Y'all Act Like Boyfriend And Girlfriend

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" Aria! " Austin called. " Yes? " I asked, Austin. " All of us are watching a movie in the Movie Room! " Austin exclaimed. " Okay lead the way. " I said, getting up to follow Austin to the Movie Room. Once we got there Austin asked " What are we watching? " Lucas looked at me worried.  " We are watching It. " Lucas said, with a little smirk. Austin looked like he was going to faint. " Austin, you need to calm down and even your breathing. "  I said, to Austin, calmly. " Now someone get me a warm bottle of water and a towel. " I commanded, as Mark ran to go get them. When Mark came back. " He was having an oncoming Anxiety attack. " I said, pouring water on the towel and putting it on his head. I got up and sat in a chair.  " How did you know that? " Ace asked. I froze, I couldn't tell them the truth.  " I was in foster care for a few months. " I said. Then there was a thick tension in the Room. " I'm going to bed. " Austin said, slowly getting up. " I'm going to help Austin. " I said, to Allen. After I helped Austin up and we walked Austin out of the Room. " Why did you freeze? " Austin asked, walking up the stairs.  " My best friend had Anxiety attacks every 8 Months. And I was worried about him because we weren't in a stressful situation. And I couldn't watch him go through it alone. " I said, watching a tear slip. We got to Austin's door and I put him in his bed and said " Goodnight Austin. " Before walking away from him.  Once I got to my room,  I saw Lucas and Allen. " What do you need? " I asked, wiping my tears. " You're hiding something. " Lucas said, to me, coldly. I glared at Lucas. " Yes, I am. " I said, shock them both. " And I know that you're hiding something, too. Don't act like I'm the only one. " " What are you hiding? " Allen muttered under his breath. I shook my head and walked into my room. And yelled " I have nothing to hide other than my best friend's secret! " Then I got my laptop and started to work on paper work for my gang.  I woke up to a phone call from J. " Yes? " I asked, sleepy.  " How are you feeling? " J asked, me, sadly. " Well considering your calling me at midnight today's the day. " I said, with my voice cracking. J sighed. 2 Bloody years. " Thank you for saving me from the nightmares, J. " I said, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes.  " Welcome, A. " J said as I hung up the phone. And I let the tears slip, and I cried silently. After a few minutes, I wiped my tears. I got up and thought about Alex.                     Flashback “ Alex! Where are you? “ I yelled. “ Yes? “ Alex asked. “ Come on we gotta go! “ I yelled, we were 10 minutes later. “ Come on Alex, you might not care but we do! “ J yelled. Then Alex came running down the stairs. I smiled as I kissed him on the cheek. “ Y’all act like Boyfriend and Girlfriend. “ J muttered.I sighed and kissed J on the cheek, too. “ Happy? “ I asked, J. “ Yes! “ J exclaimed, happly.                     Flashback I smiled for a second, then headed down to the Kitchen.  Once I was in the Kitchen I grabbed an apple, Alex’s favorite fruit. I began to eat it slowly. Then Lucas looked at me questionably as he walked in the room. Then they all piled in. “ How are you, Austin? “ I asked, looking him in the eyes. “ Good! How about you? “ Austin asked. I didn’t answer. After a few minutes, Lucas spoke. “ Okay! What’s wrong? “  “ Probably on her time of the mouth. “ Xavier said, I’ve never got up so fast in my life. “ Just because I didn’t answer doesn't mean I’m on my period. I’m fine! “ I spoke, so coldly that Xavier sivered. Then I walked out of the room and walked to my room to grab my earbuds and my phone. And walked to my balcony to climbed on the roof.  Once I got on the roof, I plugged in my earbuds and played How To Save A Life By Lorenzo Fragola. And I closed my eyes. Step one you say we need to talk, He walks you say sit down it's just a talk, He smiles politely back at you, You stare politely right on through, Some sort of window to your right, As he goes left and you stay right, Between the lines of fear and blame, You begin to wonder why you came, Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend, Somewhere along in the bitterness, And I would have stayed up with you all night, Had I known how to save a life, Let him know that you know best, Cause after all you do know best, Try to slip past his defense, Without granting innocence, Lay down a list of what is wrong, The things you've told him all along, And pray to God he hears you, And pray to God he hears you, Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend, Somewhere along in the bitterness, And I would have stayed up with you all night, Had I known how to save a life. I sing quietly. After I finished that bit I heard someone else’s heartbeat. I let them walk toward me. Once they were close anoff I kicked their legs and they fell down. I opened my eyes and saw Ace. I sighed and sat back down. “ Wow. You’re not even going to ask if I’m okay. “ Ace said, faking being hurt.  “ Nah. I knew you were okay by the way you landed. “ I said, calmly. “ Wow! “ Was all Ace said. I smiled softly looking at the sky. I saw a cloud that looked like a heart. Wow! Was all I thought. “ Are you okay, Aria? “ Ace said, looking at me sadly. “ I’m fine. “ I answered, which wasn’t a lie but not the whole truth. “ Okay. “ Ace said, getting up and walking away. I got off the roof and went into My Room. I got on my bed and looked through Photos of Alex. I was on the verge of tears, when I heard gunshots.
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