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We finally came to a black SUV. I would swear I fell in love with that car then. It was the car of my dreams. As a child, I had wanted a car like that, which would make other drivers look at me in amazement and with respect. I imagined myself in there, smirking and wearing Hunter's glasses ... Okay, yes, Hunter's, which would be in the glove compartment and we would both share. My imagination has no limits. Hunter entered the back with me, not speaking to me and not allowing G to sit next to me. I thanked him silently in two thousand different ways. It hadn't crossed my mind that G wasn't aware of our positions, because when he saw us he narrowed his eyes and shook his head. - It's your car, Hunter. You should drive - He leaned against the door. What a mania this man had for leaning on the edges of doors! - I'm afraid of leaving Samantha by your side. You could gag her and tie her up like a sack of potatoes. I think he deserves a break from your company and you from his or it will be impossible to deal with you - While giving that little speech, he had his hand on my arm. I was going to faint from happiness. - Let her decide - The words came out between the teeth of a very angry G. - I'm staying with Hunter - I hardly understood the phrase how quickly I said it. G looked at me with all the hatred in the world and I stuck my tongue out at him. He was not very clear about his problem. He hated me, he did and it was no secret. Our atoms repelled each other more than water and oil. We were unnatural together. Being apart ensured relative stability to the world, but no ... He suddenly wanted to observe me on a car journey, and then complain like an old man about how bad I am or some idiocy of his. I hated her mood swings. So it was only fitting that she had chosen Hunter. It was very obvious. Although I understood that his masculine pride had suffered a bit. He had chosen his friend. And I'm not the least bit sorry. The car started quietly and I fell even more in love with that perfect machine created by man to improve the quality of life for people with enough money to pay for it. It was just perfect. My sigh in love was heard throughout the car because I received the look of both men. - I like the car- I explained. - Ah. I bought it for when they send me on somewhat more secret missions than the rest. I can take this thing anywhere and it's a color that goes unnoticed easily. I have several, but this is one of my favorites. My lips formed a perfect O. ¿ Hunter had several cars? My mother That was the most incredible thing I had ever heard if we forget what had happened less than 24 hours before this conversation. I stroked the leather of the seats and closed my eyes from how much I liked the touch. I saw myself driving and enjoying the car. It was just what I needed. Maybe he could save a little and spend less money on clothes and other unnecessary things. - Go to sleep, little one- Hunter pulled me onto his lap and I stared at his masculinity. Uncomfortable. I closed my eyes tightly and turned around. He preferred to have his package on the back of his neck rather than on his face. I felt fingers in my hair and smiled softly. I loved those gestures. They made me feel special. Cute things made my toes curl. My skin crawled and I sank deeper into her thighs. I shouldn't have started touching my hair. Now I wanted to keep it as a hair- stroking slave (if that ever existed). - Don't do dirty things back there - G's hostile voice made my eyelids flutter open before they fell of their inertia - Speaking of dirty things. Sweetie, I don't know any name of erotic literature writer that begins with Samantha. - Because I publish with a nickname - I yawned - I would be very ashamed of my parents and friends read risqué things written by me. I don't know how their faces would look. It is easier if my real name is not known. I am not famous nor do I want to be. - With that you are famous, you are of what there is not. You are famous but you don't want to be. You must go to a doctor to look at your head - He chuckled - And hey, out of curiosity, do you write very perverted things? - Extremely - I smiled - Based on real events. Not by a long shot ... but he didn't have to know that. I heard him swallow hard and stifled a laugh. That he believed it made me very funny. So he could see that I was not as small and innocent as he believed. It was a woman and she was going to show her. One way or another. XXX I had to fall asleep because I instantly opened my eyes as we entered a parking lot. I looked around disoriented, bumping into Hunter's chest. I raised my head and found the smile of that man who was a mystery to be solved. How could I give the feeling of being able to open my head in two seconds and at the same time wanting to protect myself? They were incompatible things. I was still comfortable on his lap and even if he had killed me right there, I wouldn't have minded. My brain, even in a semi-deep state of torpor, was not working properly and the situation seemed very normal to him. And everything fell under its weight. - Ah! - I got up suddenly and looked at him with my eyes closed - Where are we? - Little Red Riding Hood is alive! - G, as always so nice - I thought you weren't going to wake up from that good dream of yours that you were having. You drool Hunter's knee. I blushed to the last root of my hair. I