meet everyone

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Nico’s P.O.V. After the Alpha and Beta had left me alone in my room inside the hospital, time once again had passed without me having real knowledge of how much time exactly had been passing by. Not that I really cared about it though, I knew I needed time in order to heal, in order to wrap my head around my new life and what it all meant, in order to prepare myself for what was to come and what I needed to prepare myself for. In the meantime, the pack doctor and nurses came by every few hours to check up on me. Most times they spoke mostly to themselves, asking me simple questions that just needed me to either nod or shake my head as an answer. But still, the thing I hated the most about everything, was the way they were all looking at me when they came into the room. The pity in their eyes as they examined me, the shame of not really knowing how to communicate with me as they spoke, the fear of doing or saying something wrong to hurt me. And I knew what they were all thinking... Poor guy How will you ever be able to make a life for yourself now? How will you ever communicate? Forced to always depend on someone else from now on... Well, f**k them all! They didn’t really say it out loud to me, but I could still see it in their eyes. The look in their eyes couldn’t be any clearer. I forced myself to take the Alpha’s advice to start eating again. And I had done as he had told me to do, like a good boy, like a man who would follow his Alpha. Because I knew that if I would ever want to live here under his rule and inside his pack, it was expected of me to follow his every command. To earn his trust and for me to trust him in return. I wasn't eating because I was hungry. Hell, nothing had any taste in it anymore. But I ate because I knew I needed to eat. I knew I needed to get something in my body in order to be able to function, in order to grow, in order to become powerful once again, and hopefully be able to connect with my wolf before I would even be able to start training to get toward my ultimate new goal in life. To one day kill the fucker who had taken so much away from me, just because he was an entitled asshole who thought he could just take whatever the hell he wanted. And so, by starting to eat again, my body healed even faster. Bruises slowly vanished, broken bones grew back together, even though the memories remained, and the nightmares I had every night were even worse as they grew more detailed with every passing night. Every second I had been inside that torture tent, was being relived in my dreams night after night. My own screams still sounded in my own ears, and hearing how the fucker, Alpha Dimitri, laughed at my pain and agony. How he didn’t even care about what he was doing to me, what he was taking away from me. And I knew the nightmares would never go away, the trauma had been too hard, too severe. It would be a part of me from now on, probably until the day that I would die. One day, I was surprised, as the pack doctor walked inside my room like usual, only this time, he was being accompanied by another guy who I had not seen before in my life. So, I looked at the doctor in wonder, my eyebrows slamming down, as to ask him who the hell he had brought along with him this time. Immediately saw the man as a potential threat the way I had grown to learn while living in my previous pack filled with rogue wolves. “Nico, I am here to bring you some good news today.” The doctor nodded at me, as I took in the guy standing next to him once again. He was long and muscular and had an aura around him that didn't need me to second guess myself, this was a highly-ranked wolf. “Nico, you are free to leave the hospital. You have healed up well enough to stop staying inside the hospital, but you have to promise me to keep eating.” The doctor told me seriously as if he was a dad trying to teach his kid some lame life lesson here. Get out… eat… grow stronger Yeah… got it, doc. “This right here is Jason.” The doctor told me, as he nodded at the man whom I had never seen before. “He is the Gamma of the Grey pack.” He told me, as I looked at the man once again. He was a very big guy, with longer brown hair that curled underneath his ears, a pointy nose, and hazel eyes which were looking at me in a friendly way, a way in which I wasn't really used to being looked at. The guy even had a smile on his face, another thing I was not used to while living in my old pack. Oh God… was smiling even allowed back there? Maybe… the place was just too depressing to allow anyone to smile… “Nice to meet you, Nico.” Jason had told me with a nod. His hands were sitting inside his pants pockets. “I am here to take you home, to the pack house.” He had added, and I had felt my eyebrows rise up in surprise. Shit… They are actually letting me live inside the pack house? A house… with a roof? a bed? GOD f**k ME, A BED! and so, I nodded almost immediately, throwing the covers off of me as I threw my feet out of the bed, ready to get up and get the hell out of there after being here for what had felt like forever. And so, within ten minutes, I was sitting inside a truck that was driving me straight through my new pack, towards my new home inside the Grey pack. Jason drove me around the lands, and either the guy was just a blabber mouth on his own, or he was nervous to have a guy without a tongue sitting so close to him because he simply did not stop talking for one damn second. He told me about the pack that we were in and where he had lived his whole life, showing me buildings and telling me what was inside of them, the schedule that I would be working on in order to train with the rest of the warriors, to eat, hell… maybe even a schedule to sleep. At some point, I had basically muted the whole conversation, looking outside and just… looking. Admiring. Home… Is this really my new home? There was so much land left here, hell… I wondered when I had ever seen grass that looked so damn green ever before. Probably when I was a kid growing up. It sure as hell hadn’t been the last couple of years of my life, not since I had started to work for the council anyway. And I wondered if they would even care if I was still alive or not at this point. If they even had wondered about me and what the hell could have happened to me... Who