The Return of the devil

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"Wake up. Wake up Paula" says a despaired Paul. Paula remains unconscious regardless of Paul's noise. Paul sees himself in the shore of an island. "Looks like you killed all your love that you had in your heart great commander" says a voice. "You? Why you? How dare you come in front of me. You are and always were an evil man. Staying away from you was the best thing I did." replies Paula. Paula  opens her eyes in a place full of white stairs and clouds covering and opening the stairs. She steps into the stairs as the steps in the stairs start to increase. Every step she takes causes an increase in the distance towards the cloud. She is not sure as to whether the cloud is for real or not, yet she aims to recover from the trauma she has in her mind. She hears Paul's voice but she doesn't she him anywhere. She reaches the cloud as she jumps from the cloud. She falls from the cloud and into the blue sky and the green vegetation below. She sees Norva reaching her as she catcher her . "Norva, my friend you are here for me " says Paula. " Always yours to command Commander and take care of my love for me will you, he is waiting for you at the shore. Please wake up o warrior lady among great warriors" replies Norva. Paula's eyes opens as she sees Paul slapping her. " Ow. You know you could have hit me softly and i would have woken up" " Ya we are in a place as the red waste and you are sleeping" says Paul. " But how did we got here ?" asks Paula as she glances here and there. They walk for almost a mile yet they can't reach to any point which could indicate the place they were in. Just as they are wandering ahead, out of a sudden they see a black lady with purple, black armor with a white helmet flying in front of them. " Kilta" shouts Paula as Paul forms a shield that blocks the water. But seeing Paul with his shield, Kilta increases the water thrust as the shield enclosing the two twins starts to blip like a light looking to be short circuited. Paul and Paula are hurled into the air some miles away. They lay unconscious after the fall. A bald  man with white figure appears in-front of the two unconscious warriors. " You say that they are hard to beat. But look at them they lay beat in my single blow" says Kilta to the man. " You wish you had defeated them. She is a commander. Her team is unbeatable" says the bald man. " Are they? I remember them being beaten by Charlie as I remember?" says Kilta. " Looks like he has made you his fool " says the bald man as Kilta cannot bear his laughs as she looks at him furiously. " Don't stare at me now. Your mind has been occupied by his magic such that you even have forgotten yourself" says the bald man. Kilta flies away as she couldn't understand the bald man's words. The man's insulting remarks had made her leave in anger. Paul wakes up right after the conversation between them roused him up. His sister still laid unconscious after the water hurl.  "You have woken up Shielder. Isn't it?"  says the bald man. "Yes that I am . But pray tell me as to who are thou?" says Paul "I am a mere celestial. I migrate from one continent to another in the different lands of the planets created by their masters o brave warrior" says the bald man. "A celestial here, but why aren't you supposed to be in the exploration job." says Paul. "Yes I am doing the job at the moment Martian" says the bald man. " Martian? How did you came to know that" asks Paula. " I know a many things young man. I even knew Hecto Tudor" whispers the man to which Paul gives no reaction indicating the confusion he was in. "Hecto Tudor Frentes. Doesn't the name sound familiar?" says the bald man as the perplexed Shielder is yet in no minds. " Yes I know him " says a voice from back as Paula had woken up shortly. The name had lightened up her emotions as she adds " He was our father Paul. You don't know."  Paul looks at her in discomfort " Our father? But he died when we were born. How could you know?" says Paul. The bald man looks at Paul in sigh and touches his head as he reaches a different time. Mars, 1984(Earth time)………………………………………………………………………………… General Roto had invaded Mars, He was a follower of the lady Chaos. Roto was a celestial warrior similar to the white warrior. His prowess was left unchallenged. No one in the solar system could challenge him. The team of protectors protecting the solar system, were not powerful enough to defeat him. The carbon dioxide atmosphere of Mars nearly killed the living beings that weren’t local. There were clouds, winds like some green planets including earth. But the dust particle scattered, did prove it difficult for human life. Although vegetation existed and the martians were some 100,000 in number. It was a red planet to be more precise. He and his 50 terror forces as they were called were searching the whole planet.  