hoped I hadn't been embarrassed in such away. I looked at Hunter's legs. Clean. I looked up at the driver's seat with as much hatred as possible, as if my hostility could poke holes in the upholstery and char it. It would be a nice image or a possible Christmas greeting for family and friends... Beautiful and original. - Stop bothering her, G - Hunter rolled his eyes and ran his thumb over my lips again and looked at it for a moment - Dry. Is it possible to have a spontaneous combustion death caused by that slight touch? I think that's when I started hyperventilating like an i***t. I became very flushed and noticed how short of breath I was. These things they couldn't do to me, it had to be illegal to be so sexy and perfect. All his sensual behavior should be punishable by life imprisonment in some lost jail where his charm could not wreak havoc on the female population. Yes, I had to give the police some suggestions. To make matters worse, his entire demonstration, he hugged me against his side and my eyes rolled. What was this boy about? G pulled up abruptly, causing me to nearly collide with the front seats. What a brute this man was… Hunter parried the blow by covering my face with his hand and holding me to his body with the other. So much physical action was starting to make me groggy and G pissed off because he opened my door and pulled me while still wearing the belt. I groaned and looked at him with the saddest eyes I could put together. He had hurt me. He frowned and reached down to free me from the tape that held me to the car. - I don't know what you use the belt for. It's useless and uncomfortable. " He shrugged and pulled me toward the door at the back of the garage. " Get out the cute things. We wait for you on the floor - Without looking at Hunter he pushed me to his side. All a man charm ... note my irony. The building seemed very new, too much for my liking. Everything was cold and cream-colored. It looked like the wing of a madhouse. Maybe that's why they picked me up, I had gone crazy. I looked at G next to me. She was crazy, but it wasn't a madhouse. There was no one at the front desk for the site and I didn't stop to ask G who was in an incredible rush to get out of the way. He got me into the elevator with another shove. This boy didn't know what softness was. I glared at him. Moron. He was content to ignore me and that gave me a chance to study the elevator. Holy Mother! All the walls were made of mirrors and although theoretically, G was ignoring me, in practice he was looking at me through mirrors. He was watching me like I was going to escape. As if I had any chance of fleeing from that place with him and Hunter on my heels. No. I was smarter than that and needed a little time to plan my escape. He couldn't screw up just like that. I stuck my tongue out at him looking at him through the mirror. He returned the gesture with a smirk. Believed. On floor 6 he came down pulling my vest sleeve like a dog. Unfortunate. In front of door 3B we stopped and he took a card out of his back pocket. He ran it through the lock/card reader and opened the door. - You first, miss- He winked at me and I was tempted to spit at him. I raised my nose as high as I could and stepped onto the floor. The first thing I thought was: "What?" It was practically empty. It was all open plan, without walls except for the bathroom. It was huge, and the living room had a huge bed, a sofa, and a couch. It's stupendous. It was the weirdest and most useless house I had ever seen. It had an island that separated it from the imperial bedroom. The closet was right in front and took up the entire wall. In the background, you could see the shape of a window covered by a thick white curtain. Everything in that house was light except for the bedspread on the king-size bed, which was navy blue. G was almost as amazed as I was. Besides, everything was more surreal because there was nothing out of place and there was not a speck of dust. How was it possible...? G pulled me into the bathroom, equally curious. Another major surprise. There was a large bathtub almost in the center. By a large bathtub, I mean almost an indoor heated pool. There I fit in with the two boys and several other people. It was pure ostentation. With gold finishes everywhere, clearly. The toilet was the most common thing in the house, but the sink was on a beautiful and gigantic marble counter. God ... This was better than any hotel. There were several towels on a giant coat rack and a mirror adorned an entire wall. How much could a wall mirror cost? Maybe when I got back to my apartment I could buy one (a little smaller because my floor was a third or less of it). The sound of Hunter struggling with my things made us stumble out of there with a contorted face. I had no words to describe my amazement. Not even an interior designer could have made such an eclectic site. - Do you live here?- G's voice reassured me. He was amazed almost as much as I was and was his friend. -Oh, yeah.- Hunter looked uncomfortable.- It's not a normal place and that's why I thought it wasn't the best place for the three of us to stay, especially since there's no place for all of us to sleep and because there's not much ... privacy- He scratched his head- I hope you don't dislike me too much. -It's weird.- Me and my subtlety. The Nobel was closer every day that passed.
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