Unexpected change

1272 Words
Deacon’s P.O.V Tonight had been amazing, Hallie and I were currently laying on a blanket by the water, her head on my chest. I looked down at her, smiling…she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She was perfect and still hard to believe she was all mine. “You ready for dessert baby?” I asked “Hmm…yes please.” She giggled I leant down kissing her softly “You wait right here, enjoy the view…don’t move OK?” I said Hallie nodded but looked a little confused on why I was being as particular. I never gave her an answer instead I got to my feet, heading inside. I took a moment to myself, taking a few deep breaths, grabbing the Chocolate cake I had bought, it was Hallie’s favourite that was not the only thing I grabbed though. I had got her another present, this one was different…more special. I took another few deep breaths, heading back out. Hallie was standing at the water edge, staring into the ocean, lost in her own little world…perfect. I slowly and quietly made my way back to her, sitting the chocolate cake down on the table, going up behind her. I closed my eyes over, telling myself in my head you can do this. I got into position “Hallie?” I said “Yeah baby.” She said turning to face me “Oh My God.” She added in a squeal Why was she squealing? Because I was down on one knee now in front of her, the small box in my hand opened, the content was an engagement ring in it. I had been searching weeks for this ring, wanted it to be perfect and I eventually found it. It was a solitaire diamond ring, they jewellers telling me that it was inspired by the true harmony of love, the design symbolizes a gentle embrace, when they told me that I realised it was the perfect ring for her. I have been planning to propose for a month, Penny and Cillian only ones that knew about it, except Hallie’s family when I asked permission. “Hallie baby I love you. I know this last year has not been easy for us but we got through it, it has made us stronger and I want us to keep growing stronger together. It has took us too long to get here and I don’t wanna waste another day. I want to spend the rest of my days with you…the rest of my nights in bed with you. Hallie you turned me into a better man, made me realise not everyone leaves and it is OK to fall in love. I can’t imagine my life without now baby. I love you more than anything in this world. Hallie will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?” I said finally taking a breath By now she was crying, tears streaming down her cheeks “Yes…yes…yes…a million times yes.” She squealed jumping on my and knocking me to the ground, luckily I manged to close the ring box before we lost it, her body coming on top of mine, kissing me over and over again “I love you too baby…so much and I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Marrying you would make me the happiest girl in the world.” She said smiling down at me “I will take that as a yes then baby?” I chuckled “Did I not make that obvious enough?” She giggled “No I don’t think the other side of the beach heard you. In all honesty baby you really have made me the happiest man alive and I can’t wait to make you my wife one day soon.” I said stroking her hair Hallie leant in kissing me softly, that one kiss telling me she felt the exact same. We stayed there for a moment, kissing before pulling apart, Hallie getting up on her knees in front of me. I took her left hand in mine, slipping the ring from the box and onto her finger “Oh My God Deacon it is beautiful.” She gushed crying again “It is perfect.” She said looking at me “Just like you my love.” I said stroking her hair “Were you expecting this?” I added wondering if she had any clue that was my plan “No…none at all.” She said “I am surprised Penny never let it slip to you.” I laughed “Penny knew?” she asked shocked and I nodded “I am surprised she kept it a secret.” she added “I know, I honestly thought she would have let it slip. It has been in the works for over a month.” I smirked “Oh My God really?” Hallie laughed and I nodded, smiling proudly that I have hid it from her well Hallie climbed onto my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck, resting her forehead against my own, smiling “It was perfect my love. I can’t wait to become your wife Deacon.” She whispered softly “I am glad, I wanted everything to be perfect…you deserve it to be perfect baby girl. I love you.” I said “It was…anytime with you is perfect Deacon. And tonight is a night I will never forget about…the night I will tell our children about one day.” she whispered I closed my eyes over, smiling at the thought of us…of our kids. The image was perfection to me, another thing I never knew I wanted until Hallie…a wife…a family…a home. “Deacon come back to me…where have you went.” I hear her giggle “Sorry my love, was imagining a life with us, kids and a beautiful home.” I said smiling “You are?” Hallie asked “Yes and it looks perfect.” I gushed at her “Do you not think?” I added “It really does.” Hallie replied kissing me again This time the kiss was a little more passionate…a little more lustful. I held her close to me, kissing her back in the same way. I couldn’t wait to do this for the rest of my life, I never getting tired of her lips on my own…of her body close to mine…of the sound of her heart when I am close to her. Hallie pulled away from my lips, her lips falling at my ear “Deacon make love to me right here on the beach under the night sky.” She whispered softly in my ear I swallowed hard, nodding my head before turning us around, laying her on her back. The clothes soon became discarded, our naked bodies pressed together “Hallie I love you.” I said pushing myself inside of her, the both of us crying out And we made love right here for the next hour, it felt even more amazing than ever before and I think that has a lot to do with cause she has decided to spent the rest of her life with me.
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