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 “Rynne” Clanis waved her hand as her friend from the distance looked at her. Rynne’s been her close and true friend since they’ve got to the camp. Thanks to her that decided to stay. It’s been the first home they have after the chasing incident two years ago. All the races judged and punished them wrongly. They all see them as fugitives with a cursed baby soon to be the cause of darkness and chaos. She even doesn’t know if Dani is alive or dead. Horrible years of fear and trauma; and this camp of ogres that they considered thieves and uncivilized is the only one that believed and cared for them. ‘I don’t know what would have happened if they hadn’t helped us’.   “Yes? Is there something I can help you?” Rynne approached her and helped her in her goods.   “I just wondering if I can help the feast’s preparation later” she asked. This would be Clanis’ second feast for their Chief which is done for his leadership. She remembers the night they were trialled in front of the whole camp if they were to be banished, enslaved or killed.   “Clanis, come” she called for me. Though it seems that I can’t move my feet forward, I still forced to made a step and follow her. I keep my pace with her because her stride is too big for me until we reached back to the room where I was kept.   “That’s Gorgo. He really likes to tease and intimidate anyone” she explained though I don’t ask her and I why would I listened to her? Well, so far she’s been the nicest ogre in town that I met. And a less dangerous I guess.   “Why are you doing this? Why are you acting this way” I asked in desperation.   “Now that you have your daughter with you, you can decide to leave or to stay”   “And why should I trust you?”   “Why? We can’t be trusted because we’re ogres” she said in a sarcastic way   I could not speak, I don’t know, maybe because we know them in a wrong way or we are the one that must be not trusted.   “You know, we maybe thieves or scavengers but we’re not barbaric who kill without reason” she continue to explained. “If you really want to leave, east of this camp you can reach the nearest town of your races for about 20 days walking. *pause* But I must tell you, it’s more dangerous in the wild” Rynne said these words looking straight into my eyes, she really mean it. Why I got this feeling that I can trust her. As she walked to leave me, “It’s Clanis” I said and then she smiled, “Nice to meet you Clanis”.   Before the sunset, I with my daughter leave the camp and decided to wander the huge and dangerous forest of the unknown. Later that night, they held a feast for their Chief and also to decide what they’ll going to do with us. They celebrate and eat and then, “Chief Cla..” Rynne paused as she saw me form the distance because she knew I already left but I came back. I also don’t know why I came back. “You came back?”   “Chief, before you decide, let me introduce myself in front of all. My name’s Clanis an elf in the west Kingdom of Eferio and this is my daughter Maiari. My husband was captured by the guards of the temple under the order of the four kings. I don’t even know if he’s alive or not. I don’t have any place to go. Please let me stay here I can be your slave just please let us live” I begged with teary eyes and trembling body.   To this day, I do not regret my decision and I am grateful to them. We really can’t judge others by their appearance and by what we heard about them.   “Oh of course you can. The hunters will be here soon then you can help me with the cooking” she said while they walked to their houses.   ******     Gorin was studying in the temple’s library when suddenly a gust of wind travelled in the room. He looked around and it doesn’t feel right. A soon as he returned his face to the front he saw the witch sitting on his table. “How are you Head Master?” she looked at him and smiles wickedly, toying her hair.   “Ne nei, Neia” Gorin stuttered and his whole body stiffened. “What’re you doing here at this time of the night?”   “Why? Can’t I visit my beloved seer?” she said in a calm but horrible tone. She widened her eyes to the head seer and choked him. “It’s more than two years now but still you haven’t found them”   “The troop is continually looking for them. We are not stopping in locating them. I..I.. we have two troops that have left two years ago who hasn’t  return yet. I don’t know what happened to them in the wilderness. I hope they’re still alive” he explained like no clear words came out because of the grip in his neck that made him hard to breathe and talk.   “Well, I don’t care if your armies were dead or alive. I want you to send more troops to search to that child” she said loudly and angrily.   “But the security will become insufficient here” Gorin said   “You know I’m not good in patience. I can replace you anytime and make you to just… Disappear” the witch threatened the helpless puppet seer.   “Ye.. yes, My Lord” he stuttered in terror and pain in his throat.     ******   Another year had passed, Clanis had now learned the ways of the ogres, their culture, hunting and fighting skills. Long after the foundation of the four kingdoms of Arthodon, Ogre is the race that choose to live independently and freely of their own. They decided to not be under of any kingdom or leadership outside their race or clan. They believe that having many kings and queens lead to division, war and s*****y. A chief of the camp or a leader of a clan is the oldest ogre among the group and was recognized as mediator and judge, not specifically a leader of governance. All voices are heard and considered.   Maiari grew into such a fine and adorable child that no one can be able to hate her. They live in the camp peacefully and happily, until one day, a group of ogre came back to the camp from their hunt “Chief, I heard a rumor from the neigboring tribe that guards raid a clan and many were injured or killed” “What? Why?” the chief inquired   “I don’t know, maybe they wiping out our race” he said   “Or maybe they still looking for one of their kind, a wanted fugitive” a female ogre said, intruding their meeting. The Chief looked at her intensely and the female ogre didn’t even bothers to look away.   “Call Clanis!” the chief exclaimed   ******     “Clanis we heard that the neigboring tribe were raided and destroyed by the palace troops. Is it related to you?” the chief asked her   “I don’t know. We been here 3 years and they don’t even know if I’m alive. Why would they still look for me all these years?” Clanis said that her chest started to tightened. She thought that they are free from that terror in those passed years, that the kingdoms gave up in searching them,that they thought maybe they were already dead, that this camp will be their home for the rest of their lives. And now with this news that she heard all things become uncertain again.   “That’s why we’re asking you. Speak. Is there something that you didn’t tell us?” the female ogre forced her to talk that seems in an unknown reason have a hate towards Clanis.   “I..I uhmm” she stuttered. Maybe this is the time that she needed to say all things about their escaped. ‘Stop the lies and with their kindness towards us they deserve the truth’ “I gave birth to Maiari at the time the Dragons awakened. Jabino, the late Head Seer, received a prophecy that that night a baby will be born that will bring darkness and chaos in Arthodon. And they say it’s my daughter but there’s another baby who was born that night, Queen Lian’s son. Being a King and Queen, they will do everything to protect their son, compare to us who have no power and wealth. We’re sentenced to prison and death to our child. A maid who witnessed the Head Seer’s death helped us escaped. She knew the truth and believed that we are innocent” she explained briefly. “Chief, all these years I do no harm to your people. I just want to live peacefully. I just want a normal life for my daughter, please let us stay” she begged.   “But because of you all of us are in danger. Those troops will soon find us” the female ogre said again in intimidating tone. She looked at the elf with fierce eyes.   “Chief, please believe me. If I will put the camp in danger, we will leave, but please don’t tell those troops about us” she said looking straight in chief pleading for mercy.   “Our camp is hard to find and I know we can protect ourselves from them” the chief decided. He then stood up. The female ogre looked to Clanis with hatred and disappointment.   ******   “Clanis, why you don’t tell the kings about the Head Seer’s death?” Rynne asked when she heard that Clanis was called to the meeting.   “We don’t have any proof to prove that and beside if we have we’re not sure if they will believe us. And also we don’t know who is that witch and where she is. She might also kill us if she will know that we knew about the truth in Jabino’s death” Clanis explained while eating dinner with her daughter at the table.   “Whoever that witch was, she is still lurks in the kingdoms up to now” Rynne said and sat down the table. Maiari looked at them as if asking ‘what is a witch?’   “One thing she did wrong was to wait for our charges, for our child to be punished and be killed under the law, that gave us time to escape and for that I am grateful to her” Clanis smiled, she don’t know if she need really need to feel thankful to that witch or not. All of these started because of that demon witch that she wanted to have her revenge but for now her focus is her daughter’s safety and future.     ******     Neia became prince Althios’ personal royal maid. She became close to the prince. Everytime she got a chance, she showed and taught the prince magic and illusions. She played with him with those tricks that made the prince curious and enjoy her company. They often visit the east or south garden of the Desteon to play those magic without someone noticing or seeing them.   “You see that bird” Neia created an air-like shield around the flying creature and moves it towards near her. The bird squeaked inside helpless.   “Stop” said the prince, pulling her skirt.   “My prince, life is unfair, life is painful. If you’re weak they will crush you. That’s why I want you to become strong. When grow up and you’re ready I will teach how to become powerful that no one can hurt you and you can be able protect your family” she said kneeling down to face the prince. “I want you to trust me and keep our little secret” she smiled.     ******   Afternoon, it was a day when the hunters returned from their three days hunt for food and resources. Suddenly, the whole village heard a loud cry “Help! Help!” the four ogres shouted and with them wounded ogres from another camp. The wounded were aided primarily with bandages and herbal on their cuts that helped to stop the bleeding but all are weak. They’ve been walking for hours just to reach the camp for help.   “What happened?” Rynne asked who immediately run to their rescue.   “Their camp was attacked by the palace troops” one of the four hunters said. “When we found them they were unconscious and their tribe was run down”   “Some of them barely escaped and we don’t know where they went” said one of the wounded ogre in a weak and husky voice. “But many were killed and injured” he continued.   “The whole camp was destroyed. It was a nightmare” another hunter said. “If we don’t act, we will be the next” he explained in a worried tone but brave.   “How many soldiers are there?” Gorgo asked who just get to the scene.   “About 20-25 guards” said the same wounded ogre.   “Gather all our warriors, we will attack them tomorrow night” the chief said from their behind. “It’s just a matter of time for them to find us, so we will come to them first”   All night they think all possible routes the troop might traverse. They plan how they will attack and warriors prepare the weapons they needed. Twenty warriors were assigned by their chief to scout the palace troops. They did not know that some captured ogres from the previous attacked tortured to speak and was forced to point their location and informed if they have the elf and the cursed child. On the morning, the twenty ogre warriors marched into the forest and looked for the camp of the troop. When they reached the camp it was already pass noon and the sun is preparing to her rest. They position themselves, circle the camp and ready for the attack.   Three of the ogres fire an arrow directly to the tens and burn it. They simultaneously ran and shout for their strike. But something’s wrong.   “Gorgo, it’s nothing but an empty camp” one ogre camp   “Search the surroundings!” Gorgo ordered.   Few moments later, “There’s no one here”   “Maybe they…”   “No! The tribe” Gorgo shouted in shocked and anger. They all run as fast as they could back to their camp.   ******   The night already covered the land and it just like the other night in the ogre’s camp where Clanis and Maiari were accepted and lived. It was silent but everyone can feel the heavy feeling that the air carries. The five warriors who left at the camp positioned to their respective post. They can see nothing strange around so they watched the camp just like every night. Suddenly, an arrow hit the ogre guarding the west side of the camp, fell to the ground and cut its throat by a sword and without any sound, he died. Another ogre guard of the east side of the camp, hit by two arrow, one in the neck and one in the temple and died instantly. Silently, the palace troop scattered around the area and one by one open each houses looking for Clanis. Burning each house and raiding each room. Looking for the elf house after house and if there’s no elf they burned it. Then cries, pleadings and frightened shouts were heard everywhere. Every one ran and tried to escape the nightmare that swiftly entered their tribe. All those who can fight back grab anything that they can use as a weapon to fight courageously to the intruders.   “Kill all those who fight back and bring me the child” the captain ordered in a loud voice. The remaining three warriors of their camp fought back to the troop using their long cimeters and spears. They were outnumbered and many of their fellow ogres, old and young needed their help. The save anyone they can save and instruct them to run inside the woods and hide. Many run everywhere, in any direction to escape, others just cried and kneeled down beside their loved one’s dead body.   “Clanis! Clanis !” Rynne entered in the house of the friend, panting. “What’s happening?” Clanis asked. “The palace guards their here. They’re looking for you” she answered.   “Hurry, go south and you will see a boat there docked in the shore and use it to cross the sea and go to Crow” Rynne explained while helping Clanis pack some few things that will be needed to their flee.   “Crow? But..” Clanis widened her eyes and doubt about the plan of her ogre friend because she knows what kind of place that is.   “Yes, it will be the least place they will suspect you to go” she said holding Clanis’ hand and touching Maiari’s face.   “But how about you?” worried to the safety of her friend, she hugged her tight.   “Don’t worry just go!” breaking to Clanis’ hug, she said. “I’ll watch your back”   “Be careful” she was carrying Maiari. The hand of the child hugged her mother’s neck. Rynne cover them with huge cloth from head down to the body. She swiftly went out of the door and ran in the middle of havoc. The camp is a scene of upheaval and confusion. It is a picture of them fighting for their lives; running though they don’t know where to go or they just cry in hopelessness. Clanis passed through the middle of those horrific scenes. ‘This is my fault. I put them in this situation. It’s all because of me’   “Captain!” one guard saw Clanis and point them to the captain   “Follow her” the captain shouts. Immediately, four guards chased them but one guard fell on the earth, someone crashed unto him. It was Rynne. Rynne swang her cimeter to the guard and the guard rolled to avoid it. The guard got up and face Rynne. She swiftly attacked the opponent and they brawl in an intense sword fight. Until one guard shoot an arrow to Rynne that hit her to the back. She bravely fights still. She’s bleeding but it doesn’t matter. Now Rynne is fighting with these two soldiers. One of them cut her to the leg that made her kneel in one foot. Suddenly, the other guard aim for her head but she parried it with cimeters on her left hand. But the other guard smote her and cut her left hand. Instantly she just felt a rush pain in her neck that made her fell to the ground and loss consciousness.   Meanwhile, Clanis still run for her life in the middle of the dark woods. The air seems became thin that she can hardly breathe. The three guards chasing them rained them arrows. Warding off trees though she can’t see their way clearly, she ran tirelessly. ‘I escaped you once, I will do it again’ Soon they reached the shore and look for the boat. She immediately unties it and pushed it to the water but as she climbed up to it an arrow with fire hit it; then another arrow and another, ‘til the water came in and gradually fills the boat. ‘No! no. What should I do?’ She looked at soldiers running towards them, aiming an arrow and pointing their swords to her. She doesn’t know where to go. ‘Our camp is near the narrow pass. She remembered the words of Rynne. Yes, Rynne. ‘What happened to her’ ‘Rynne let us escape, I won’t let her down’ She immediately got down the boat and run again as if without tomorrow. ‘No matter what happens I will not stop. I know how dangerous the pass is. I just hope they will stop chasing us there’   “Mother, why are they chasing us?” Maiari said in her ear, still clinging unto her shoulders.   “Because they’re bad. Just stay quite huh” she said, worrying to her child, ‘Is there no safe place at all for my daughter?’ then tears formed in her eyes.   The narrow pass is a tall rocky gorge that extended miles long on both directions up to the nearest sea. This is the only path other than crossing the sea using a boat or a ship which is also the safest way to reach the town of Crow. The forest behind the gorge is the known home for giants. The giant’s vision is poor at night and when it is dark but their sense of smell is incomparable. And also because they are the tallest creature in Arthodon, they can hear form miles away.   Clanis ran as fast as she could. She’s tired and scared but she must go on. She mustn’t surrender for her child. So, she followed the river that runs through that dangerous pass known to be the home of giants. It doesn’t matter how dangerous that place. She is ready to take the risk to pass through there and it will be a big chance to get rid of those guards. As she came nearer to the narrow pass, she slowed down and observed her surroundings. She looked back and the three guards following her stopped far away from her. She still walked quietly and attentively.   “Is she out of her mind?” the guard said. “That’s really her plan for us to stop chasing her” the other said. “So, what are we going to do?” the third guard asked. Later on, they heard a voice from the distance saying, “What are you doing?” with the other two guards with him, the captain shouted as soon as he found his guards are doing nothing.   “Captain, she’s going to cross the narrow pass” one guard pointed the elf that gradually seems fading in the shadow of the night.   “I don’t care. Follow her” the captain ordered in a loud, irritated voice. ‘We must capture her no matter what, if we really want to come home’ he muttered  under his breath.  
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