James soldiers receiving blessing from Robert

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The following morning James and his soldiers were happy to have received a warm welcome from Robert, early in the morning he went to Robert's house, and the soldiers guarding him went inside to inform Robert that James want to see him. "Please tell him to come in," Robert told the soldier. The soldier came outside and told James to go in, he entered in. "Sir thanks for your hospitality, we appreciate what you did to me and my soldiers," James said "Always you're welcome but remember, we have to come together to fight our common enemy and that is Thunder," Robert said. "That is a brilliant idea the only problem is you are far from our village, we would have worked together to form the strongest army" James responded. "Don't worry I will plan how I will send you my soldiers to come and stay with you for three months since I know thunder is planning a revenge mission after you defeated him when he invaded your village" Robert said. "That is true Jacob's way of fighting is that he wait until you forget that he will send his soldiers for an ambush," James said "Are you an ex-army officer?" Robert asked. "How did you know?" James asked. "Soldiers know one another through even the way you conduct yourself you are a soldier also a commando," Robert said "That's true I am a trained soldier, trained in Israel for three years," James said. "That is good to know I see how you have volunteered to help your village," Robert said. Just imagine merciless Thunder killing innocent civilians, taking over their gold mine to sell, the village become helpless because of corruption in government, he freely does things the way he wants" James said. "How many times have they invaded you," James asked. "Almost ten times but the first three invasions were tragic I lost many people," Robert said sadly. James shook his head in anger he looked at Robert sympathetically. "We must stop the ruthless tyrant militia we must stop Jacob," James said. "We had to come up with the plan to stop him from invading us, we mercenaries to train my soldiers, we used gold to buy our ammunition when they invaded us recently we fought them back mercilessly, Robert said. "Currently my soldiers are well trained I have no worry my armory is well equipped, Robert explained. "We need to go first to buy ammunition, we will travel by foot, we have about sixty kilometers to cover we have already covered thirty kilometers," James said. "Why can't you stay with us for a week, we have enough food that will make you recover from a long journey," Robert said. "That is a good idea but we fear that our village may be invaded by Jacob anytime we have to hurry, we left ten soldiers to man the village" James explained. "That is very dangerous indeed, only ten soldiers but if you trained well they can manage to secure the village," Robert said. "They are well trained and well-armed but they can be overwhelmed if many soldiers are sent, we need to hurry," James said. "I will give you parked food, also prepare some of my soldiers to accompany you for twenty kilometers to guide you through the forest," River said. "That is a good idea I and my soldiers are going to appreciate you very much," James said. It was getting late Henry and the soldiers were getting impatient since James overstayed in Robert's house, they wondered what transpired. Robert came out of his house followed by James, soldiers protecting him saluted Henry and the soldiers moved closer. "We have decided to give you packed food, and twenty soldiers to guide you through the forest, the forest is very thick with tall equatorial trees, our soldiers will guide you," Robert said. "Also I have ordered for you parked food" Robert added Soldiers clapped happily parked food was brought they handed over what Henry received. "Sir thank you very much," Henry said. "After accomplishing your mission of bringing ammunition, I will send some of my soldiers to come and protect your village against the thunder the tyranny," Robert said emotionally. " We appreciate John said. " Remember don't befriend any ladies on your way to your mission, they could be government spies be very careful. Robert warned. James, Henry, and John looked at each other in amazement, the soldiers to accompany them came everything was in place Robert's soldiers led the way as they were familiar with the forest they passed through a thick forest with the equatorial tree as tall as the height of a skyscraper in Dubai. At a distance of about eighteen kilometers, James said some ladies fetching water from a stream, the ladies seeing them wanted to run, "Don't run" James said The ladies stood they saw how the soldiers were heavily armed they shivered. "Where are you from?" James asked. "We are from Lela village we came to fetch water," The tall lady said "What's your name?" James asked "I am charity" a tall lady responded "I am Maggy the short" Lady reiterated James looked at the ladies it seem they were harmless but he became suspicious that they may be coming from a militia, camp he point the g*n at them and told them to lie face on the ground. "Let's hurry" James whispered to the soldiers They hurried and left ladies lying on the ground until they got the time to escape any impending danger. "Why did you do that"John asked. "Not to alert the militia around they could be coming from a militia come bearing in mind that Robert warned us about encountering any ladies" James explained "That is true this place is very dangerous, don't befriend anyone," Locus said to one of the Robert soldiers. Other ladies came they found the two ladies lying. "What is going on why are you lying?" Sally asked. The two ladies woke up and look around they saw no one. "There were soldiers here, where are they?" Charity Bellowed. They all rushed to the militia camp where they were coming from to take the massage. "What is wrong' Solo the head of the militia group asked. "Soldiers were here they wanted to shoot us they told us to lie on the ground" Charity said shaking. "Soldiers!" Solo billowed. Soldiers rushed. "I have heard there are soldiers around can you search in the forest if you find them bring me alive" Solo roared. The soldiers run to check if there is any militia around, they went to the stream they realized that there were many footsteps around, they followed the footstep, James and his soldiers hurried as Solo's soldiers followed them through their footsteps. James and his soldiers encountered a hill they climbed in a distance they could see soldiers following them. "Very dangerous place," Henry said. Yes, that is true, that is solo's army they are ruthless they work closely with Thunder" Lucas said. "They are going to return after following us for five kilometers" Lucas added. "When you come from your mission, I will advise Robert our commandant, that we invade this camp before embarking on Jacob's military camp," Lucas said. "That is a wise idea we will exterminate mercilessly the barracks," Henry said. "Where are you going to pass through since this place is very dangerous when you are returning since we are almost covering twenty kilometers?" Henry asked. "This was a shortcut, we are going to pass through a longer and save route," Lucas said. They came down from the hill it was getting late, and they covered only twenty kilometers on that day since the forest is thick and it was almost impossible to pass through. Henry identified a place to erect a tent. "Let us erect the tent," Henry said Most of them were very tired they erected the tent and ate supper since it was getting late, and they lit the fire around the tent Lucas saw a huge Python moving away from the camp after the fire was lit. "A huge snake!"Lucas said The soldiers stood from where they were "Do not be alarmed don't provoke it to let it go to the bush" James said. Python moved slowly to the forest as soldiers composed themselves they prepared their food and slept They came down from the hill it was getting late, and they covered only twenty kilometers on that day since the forest is thick and it was almost impossible to pass through. Henry identified a place to erect a tent. "Let us erect the tent," Henry said Most of them were very tired they erected the tent and ate supper since it was getting late, and they lit the fire around the tent Lucas saw a huge Python moving away from the camp after the fire was lit. "A huge snake!"Lucas said The soldiers stood from where they were "Do not be alarmed don't provoke it to let it go to the bush" James said. Python moved slowly to the forest as soldiers composed themselves they prepared their food and slept
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