Chapter 1 She Escaped

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Yolanda Sutton sat alone in her bridal suite, her eyes tracing the reflection in the mirror. A pure white veil cascaded over her golden locks, and a snug wedding gown highlighted her curvaceous silhouette, casting her in a radiant glow. Yet, with a sense of humiliation and defiance in her heavy heart, she felt like a pawn in a transaction, robbed of her self-worth. She was merely an average girl yet was bound to Joseph Sutton, the most coveted bachelor in town. The union was a result of her grandfather's life-saving act for Joseph's grandfather. With the Clemens Group on the brink of bankruptcy, Yolanda's father, Bevis Clemens, had coerced Joseph into a marriage that would ensure the Sutton family's enduring financial support. Bevis' opportunistic move had earned him the scorn of others, and Yolanda, by association, was viewed as shallow. The wedding was a somber affair, devoid of joy. The groom didn't even show himself at the site, not to mention no well-wishers and no blessings. Alone, Yolanda walked down the aisle of the almost empty church, enduring the disdainful looks from the Suttons and the sympathetic gaze of the priest as she completed the ceremony solo! From the moment Bevis made the decision, no one had ever cared about her will. Throughout the whole affair, no one asked if she was willing! She wanted to scream, to rail against the injustice, and to slap her selfish father and her arrogant groom, but the illness plaguing her mother held her back. Yolanda felt as though she were being consumed by a fiery mix of anger and humiliation. Just as she was wondering how to spend this first night as a married woman, she received a text message from a colleague, Wilma Cox, requesting help with a shift. Yolanda didn't hesitate to agree. She stripped off the heavy wedding dress and threw it on the floor, stomping on it with disdain. "This stupid marriage can go to hell!" She fled the luxurious estate without a backward glance. At the hospital, Yolanda found solace for the first time in the cold, dimly lit on-call room, a place where she was a free spirit and a respected physician. The sudden bang of the on-call room door startled her. Before she could lift her gaze, the room plunged into darkness with a simple click. Yolanda's hair stood on end. "Who's there..." She hadn't finished speaking as she was shoved against the desk, sending items sprawling all over the floor. A sharp knife was pressed against her neck, and a man threatened, "Shut your mouth!" Under the dim light reflected from the hall, she made out a man's blood-streaked face and a pair of fierce eyes. The strong smell of blood told her this man was injured. Yolanda suppressed her fear and anxiety, trying to stay calm. She gently arched her leg, attempting to strike the man. But as soon as she moved, the man was alert to her action and firmly clamped down on her restless legs. His physique was that of a wild beast, radiating power and a palpable danger, as he firmly restrained Yolanda. Would he kill her? And what would become of her ailing mother? Yolanda's heart trembled with unease, but she complied with the man's demands, praying for a chance to survive. The clamor of approaching footsteps and animated voices grew louder outside the room. "I swear he came this way!" a voice insisted. The sound of footfalls drew near to the door. The man's breathing grew heavier, and Yolanda's heart nearly jumped out of her chest. A shiver ran through her as every hair on her body seemed to stand on end! The chilling thought crossed her mind: Was she going to die today? But she didn't want to! Just as the door was about to be pushed open, in a desperate act, the man bent down and kissed her lips. Yolanda's initial reaction was to push against the man. She braced herself and closed her eyes, waiting in despair for the anticipated pain. Unexpectedly, instead of harming her with the knife, the man yielded to her resistance and was pushed aside. Yolanda was stunned. He actually spared her? Then what about his enemies outside the door? He couldn't possibly handle them alone. The man's fleeting act of tenderness stirred something within Yolanda. At least he respected her. Click! Just then, the sound of the doorknob turning echoed in the room. Yolanda, in a daring move, tilted her head up and initiated a kiss, wrapping her arms around the man's neck. Her voice trembled, but she feigned calmness. "I can save you." The man's Adam's apple bobbed as he responded, his breath hot against her ear, his voice a low and seductive whisper, "I will take responsibility for you." Oh, he misunderstood. She was merely trying to save him. Just as the door was about to open, she mimicked a moan from the TV shows she had seen. It was a restrained, flirtatious sound that captivated the man, which also sent ripples through the hearts of those at the door. "What the... s*x in the hospital at night? That's freaking wild." The door cracked open, allowing the light from the hallway to spill into the room and illuminate Yolanda, with the man's form casting a shadow over her, shielding them from the onlookers. In the dim light, only their intertwined silhouettes were visible. "It can't be Joseph Sutton. With injuries like his, he wouldn't be able to have s*x right now." The sounds of shuffling and footsteps faded away. The man was relieved to know the group had left but found himself unable to suppress the unexpected desire this unknown woman had ignited within him. Maybe it was the atmosphere, or perhaps the intimacy of their position. The rebellion Yolanda had never dared express burst forth at that moment. Dominated by others all her life, she chose to rebel by indulging herself! Yolanda offered little resistance and even welcomed his advances, offering her virginity as a testament to her newfound defiance. As the man unclasped her bra, his warm, rough lips left a trail of kisses and nibbled on Yolanda's breasts. His hand glided down her stomach, reaching between her legs, where his gentle caresses sent waves of pleasure coursing through her. Enveloped in a delightful tingling sensation, Yolanda found herself unexpectedly moaning softly. "I will take responsibility for you. Anything you want, I will provide," the man whispered, his breath warm against Yolanda's breasts as his fingers persisted in their intimate dance. Yolanda's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she felt a dampness between her thighs, a testament to her unexpected arousal at the stranger's touch. She was actually experiencing a s****l awakening beneath the hands of a man whose face she had yet to see! But before Yolanda could ask, the man had already unzipped his trousers, positioned himself between her legs, and silenced her questions with a passionate kiss. His thrusts were forceful and swift, each one a claiming. When he moved to lavish kisses across Yolanda's body, all that escaped her lips were moans and screams. After their long-lasting passionate s*x, the man gently kissed her cheek, his voice a rough whisper of satisfaction. "I will come back for you." With those words, he departed, leaving Yolanda lying still for a long time, her body aching from the rigid edge of the table against her waist. Just then, the phone teetering on the edge of the desk rang insistently. She reached for it and heard an urgent voice. "Dr. Cox, there's a severe car accident victim at the emergency center requiring immediate attention. We need you here." Yolanda composed herself, replying calmly, "Okay, I'll be there soon." She hung up, and her expression remained dazed for several seconds. What just happened... Her disheveled clothes and the sticky feeling below... both confirmed that it wasn't a dream. She had spent her wedding night with a stranger... It marked the most rebellious act of her life! But there was no time to dwell on it. She quickly dressed and hurried to the emergency center. After a night spent in the throes of medical emergencies, she returned to the on-call room, which remained in disarray. Her hands tightened slightly as she thought of the previous night. "Yolanda, thanks for covering my shift." Wilma smiled as she approached. Yolanda forced a smile. "No problem." "I'm back now. You should go home and get some rest," Wilma said, her brow furrowing at the state of the room. "What happened here?" Yolanda averted her gaze, hiding the panic in her eyes. "I accidentally knocked it over. Since you're here, I'll head home." Wilma found her behavior odd but didn't dwell on it, instead focusing on tidying up the mess. However, just then, the hospital director Terry appeared at the door with Joseph's assistant, Liam Horton.
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