Chapter 2 (The first contact)

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30th June 20xx, South of Sea of No Man, Two F-14X Super Tomcats soared through the sky above the brilliant blue of the ocean below in sub sonic speed majestically showing their air power as the ruler from above. The two beasts were piloted by none other than Trigger and Avril themselves, enjoying the view while conducting surveillance for the main base since they lost connection with the satellites only to have the space elevator as available network line.  This had caused some serious workload to the government and the higher up of the army. Whereas to confirm their whereabout, thus the Three Scratches and his partner were tasked to perform reconnaissance and surveillance to identify the geography surrounding Nova, besides hoping to find their Usean neighbor. Aircraft carrier Kestrel was stationed 40 miles behind as additional support if anything goes wrong and could send off the initial warning for any imminent hostile act.  So far, nothing unusual occurred for the past three hours. That was, until Trigger caught a glimpse of a fleet of ships over the horizon. Avril soon followed to the sight and reported to the Kestrel and wait for further respond.  "Strider 5, Strider 1. Make your approach towards the unknown flotilla. Try communicate with the men on board the ships. Be advised for any threat posed to your birds. Maintain low speed and proper altitude. Report to us back when you are done, over' "Copy that, Mother. Approaching designated flotilla. Strider Squadron out." Avril broke communication, following Trigger from behind.  Both Tomcats lowered the speed to view the sailing ships better while recording inside the cockpit. To their surprises, the ships in front of them were all made of wood and resembled the model of the medieval and middle age type of vessels consisted of main ships and escort boats that still utilising sail folds and primitive bows.  Analyzing this circumstance, Trigger knew any radio contact were deemed useless and the jets rather impossible to do any loud speaker interaction with the people on the ships. He signaled Avril to follow suite circling the flotilla before heading back to the the carrier with full speed.  [ Saldona fleet POV] It has been four days since they left the Wrindel port harbor yet they were still three quarter away from the Sea of No Man territorial water. The journey were expected to be within a month to reach the assigned area to dispatch a team for investigation and intel. Captain Galileo pulled out his binoculars and scanned the horizon of the ocean for anything that could catch his and the crewmates' interests. Three hours have passed and nothing such event happened.  He saw Grand Mage Yasol got out of the cabin, joining him on the deck. Duchess Rianni was busy manning the steering while checking her compass. Although she was part of royalty, her true life was dedicated to be a sailor, seemingly an odd among the monarchy members who prefer to do nobles things such as becoming knight officers or involve in the administration affairs, etc. She did not indulge in the royalty matters that she described as boring and no spirit of adventure. She, instead rather venture to the outer world and meet new bunch of people outside the kingdom. Establishing friendly ties and knowing other cultures and such for her forte.  And her excitement was not fading off, this as far as the journey went. Yasol, as he saw this shook his head  a little with a faint smile upon the young Lady etiquette. He greeted the ship's captain with a pat on the shoulder, conversing with the old pal.  "Quite enthusiastic first mate you got there, Gal. Never gets tire of a new voyage. She could be a role model for the rest of the crews here." "I supposed you are right. She is Rianni after all. You better expect her to be the next captain once I get my retirement. She is a suitable candidate if it is not for for her royal blood." Galileo replied. "I think that matter can be put aside. Besides, his highness is there to run everything within his might to give just concern towards our Lady. I'm sure she would do well whatever position she is put into." "Haha. You are right, my friend. May the luck and bless bestow upon her as long as she lives." The two were into the conversation when a crew on the manning tower shouted to the people on board the ship.  "Two unidentified flying objects are nearing, with unbelievable speed towards us!! Direction 2 o'clock!!! Captain, your orders??!!!" the man asked. This made the captain and the mage baffled with confusion drawn on their faces. Captain Galileo looked at the direction pointed by his man with the same monocular. Looks like a pair of birds, but at the same time not a bird. Its wings are still but it fly effortlessly. and.... the bodies are made of steel??!! Was he seeing this right, or was he hallucinating? Grand Mage Yasol grabbed the monoc from Galileo's hand and observed them for himself. wrinkles set on his eye lashes with wonders and worries as if the iron birds were to attack them. The captain then yelled at the men to prepare for battle in their respective stations. Rianni was also looking curiously at the approaching 'birds' as the distance between them grew closer and closer.  The iron birds were circling the fleet, as if looking and scanning down at them like a pair of hungry sea eagles searching for prey. What caught them all off guard was after the creatures had done hovering above them it proceeded soaring away with a thunderous booming noise coming from its tails, leaving trails of white smoke behind.  Such power, such speed. What in the world are even those things?! Captain Galileo questioning to himself while mage Yasol stared still at the sky where the two mysterious beings vanished within seconds of its roars. He knew they were few steps closer with the anomaly that appeared on this realm and even more eager to solve the mystery of its sudden arrival and its true intention of existence.   *****************************************Chapter 2 end***************************************************** Again, my works got the best of me from writing this story. Not like I would give a f**k much about it, though. Any errors in this chapter I do apologize to you, fellow readers. Any ideas or thoughts please kindly put it in the comment section below. Anon peace n out!! 1/13/2021
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