She's the new recruit" one of the five outlaw answered. Maiari just over heard the conversation of the strangers at the market about the herbals and ores, that's why she approached them first and convince them that she wanted to join. She never learned not to trust anyone or any information from the Crow or she just really want to give her trust to anyone without judgments. "You know we should go back" she requested but as she turned they all just laughed and they all looked at him seriously with their hands on their weapons. "You don't want to do that" fear she started to form in her bosom. "Silence her!" their leader shouted. Maiari quickly run to the woods to escape the group. She shunned every trees and slide down to a slope. Two were chasing her and throwing rocks to him using slingshot but she run on a zigzag direction. She don't have any weapon but only a scimitar. She run swiftly into a rock and hide. "Where did she go?" one asked. "Ill go here, you go there" the other one suggested with the sling.  When Maiari was about to peek, suddenly someone grab her mouth and whispered, "It's Markus" he then released her. "This way" ****** "She's gone" the two said when they came back to the group, stealing sacks of corn and wheat. "Let her be. Just find her soon" their leader said. "I'm not sure but I think I know her" another said and their leader smiled ****** "Outlaws?" Markus said while their heading straight to Maiari's house. The sun is preparing to hide when they reached the town. "Uhmm" Maiari muttered and her eyes rolled. "You know, you always make your mother worried" he pointed Clanis by his eyes and head movement who is now waiting outside. "And what kind of trouble you put yourself into AGAIN?" Clanis seem angry but it more like of caring 'anger'.  "Mother, I'm alright" she said "Thanks to Markus" Clanis raising her hand, palm open to point Markus who just stand outside the fence. "Mother, I am sorry. Let's go inside" she said holding her beloved mother in her arms and shoulder guiding her to the house. While heading inside Maiari wave her hand without looking at Markus signaling him to also go home. "I guess I'll go ahead" Markus shouted in a fine kind tone. "Maiari, will stop getting into trouble? Clanis said as they entered inside their house. "Mother, I'm okay, nothing bad happened to me"  "So you will wait that something bad will happen to you?" She said loudly. "That's not what I meant" she said in a quite high tone and went to the bedroom. ****** "Welcome home, Prince Althios" his father's right-hand man greeted him and bowed his head in respect but the prince niether looked or greeted him back. Althios leaved Desteon three years ago to study magic in Elliris. He came back few days after he finished his course and also his birthday will be in two weeks. "Greetings my king" the prince bowed to the king. And its odd because he never do that before and called king Jeron that way, it's always 'father'. Prince Althios became more muscular and firm and taller than his father. He looks like more intelligent and disciplined that he can command a thousand soldiers. "My son" king Jeron hugged the prince. "I thought tomorrow's your arrival" he said. "Maybe my excitement made our travel shortened" the prince chuckled. "My son" Queen Lian said from behind as she entered the hall, arms wide open. They hugged, "I miss you" "I miss you too mother" he replied. "Now that you're here, what's your plan on your birthday? King Jeron asked. "About that since I was away from the kingdom for three, I wanted to have a tour around the kingdom and meet my people" the king and queen shocked for their son's wish and at the same time wondered. "We can do that. Involve the people in the celebration" the queen approved then looked on each of them. "I don't need a grand celebration or a feast. A simple tour would be enough" Althios said in surety. It looked like he already have a plan for his birthday. "Are you sure?" the king asked. 'He changed A LOT!'  The just nodded and smiled to his parents. *** "Mother, can I come with Mister Tuk?" Maiari asked Clanis while preparing their breakfast. Tuk is a merchant of the Crow who occassionally goes to the town in Rutheos to trade and sell crops and ores. He also buys other goods there and sell here at Crow. "Where?" Clanis asked and Maiari took the plates from her hands. "Rutheos" she shyly answered and looked at her mother and then to his uncle Wilhelm. "No, and my decision will never change so do not asked me again that kind question" Clanis looked at her daughter with eyes full of annoyance and at the same time concern. "But mother, I just wanted to..." she insisted "Maiari, listen to you mother" Wilhelm said and sat down the table. "It's just few days. I've never been to any place besides the Crow" she said with pleading but firm voice. She really wanted to explore things and places. She don't understand why her mother strictly prohibits her to go across the southern kingdom. "Maiari, please" Wilhelm uttered and pulled the chair for her to sit. "Uncle, I just wanted to buy some herbal and medicine that can help your eyes" she explained. "What do you mean?" Her mother asked. "Do you think I can't notice that you're going to be... blind?" Maiari stuttered. "What? Wilhelm?" Clanis asked, surprised. The old dwarf nodded. "I am sorry. I ..." Clanis apologized.  "Don't be" Wilhelm calmly said, "Maiari" he looked at her and tapped the wooden chair, indicating for Maiari to sit beside him. "Do you know why this place is called the 'Crow'?" He asked and the young half elf and half human moved her head to and fro as a 'No'. "It's because like the crow, we're outcast, a scourge and only eat what is trash to others. Do you think they will give unto you what you needed when they know you are from here? No. That's why it's only Mister Tuk and others can go outside and they can never reveal where they're from" he further explained. "So just trust your mother and obey her. It's for your own good." ****** The volume of people are thick and numberless. They were scattered everywhere in the streets waiting for the arrival of the Royal family of Desteon. It's the special parade of the Prince after many years but as he said it was just a simple tour around the kingdom and nearby towns. He wanted to meet the people and socialize with them personally. No wonder the people of the west kingdom love him so much. "What's with the big crowd? Is there an special occassion?" one female dwarf asked an elf bystander. She has a lot of things and baggages. "You didn't know? It's the Prince's birthday and he will celebrate it with us. How magnanimous is it?" the elf answered with excitement and joy. The dwarf smiled and "Thank you". "Mother!"  a young good looking, four feet in height dwarf shouted. "Damien" her mother answered. "I found Uncle, he's waiting for us" Damien carried the two heavy baggages and leave a small one to his young mother. "This way" they walked through the crowds and she hurriedly catch up to his son. Later, every one heard a loud voice saying, "Hail to the King and Queen of Desteon! Hail to the Prince!"  a soldier shouted repeatedly to annouce the arrival of the Royal family of the east. All looked at the coming soldiers and marching towards the crowd with a green ensign and an image of Tygrenoff (tie'grenof) the earth dragon of the east. General Remos and the other general riding a horse and all other soldiers are just walking. Everyone move out and give way to the two carriages; one to the king and queen and the other to the prince. All kneeled down at the side of the street, creating an aisle of people; elves, human, faes and dwarfs. "You two! Get down! On your knees!" Shouted by the same soldier who hailed the arrival of the royal family and unsheathed and pointed his sword to Damien and his mother who were shocked and still confused of what they're going to do. Fear immediately enveloped them so they instantly kneeled down. The soldiers turned away from them and returned to the parade. Suddenly, Damien slowly stood up while his face on the ground. "Damien, what are you doing?" His mother held his hand and pulling him down back to his knees. "Are you really want to die, young man?" Said the soldier in anger but he received no response from the young dwarf. The soldier pissed off and he unsheathed again his sword and put the blade to Damien's neck. "Please, please, I beg of you. Please spare my son!" Damien's mother stood up and begged to the soldier for her son's life who still just standing without any movements. The crowd don't know what to do for even them didn't undestand what's happening.  "What is this commotion all about?" King Jeron shouted from their carriage. "My King, let me hadle this" Prince Althios suggested and he get down his carriage and walked towards the scene. The two generals also get down their horses. "People of Arthodon heaken unto my voice, even a voice of warning, the trumphet has been sounded. Chaos and death are now on your horizon. Darkness has now commenced"  Damien uttered in a loud voice like thunder echoed in the whole town. His mother looked at his son, confused and surprised. All eyes on the dwarf who just gave a prophetic-like utterance. His eyes that turned white now slowly going back to its natural color.  "What is he saying?" Althios asked in annoyance and confusion. "Your highness" the soldier greeted, "I am also not sure, my Prince" he answered. "Mother? What happened?" Damien's eyes widened when he saw the prince so he immediately kneeled down.
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