The terror forces search through the atmosphere with their steel pikes which emitted current. Each of the forces, carried a cylinder full of water that emitted and discharged current through water. Each cylinder carried 7L of water. The cylinder was heavy but the current discharged through the cylinder gun would last for 7 hours if used continuously. The Martians though 100,000 in number feared the news about the terror force. They were like hunters that were after dogs or cats. The trapped or captured martians were taken in custody and taken as slaves. Even the martians with extraordinary powers were running and hiding in fear from these men. They had the capacity to defeat any of the terror men yet they run in fear. Hecto Tudor Frentles, one of the Martian with his pregnant wife Chukasa Sor Sarintes, were two of the martians who were not in fear of the terror forces. Though the, terror forces looked frightening when they attacked they had seen their way of fight which decreased their fear of facing them in the battle field. His band of 9 martians were hiding in the mountains or cliffs of the red planet. Hecto Tudor was a shrewd leader, his 30 years were a sign that martians had life expectancies, that would equal other planet creatures. He had also been to Jupiter 13 years ago when he and his brother had found a space shuttle in Mars. They travelled in the shuttle and reached Jupiter. They stayed there for 3 years. His brother Rick was died there although the space shuttle brought him back.    They had hidden for nearly a month until the terror forces located them. Frentles had known General Roto from his last attack on Mars. A decade ago, Roto had attacked Mars when he was a mere fledgling in following the mistress death. He had only 7 pyschopants who merely knew how to use knives. Yet his hatred of the red planet was well known by the civilians of mars. The population was nearly 500,000 at that time until an apocalypse hit which caused the planet to crack which engulfed nearly half of the population. Although, Roto escaped as he fell into a gravity well which caused him to enter a waste planet that caused his powers to develop. He had been trapped in the waste for nearly 7 years until the Mistress death herself took him out of the waste by means of a plot. In 7 years, he had grown powers equal to the white warrior and 50 men were created from the energy released during his exit from the waste. Those 50 men were similar to the white warrior’s dark knights whose soul, were hidden in their master’s tool. Hecto Tudor, his wife and 9 of his men stay hid behind the red cliff. They had a big hut built for 12 people there. His wife was near her birth hours. Her womb was big as if they were twins in her. On a dusty and stormy night in hiding, she gives birth to two beautiful silver haired twins. One was as handsome as the moon but calm while the other a girl, beautiful than any other woman and as the sun’s brightness in her forehead were born. Chukasa named her daughter Paula as she was pulled out first, and since her name was Paula, Hecto called the male infant Paul. They take their infants and give to Udalo, the chief of the 9 martians as they couldn’t risk their life. The General Roto was after Tudor whose life reforms and techniques and Jupiter travels had already reached many ears. To kill a man who favored life and creations would flourish Roto’s reputation as a death follower. They eventually get caught by the great warrior. The 50 men electrocute the brave man as his wife, sees him cry in pain as he is fried to death. Chukasa tries to run but she falls in a big rock which kills her in an instant. The twins were left with Udalo, as Roto returns back after taking the body of Hecto to death herself. The twins think Udalo as their father for nearly 20 years. 20 years later they found the truth. Paula being the leader among the two and more brave finds the truth as Udalo speaks his last words before he meets his death. Paula takes the confused Paul as they migrate here and there in the planet for years. Paula reaches the southern part of the planet. For nearly 2 years they had migrated from the north area to the south, Paul was feeling dehydrated from the journey. He was confused as to the place that they were. Even the surroundings cursed them as the surroundings showed signs of ghosts and ghouls. Evil spirits had taken over the city as some spirits were even seen by the martians around them. Paula would stop by the time she had heard the noises of the spirits and ghosts and wait in the hut and console Paul who was very fearful of the noise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul returns back to the time he saw the bald man. Tears flow through his eyes seeing his father and mother. But as he regains his senses from the emotion storm that just hit him, he questions the bald man " How were you able to do that?" " He is a celestial. An alien even matching the power source of the masters" replies Paula. Paul grins " Alien? I thought celestials were as the warlords." " No o noble man. Warlords are evil in nature such as the one who recently attacked you and made you unconscious. says the bald man. " And what about you. You projected the past to me. Although whether it remains true or not is the question" says Paul. " What he says is true. I have seen the past. Is it in the red atmosphere of our planet and the cliff where we used to run?" asks Paula as her voice tenses. " Yes. How did you know. Did you see that too? And how did you know our father's name that even I know nothing about." asks Paul.  "I knew it the time Charlie attacked my mind at the intricated window. We were trapped at the realm for 4 years which looked like 6 hours a day for 16 days." says Paula. " Yes we were there for a long time fighting the eclipse creature that 4 years looked like a short period." says Paul. " Yes but the astral realm fall was a hoax to say" says Paula. "Hoax, the fall and how were you sure about that" says Paul. " The master Ekrath reached Charlie's mind. He telepathed into his mind with Eternity's gift to him." says Paula. Paul looks at her confused " And how are you knowing all this that happened. Only the masters and the entities could have known that" says Paul. " Yes but with Ekrath giving her half his power. She could telepath wherever she wanted except any guardians." says the man. "And how are you so powerful and full of energy o great man?" asks Paul. " My importance in nothing at the present moment Shielder. You are indeed a man of honor as you instantaneously believed me and your sister" says the man.  " Do I have a choice? And seeing the energy less state my sister is in. I assume her to be true. She has no reputation for lying as I have known her long than anyone here" says Paul. "What about me? Do you trust me as well/" asks the man. "Yes your projection whatever it was that led me to the past that unhooked the questions related to our father. But now pray tell us o big name one, why did you used his name. And if you did why was he mentioned?" says Paul. "General Roto is back. And your father was the only one to defeat him. And seeing the legacy passed onto you, you two must be his destiny" says the bald man. "Roto? Yes I have seen him and his army. Their number can't be matched by our protectors" says Paula. " You are a woman of intelligence. Tell me o noble woman and fairest among all. How did you wake up from the white dream ?" says the bald man. " Did you enter my mind as I was in a dream?" asks Paula. " Yes seeing you and your brother in this island made us look for you. Which is why I arrived here?" says the man. " But why were you with Kilta and why did my dream affect you. And why did you call it the white dream?" asks Paula. "I was sent here by your friend." says the man. "Friend? You mean the black lady. That hydro lady is a foe of ours" says Paul. " She is a mere pawn of what you have to fear that awaits you" says the man. " Yes she is a minion of the devil master who we known as Charlie" says Paul. " Yes he is a strong individual and one of the powerful masters who has reached a level of greatness in his own." says the man. "Greatness? That treacherous man." shouts Paula. " You know him. You just heard him some minutes ago." says the man. " Yes he telepathed to my mind. I assumed it a dream though but I can't understand the tiredness that I feel at the moment" says Paula. " Yes your energy consumption from Ekrath has caused you to go in a state of mind where you cannot store the energy in your body." say the bald man. " But why is it so? And why was I chosen by John's master. And which one of our friend sent you" says Paula. " The one with the Bull helmet. The big funny one beside the small one. He was more funny with his riddles and jokes" says the man. "John. You met him. And Darr what did they say?" asks Paula. " You have the master's powers. You can telepath into any mind you see fit o great warrior,, So why do you fear everyone." says the bald man. " I am not aware of that. I can barely even use my powers as I cannot remember the time I used it for what purpose" says  Paula. " What purpose you need to know commander. If you want to know the purpose then you will need your team of protectors with you. Without them you are a bead of a necklace. Only the beads tied together can complete the necklace. Like the beads you and the other make a necklace." says the old man. "I don't understand your words , and what did John say to you that caused such a concern and why aren't they here with us?" asks Paula. "Your friend the one with the bull helmet used his helmet to telepath into the intricated window. As you couldn't remember your duel with Charlie and his team of the spirits and that hydro lady that nearly drowned you  a moments ago." says the bald man. " But why have you been giving us hints for our well being where it was clear that you were sided with the hydro girl that is Charlie's minion" says Paul. " Yes Shielder, you are an innocent one. But being innocent doesn't set you free from your work" says the bald man.  "Yes what is this work that you want us to achieve ?" asks Paul. " The intricated window's destruction caused a chain reaction that caused all of you to scatter here and there. Your friends Bullseye and Darr is in some place else while your other friends are in other." says the bald man. "Why are not talking straight?" asks Paul. "That is not my way noble warrior. I am a being formed from the intricated window. I am a puzzle itself as the devil master. He like is a convocated individual perceiving different destiny." says the bald man. "Destiny? The path Charlie is in is a choice of his own not his destiny. He is an evil person and will meet an evil fate as his deeds" says Paula. " Your anger towards him has won over the love you had with him in the dream world" says the bald man as Paul and Paula look at each other in disbelief and confusion.       
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