Chapter 1

204 Words
I am facing what may be the biggest problem I've ever had.I hate crowds,I've told you that before.But my  mom wants to send to BS;that's boarding school.I am going to face new people and new enemies.I don't  have any friends.My mom kissed me on the cheek and said everything's gonna be OK. It's not.She helped  me to sneak in bars of chocolate and sweets,she knew I couldn't do without them.I need something to  chew on when I get anxious.She gave me 5 inhalers and said I should use them when feeling dizzy,anxious  or unable to breathe.I am going to miss her so much.Not my dad. He left us when I was 6 and I saw the finish line of happiness. I was trapped in a deep,dark cold pit,in my  heart.I feel like I'm sinking when I hear about his new wife and children.It makes me break down.My mom  and sister are all I have,I have to be strong.I am trying to hold my tears back this moment by my shirt has   tear drops,I can't lie to myself.My life is cruddy.Tomorrow,I'm leaving for a whole 6 weeks.I am going to be  really quiet .They may not even notice me I'm not having a best friend,ever.
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