cares... I sure as hell don’t care about any of them. Let them think that I’m dead. It won’t change a damn thing anyway… I was blown out of my own daydream, as the truck stopped moving and I looked in front of me, at what looked to be a big barn. It looked… homey in a way. Cozy even? s**t… If this was the Grey pack's pack house, I sure as hell had hit the jackpot by coming here and ending up in this pack and their Beta finding me when I was two seconds away from dying. So, I just pointed at the building, looking at Jason, eyebrows high on my head as if to ask him… Really? This is it? This is the place? This is the pack house? Jason just laughed, nodding as he looked at the building as well. Probably already used to seeing it since, well... he had lived here since the day he was born. “That’s the pack house all right. Welcome home, Nico.” He told me, to which I sighed deeply, hearing how Jason opened the door and got out of the car, making me follow him right on his tail. As we walked toward the building, I could already feel the eyes on my back from other wolves. People were staring at me, probably already knowing who I was and how I had ended up being here. They were all probably feeling sorry for me as well at this point, which I hated with every pore in my body. Why couldn’t people just treat me like a normal guy, nobody special, just… me… Nico? Until I looked up and stared at the Gamma of the Grey pack, Jason, the one who actually... did not look at me like he pitied me... the one who actually just looked at me like I was just any other guy. “So, going inside, you walk straight into the living room. It’s basically a huge man's cave where everyone hangs out when they aren’t training, sleeping, or eating. You should definitely come and hang out with the guys and bond.” Jason spoke, as he walked towards the front door and opened it up, bringing me inside the barn-looking building. I looked around the living room, it was huge and about thirty guys were inside, looking at TV, playing video games, or just talking or laughing. Some of them looked to see who had just walked inside, some of them just kept on going with their day, while one guy walked over towards us, grabbing Jason’s hand as both guys slapped each other on the shoulder in a friendly manner. They nodded at each other, before the guy with fire-red hair looked straight at me, smiled, and nodded before he reached out his hand towards me. “Jeremy, nice to meet you. It’s Nico, right?” He asked me, as I stared down at the guy’s hand in wonder, deciding to take it as we shook, while I nodded my head at him, trying to answer him with a smile. God, it had been years since I had smiled... “Great, I’ll be sleeping down the hall from you, so if you ever need anything, just walk on down three doors and knock, if my shoes are standing outside my door, don’t even bother to try, because that means I’m inside being too busy to entertain a lovely lady.” He grinned widely at me, as Jason smacked him against his shoulder. “Jeremy, you are one nasty pig!” He laughed, to which Jeremy shrugged as if Jason's words did not bother him in the least. “The ladies love it, though.” He winked at me before he started to snore like a darn pig, waving his hand in the air as if telling us to follow him. “Right this way, ladies,” Jeremy spoke, as he started to walk, Jason and I followed him into the hallway, while Jason rolled his eyes at me over Jeremy's remark. And I was actually surprised to see so many doors down here. And I wondered just how many people could actually sleep and live inside this place. It sure as hell looked massive on the inside. Jeremy walked through the hallway, he was wearing a pair of jeans and a plaided shirt in black and red colors to match his equally red hair. He looked casual, so he probably didn’t have to train today, or he had already done it and taken a shower afterward. Because right now, he just looked like a country boy or a ranch hand. And I wondered if that was maybe some sort of role that they were all playing around here towards the outside world. Either way, there was no chance in hell that a pack as big as this one could go by unnoticed to the outside world. The human world... Jeremy stopped walking as he pointed toward a door. “This one is 'me casa'.” He smirked at me, as he kept walking, and just like he had said, three doors down, he stopped again, tilting his head to the side. “And this will be your humble abode from now on.” He smiled at me. Making me stop dead in my tracks at his words. “We’ll give you some time to settle in and to look around at your place,” Jason added, as he placed his hands on his hips. “If you need anything, we will be in the living room. Don’t you become a stranger, OK?” He asked me, to which I nodded. I lifted both my hands in the air before I smacked one fist into my other hand. When will we start fighting? When will we start training? “Start easy, dude. You are still healing after all.” Jason told me, lifting an eyebrow as if he was being serious about what he was telling me. “It’s the weekend, you’ll start on Monday. Take some time to settle into your new home, first,” he added, eyes examining me. “First, I want you to meet everyone. These men are all living under the same roof as you are, they are your new family from now on. Like it or not, they are your new brothers and they will be with you every second of every day. So you better get used to them as fast as you can. Especially this Weasly fucker over here.” He told me with a wink as he pointed his chin towards Jeremy, who just grinned widely at me, to which I nodded, understanding what he was saying. What was expected of me. Get to know everyone bond Make sure they like you Make sure they want you to be a part of the pack. “I hope you’ll like your room.” Jason nodded a final time at me, before he smacked Jeremy back on his shoulder, telling him to follow him back into the living room and to give me some privacy. And they left me alone, for probably the first time since I had stepped foot inside the Grey pack lands. “I already like him.” I heard Jeremy speak from behind me with a laugh, even though his words did sound sincere and real to the ear. As they both left me by myself in front of a door… my door… my new room… my new home... my new pack... Shit...
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