A Quick Word From The Author

466 Words
(Edited 01/23/22) Hey everyone, I hope all of you are doing well! I'm finally back and ready to begin re-releasing chapters. . . Yes . . . I did a FINAL edit to ensure that my readers would feel immersed into my fairytale world. When I first wrote MATE it was to test out these awesome apps. Unbeknown to me at the time, I was actually writing a prequel book in a series I wrote called Bloodrite, which I have been working on since I was 16. What had started out as a way to escape my teenage reality has since turned into my own little fairytale world that I'm very passionate about. After many roadblocks I give you guys my finale edited and completed version of BloodRite: MATE. I truly hope you guys enjoy! Thank you so much to everyone who has been following and supporting me throughout this journey. You guys have welcomed me with such kindness and I really hope you guys enjoy this series and please leave comments! I am currently a medical & history student and also a full time mommy but I will begin releasing, Bloodrite: THIRST (Book One) in the Spring of 2022! Bloodrite: Triad (Book 3) in the Fall of 2022! - Only the first thirteen chapters of Thirst and Triad will be available on here, Full book will be available on N00k & Barn3s & N0bl3 by February 2023. - Full version of MATE will stay on here for free until the third installation is ready to be published. (All of my readers on here will be offered an exclusive discount and there will be a chance to win all three books next summer during some fun promotional events that I hope you'll enjoy ♡ ) Thank you guys for you patience & understanding, I hope as you read you'll find it was worth the wait. ~Dominique Lyon [ [ [ [ Dear Readers, Before you begin, Thank you so much for your support! It has meant SO much to me! I tried to bring in as much mythology and lore from all over the world as I could into these stories to make it fun for my readers. Also beware that this story is meant for ADULT READERS. It has strong language, violence and s****l situations. I hope you enjoy! IMPORTANT PLEASE READ BEFORE MOVING FORWARD ~ DO NOT COPY THIS STORY. THE UPLOADING, SCANNING, COPYING AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS NOVEL WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR IS PUNISHABLE BY LAW. Copyright © Dominique's Novels Sharing of this story to social media in order to promote my book or the Dreame/ Stary app however is appreciated! Please like, comment and let me know what you think of the story so far! Thank you guys! ~Dominique ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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