Chapter Three: Staying In The Pack

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CHAPTER THREE: STAYING IN THE PACK SHERRY'S POV I could still feel Toby's hand behind the small of my back. Not like it made me uncomfortable but it was strange, coming from him to do something like that. I watched Gerald escort us through the first floor then to the third floor where I knew the guest rooms were. He stopped at the entrance, motioning to us with his hand. “There are two rooms there but you can choose one of them considering the relationship between the both of you.” His eyes glanced between Toby and I then stopped the place Toby's hand was. Toby didn't bother to take off his hand even at the obviousness of what he was insinuating. After giving Gerald a curt nod, Toby led me to the living room there and slowly pulled back in his hands. “Sorry for doing that.” He apologized quickly and I blinked at him. Gosh, things were getting awkward already. I gave him a lop-sided smile. “It's nothing. Thank you.” We shared a locked gaze and he slowly nodded, before he slumped down on the couch. “But… are we going to be here for the rest of the week?” I managed to ask, my heart beating fast at the thought alone. There was no way I would want to stay here, especially where Brian was. Toby shrugged. “I don't know. It has come to this.” He pursed his lips. My brows drew together. “Toby,”I reached instantly for his hands and shook my head. He looked up in alert. “I can’t stay here.” I told him and he blinked, taken aback in shock. “Why?” He questioned, inclinging his head to the side. “If it is about the kids, you know I’ve got the covered with Emmalyne with them. She will definitely take care of them. And as a matter of fact, we are not using up to two days here. We just have check out the site for the project and how Brian plan to execute this. You know I need the report.” He explained. I did not stand any argument with him whatsoever but I clenched my fist. “Toby, I know the kids are safe but it would only put me in ease if I stay with them.” He pursed lips, nodding slowly. “I understand. We can leave as early as tomorrow and return to the penthouse. Is that fine by you?” He asked and my lips tilted into a smile. “Thank you!” I went in for a hug on the chair and the door to the living room opened, Brian bursting through and pausing as he stared at us. The smile on my face disappeared. He blinked, a muscle in his jaw ticking as we locked gaze. “Miss Sherry, am I allowed to come in?” He asked, his tone clipped, tight and forced. I slowly rose from Toby who turned his head to Brian. His eyes dropped to somewhere on my body and I looked down, my shirt had shifted to the side and the top of my boobs was exposed. I quickly set into the place, lifting my eyes up to meet his heated gaze. I swallowed hard as I caught sight of the lustful intent twirling into those orbs. I should not be affected by Brian. He was someone I should be far from being attracted to. I wondered why he felt like that. Not like when we were together, he made love to me. Brian would return from the night and have s*x with me, treating me like I was some sort of s*x slave. I didn’t blame him because I wanted to please him. I didn’t want him to going out and doing what I was capable of offering him. The day he returned with divorce letter caused a reset factory in my head. "Sign it, Sherry, and leave!" We had just finished having s*x as usual. He disappeared and after some hours, he returned. I had seen the file with him and I did not know why my heart skipped seeing it. Maybe it was because I had seen it in his office. The most ironic part of it is that he forbid me from entering his office and the day I did, I saw the heading, Divorce Agreement. I thought it was just there, I did not know it was for me. “Brian…” He dropped the file on the bed, looking steely cold as he glared daggers at me. “What are you talking about, Brian? Why do you want a divorce?” I asked him, still feeling confused. “You have been unable to bear me a child since how many years and you expect me to be with you? No, I would not. Sign the papers and leave. We are done!” He didn’t wait for me to speak. He disappeared and till the day I left, I didn’t see Brian. It was after then I heard the pack members talking about McKenzie. I knew her. She was Brian’s childhood crush. Something had happened at that time and she was sent abroad but she was back and had success fully snatched Brian away from me. I felt pain and agony consumed me but when I got the news that I was carrying not just a child but three? I was glad and my joy increased. Brian didn’t say anything as he stood rooted to the spot, shock still coating his face. I doubt he bought into the lie of me not recognizing him. Why wouldn’t I recognize him? Even in the faintest of my dreams, I recognize him. The man that broke me and chose a b***h over me. I will definitely remember him. And why is the b***h not anywhere in sight anyway? “Mr Brian?” Toby called his name and the connection was broken. He dragged his gaze away from me as his left brow twitched, an indication that he was upset but was trying to tamp it down. “Anything the issue?” Toby asked, his face a clear mask. “Erm… yes… I just wanted to tell you that you should be careful and also, try not to make noises.” He glanced between us and blush stained my cheeks at his insinuation. “There are pups in the pack house too.” He pressed his lips together, probably thinking of what to say. “Thank you, we will try to be. Right, Sherry?” Toby asked, smirking at me then he added a wink. I gasped, sending a glance at Brian who shifted on his feet uncomfortably. “Of course.” I stepped into Toby’s embrace. I watched Brian carefully. He was jealous and he could not hide it. I smirked, looking into Toby’s eyes. I did not know what Toby was doing but whatever he was doing, I hope it was a facade.
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