Chapter 4

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The months have past in the blink of an eye. It has been crazy but a peaceful few months.  Nothing major has happened. Nathan did eventually propose to Monica who was totally shocked and over the moon. She has done nothing but flap around finding a date and a venue for her big day. I am so happy for her. They are the perfect couple. Katy and Daniel went on honeymoon for a month to Hawaii and came back with an amazing tan and stories for us all.  Katy had bought a load of baby t-shirts and gifts for my girl. Yeah I found out I am having a little girl. My little princess. I wasn’t going to find out but my mum and Monica both came to that scan and begged me to find out. To say they have went overboard with the little outfits is a major understatement.  My dad was a bit sad he wasn’t getting another grandson, but he was still glad everything is going well with the pregnancy. The nursery is all ready for her arrival, which could be any day now as the last time I saw the midwife she said that everything is where it should be, so I suppose she is in position for the birth. I am currently in the bakery having a meeting with my manager Tony.  With the baby due any day now I need to make sure things are going to be alright while I’m busy.  I know Tony is capable, but I just need peace of mind and to help keep me busy. Tony is in his late forties, married with 5 children and 2 grandchildren.  He is almost like a second dad to me and when he found out I was expecting, he was shocked like everyone but has been a great support to me. Especially when my hormones got the better of me and he found me in my office in tears over a complaint from a local resident. They moaned that the delivery vehicle wakes her up at stupid o’clock in the morning. Which I know was nothing to do with us as we don't get deliveries until after 9am. It was another shop, but she blamed us, and it got to me. “Everything will be fine Bree. Its not my first time looking after things. Go home and relax you will need to recharge before princess gets here.” “Thanks Tony. You know you are the best.”  I hug him as we lock up the shop.  After waving goodbye I drive home.   I still had a few days until my little girl was due, but I suppose she could come at any time, right.  My mum had decided that she was going to stay with me until the baby was here. She didn’t want me to be on my own and go into labour during the night. So going home and seeing my mum in the kitchen was a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting her until later, “Hey mum”  I say walking into the kitchen. “Hey sweetie. Get yourself comfy. We are having movie night.”  She tells me as she helps me take my jacket off and she ushers me to the lounge. Getting comfy and munching on spicy nachos and fries. Don’t judge it’s what my girl is wanting. My mum has said its disgusting and I’m sure I will suffer from heart burn later, but I’m enjoying it just now. Just when the movie is getting interesting I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. I screech making mum jump from her seat. “Just breath sweetie. It might be a false alarm. I’ll time it.” She says in a calming tone. I nod my head and try and relax. About twenty minutes later I get another pain and that is when mum suggests a warm bath. The pain is unbearable during it but once it’s gone I’m totally fine. Heading up for a bath like mum suggested I get yet another pain. I breath through it and try not to panic.  Once in the bath mum gets my bags gathered at the front door just incase it is labour, and we need to make a quick exit. The bath seems to be helping and I’ve had no other pain in the last half hour so I can maybe assume it’s just a false alarm. Climbing out I dry off and get into clean pjs and snuggle up in my bed. Mum joins me and we lie in a comfortable silence. “How you feeling sweetie?” mum asks as I sigh “Scared. My tummy is sore, feels like my insides are burning" I chuckle. “You’ve nothing to be scared about. We are all here for you and the little one.  You wanting anything to drink?” “No, I’m fine. Just going to try get some sleep” I say yawning and pulling the covers further up to my chin. Sleep comes easier than I thought it would, but it wasn’t a peaceful sleep, I kept getting pains every so often. Mum was lying beside me snoring away. I didn’t want to disturb her.  When I decided to get up it was a little after 7am, the sun was just starting to shine through the blinds in my room and in the distance, over mums snores you could hear the birds chirping. I managed to get into the bathroom for my morning rituals, I was brushing my teeth when I felt a gush of liquid between my legs.  I gasped in shock thinking I had wet myself then realised that my water just broke.  Strangely I felt no pain, well that was until I moved through to my room to wake mum up. “Mum”  I shook her awake.  She groans and rubs her eyes. “My water just broke”  I tell her. She jumps out of bed and frantically starts getting dressed aswell as calling the midwife to tell her.  I get myself cleaned up a little and changed into a pair of jogging bottoms and t-shirt. “Ok. Midwife says to head in just now for a check-up and will go from there”  mum explains as she then quickly calls my dad and sister to tell them what is going on. After slowly climbing down the stairs, having to stop a few times as what I can presume were contractions hit me hard, two right after one another, I eventually got settled in the car. Seatbelt on and mum gets my bag in the boot. On the drive the contractions were getting closer together, still a good ten minutes apart and getting more intense with each one.  