The beginning

344 Words
Ka's pov I am a 19 years old woman who has a secret crush NO ONE knows about. He is tall and handsome... Like hot! He works out but not the way that make him look fake. He has the sweetest smile ever and those brown eyes you will get lost in. He has light brown hair that waves in a cute way. Omg I need to stop myself... He knows that he is good looking and that he can get almost who he wants... But anyway let's call him A. I on the other hand has always been insecure about myself, especially my look. I have blond hair that reach my non existing boobs. I have this tiny waist and a great butt tho.. My legs are long and pretty. I wear glasses that makes me doubt my look even more. I do not have a lot of friends but the few I have is amazing. My grades are a bit more than okay I guess, and besides that college is pretty boring. I mostly sees A at the bar I go to with my friends, and it takes alot for me to even talk to him. I stand there talking to the bartender then I feel two strong arms wrapped around my waist and he whispers in my ear "well hello there beautiful" I cant say anything and at the time I can put on a little smile, he is already on his way to his friends... Dammit Ka get youself together now. I go to my friends with the new drink I strongly need right now, they are laughing and joking around as we sit there in the middel of the bar. I smile I bit and try to laugh with them, but all my head can spin around is him... And the fact that he just called me beautiful. Was he drunk? Did he mean it? Was I the only one he called that? I know the answer to it all, but I couldn't help but hope just a little.
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