Ms. American Heiress

862 Words
We got the prank set up. We just saw Austin to see Ace in a pool of blood and we already got Allen’s approval. After a few minutes Austin comes down and lets out a girly scream. Then Ace in a creepy pre-recorded voice says " You're next Austin! " Austin’s face was priceless. OMG! I ended up laughing so Austin heard me. " That was a good prank Aria, I gotta admit. " Austin said, sadly. " Don’t worry Austin the next ones will be worse! " I said with a smirk. Ace gets up and hugs me and I didn't push him off.  " I wanna hug! " Will said, Ace took 15 steps back. Then Will came to hug me, let's say he was on the ground before he could touch me. " Why does Ace get a hug? " Will asked. I gave him a deadpan look. And then he said " Okay! Okay. " walking away.  At dinner. We had Pasta with Alfredo with a side of garlic bread. Once that was placed in front of me, I ran to the Bathroom and threw up my breakfast. " Aria, what's wrong? " Lucas demanded. " Well I'm not pregnant, so. I am going to say that that's the last meal I served her. " I said, throwing up some more. After a few minutes I finished throwing up. Then I got up and went to the Kitchen to get a bottle of Water. I drank the whole bottle in under a minute. " You okay? " Austin asked, as I got on my phone. " Aria?!? " Austin called out to me. " Are you okay? " Allen asked, getting annoyed. " Just peachy. " I said, starting to text, J. How are you? - Aria Good. You? - James The usual. Any paperwork for the Gang? - Aria Yeah. Our spies in the Russian Mafia are planning to attack the French Mafia, and want our help. - James. I sighed heavy. So go against the French or the Russians? - Aria I don't know who to trust. - James They are going to attack us! We are the strongest American Mafia! Then the French and then Russians. They are taking us out, J! - Aria. I shook my head laughing. " OMG! That's so, small brain, of them. Anyway I gotta go eat dinner with my parents. Bye! - James. Goodluck! Bye! - Aria. Then I focused my attention on Allen. " Aria? Who the hell were you texting? " Lucas asked, looking full of regret. I looked away from Lucas. " A dear friend of mine. " I answered, with a sweet smile. " Yeah, a boyfriend. " Lucas muttered under his breath. " Dead. " I said, calmly. " Dead, what? " Allen asked me, questionably. " The last man I said I love you, too died. The 1rst man I ever trusted. " I answered, looking at my feet. " Aria.. " Lucas started to say. " I never trust any man because I got raped by one. And got pregnant. I miscarried the baby. " I said, looking at my feet like they are the most interesting thing in the world. " Goodnight. " I said, walking up the stairs but I stopped halfway. " I respect anyone who gains Aria's trust. " Allen said and I smirked. " I can't believe all she's been through. " Ace began, " And she treats us with respect, yet half of us treat us like trash. " " I respect Aria, I just don't know how to talk to her. I can't flirt with her. " Mark said. And with that I walked up the rest of the stairs. I walked into my room and worked on some designs on dresses on my laptop.  An hour later. I turned on the TV and called Mary. " Hi, Mary! How are the dresses? " I said/asked.  " They look beautiful Ms. Queen. " Mary said.  " For the love of fashion! Call me, Aria! Not Ms. Queen, or you're fired Mary. " I said, sternly. " How about Ms. Aria? " Mary asked, I sighed. " Fine! " I wined. 2 Hours Later. The fashion show earned 100 grand. And there were only 10 dresses. Damn. I got up and stretched. Then I heard heavy breathing. " Who sent you? " I asked, not looking around the room.  " The English Mafia Heir has requested a meeting with you at 10 am in Lincoln Street Park tomorrow. " He said, I tilled my head to the side. " Why me? Why not the French? Or the Russians? Why not take me down? " I asked, brushing my hair. " Ms. American Heiress, I have no clue. I was tasked to give you this message. " After that he left. I sighed and got dressed for bed. Once in bed I thought about what just happened. Why me? Why didn't he request a meeting when my Mother was alive? Is he going to kill me? Where my last thoughts as I went into a dreamless sleep.
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