I was doing the whole breathing thing, but the pain was excruciating. Once we arrived there was a couple of nurses there with a wheelchair waiting for us at the entrance. Mum pulled up and all three helped me out of the car, just as I got seated in the wheelchair another contraction hit and I swear this little girl will get a talking to when she comes out. Hell, she is putting me through the ringer. Being wheeled into a room, I was then helped onto a bed just when the midwife came in to check on me.  She quickly straps a few monitors on me to check heartbeat of the baby and my blood pressure.  She then checked down below and told me I was 5cm dilated. “Half way there Bree. We will get you moved into a birthing room and let you get settled and get your pain relief organised as well. This could go either way, slow or fast. It’s all up too little miss.” The midwife says. I nod my head and keep my breathing steady. A few hours later and I’m checked again. I can hardly feel the pain since I took all the drugs they offered. I have a zero pain tolerance always have. I am such a weakling that way.  “Ok. Fully dilated. Ok. Let’s get the team organised.  The next big contraction I will need you to push Bree” the midwife starts shooting orders to everyone in the room.  My mum is with me in the room, dad and my sister are in the waiting area.  Monica is gutted she can’t get away from work to be here, which I totally understand. “Ready Bree, a big push”  the midwife says.  And push and push and breath, pant and push. I have been doing this for the last hour and I am totally worn out. “I can’t do it”  I sob out.  I am absolutely knackered and have zero energy left. “Come on sweetie. She is almost here” my mum says gripping my hand, that’s what I needed a pep talk from my mum. After an hour more of pushing and panting the room is filled with tiny baby cries. I collapse back on the bed, completely out of it. I couldn't tell you what everyone was saying. All I could hear was my baby girl crying. After a little bit of attention on my nether regions, I’ll not go into details, I was handed a tiny bundle in a pale pink blanket.  I sit up and look at my baby girl. Her eyes closed, she looks so cute. I am totally biased but she is so adorable. All the pain and sweat and tears was totally worth this precious little bundle in my arms. “Hey baby”  I whisper to her. Stroking her face, she moves her tiny head into my touch.  “She is adorable Bree.” The midwife says as she stands and writes in my chart.  “Everything was perfect with the birth, no tearing, which means no stitches. You will obviously be tender and sore for a few days. Just take it easy, one day at a time.” She tells me as she leaves the room, leaving me, my mum, a nurse and my little girl. “Do you have a name?” mum asks as she leans against the edge of the bed, looking over her granddaughter. “Abigail Donaldson” I whisper.  My mum gasps at the name. “After Granny” she wipes a tear.  I nod my head.  Mum takes Abigail from me and coos at her just in time for me to get taken for a shower by the nurse.  Mum had already sorted out my clothes and stuff, so the nurse carried them as I waddled to the adjoining bathroom. The water did wonders to my aching muscles, but it did sting a little. Once washed, dried and dressed in clean underwear and trackies I headed back out to see my dad and sister in the room cooing over Abigail. “Bree, she is amazing. Congratulations” my sister, Joanna says as she helps me back onto the bed. “She looks like she will need a feed soon. Have you thought about breastfeeding?” the nurse asks as dad hands her back to me and kisses my forehead. “I’ll try breastfeeding” I say to her.  “That’s my cue to leave then.” Dad says as he leaves the room quicker than I have seen him move in years.  I get myself comfy as my mum and the nurse assist getting Abigail latched on. She does eventually get there, but I’m not comfortable at all. I will see how it goes I suppose. I know Joanna didn’t feed either of her kids they both went straight to bottle feeding, so I’m not too fussed about it. “I will head back with dad, get showered and changed and come back in later. The midwife says you will be here for the night but able to go home tomorrow once the baby has been checked out with all the tests and stuff” mum says as she gathers her stuff and takes my dirty clothing with her. “OK mum. Thanks for everything.” I hug her and she kisses my forehead and runs a finger over Abigail’s forehead as she is still feeding away. After mum and dad left, Joanna stayed with me for a little bit. She was telling me about this new boss she has and how he is single and hot. Even though she is married, happily married at that, she always tells me about the hot guys she knows or sees.  She has been trying to set me up with all her single male friends for months. I can’t do anything but laugh at her. “I have literally just given birth and you are telling me to get back out there and get a man. Who would want to get involved with a new mum and a new born baby”  I shake my head at her. “He is totally your type, muscles with tattoos short dark hair. He is perfect for you. Give it a few months. You need to get back out there. Baby daddy isn't on the scene, you have needs and I’m sure he will be happy to help”  she goes on to tell me. “Joanna, enough please. I have just popped out a baby. The last thing I need to think about is having sex.” I chuckle as the nurse comes back into check on us. Abigail had fallen asleep whilst feeding, so I put her in the little crib and decided to take a nap while she was out for the count.  Joanna soon left after I got comfy in the not so comfy hospital bed. My thoughts soon drifting to Abigail’s dad, Dale. I wonder what he is up to.
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