Chapter Three

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Chapter Three   Lizzy’s point of view   I gather all the documentation as required, set Nathan on with some algorithms for the new code we are building, and head up to Mr Knights office.  I am disturbed by him, and for my wolf to wake after five long years of keeping her under submission and weakened with silver torture then I need to listen when she shouts danger at me! I head into the lift, my heightened sense of smell, picks up his sent, it burns my nostrils, he is wearing a high amount of pure silver, not the kind you wear in jewellery, this is pure refined silver, that which is used to kill werewolves, and he is wearing enough so that no wolf would want to go near him, the burn would be too much to handle. However, I am no ordinary werewolf I never was, a pure bred, true wolf, daughter of two true wolves with the Alpha gene, and one who has for the past five years, forsaken her wolf nature with the use of silver and small doses of wolfsbane to keep her under submission, so his pure silver trinkets will not have the effect on me as other wolves he seeks to keep from him. I take a deep breath, because I know, danger, silver, authoritative, he has to be a Lycan Slayer, and if so, I am in so much danger as a lone wolf. I head into his office, and above his desk is a sword, a pure silver sabre, and my suspicions are confirmed he is in fact a Lycan Slayer, and I need to be strong, and not stare at the death wielding weapon that is hung on the wall above his head. I settle myself down in the chair at the front of his desk “Did I give you permission to sit Ms Black” his voice rang out, clearly trying to intimidate “Did you really expect me to stand for the whole meeting, you are in England, and we have employment laws you know” I quipped back at him, then gave a sweet smile. “I like to get to know my senior employees on a more personal level, Ms Knight, and so I have pulled out your personnel file, I see you were orphaned quite young, how did that happen” okay, make the lie work, put a fine line of truth in it, or be just sarcastic to him. “Well normally when a person is orphaned it is because both parents have died in some way, and well it is normally a painful thing to talk about, so normal people refrain from asking so bluntly” his face turned harder, as he eyes bore into mine. “I apologise Ms Black, I did not mean to cause you discomfort, or upset you” he said, leaning back in his black leather chair “Mr Knight you do not upset me at all” I smiled, this meeting was a game of cat and mouse, and I for once was the mouse! I will give him some truth, then I will remember the pain, and some tears, that will put him off the scent. “I was 16 when I left home, two years before I parents passed, they had a plan for me, which I did not want to be a part of, so I left, I never saw them again.  I was informed that they were dead by an old friend, is it painful, yes, in some way, but our differences were not reconcilable so even had they lived I would not be in contact with them now” I remember the differences oh so well, the face of a child being brutely murdered, then a low ranking pack member found me two years later, and informed me that if I did not return instantly then I could never go back, that my family would be dead to me.  To be pack less as a wolf, is a painful process, no matter what makes you leave the fold as you feel each and every bond with every pack member breaking around you, the pain is not just emotional, but physical.  Tears weld up in my eyes, at those memories solidifying them in truth. Mr Knight watched me, a small frown on his face, then handed me a tissue.  I dabbed my eyes took a deep breath and composed myself.   “Ms Black, here I find these herbs help me keep calm, maybe you would like to have them near you” he pushed over a shallow bowl of potpourri, I recognised the smell instantly, wolfsbane, and staring into his eyes, I lent over and took a big sniff, held my breath as if to savour it then sat back in my chair. “Yes they are very pleasant Mr Knight, what herbs are they, I may get some for my flat” I smiled again, my eyes never leaving his “a little known herb called wolfsbane” He answered with a small smile on his lips “Oh, wow, I have heard of it, some story I read as a teenager, you know vampire, and werewolf stuff, good job I am not a werewolf isn’t it” I giggled. Two can play this game Lycan slayer. “Can you eat it Mr Knight it smells so delicious like you could eat or drink it” I smile again at him “yes, you can drink it, I make tea with it regular, I will make you some, I insist you try it” he said watching my face “Oh yes please, how kind of you, that will be lovely.  Now whilst we are waiting, here are the files you requested, shall we begin” he shifted then in his seat looking confused, like everything he believed was taken from him, a rug pulled from under his feet. I would drink the poison tea, I do so every day, it will not cause me anything other than stomach cramps not the full blown foaming at the mouth he would expect, I am almost immune to it I have taken so much over the years.   Richards Point of view I was sure she had to be werewolf, there was something about her, an edge, but she openly sniffed the wolfsbane, and is currently drinking it saying how delicious it is, whilst still staring me down, like this is some game. The silver alone would have her burning, and the sword, would cause her to want to run and hide, instinct would kick in, then the tea, that would be poison to her, something is not adding up, because this lady has the aura of a high-ranking wolf, yet is immune to all the weapons that could destroy her. Maybe I am incorrect, maybe she was just the English Rose she appeared to be, and full of confidence that beautiful women possess, especially those who are so highly intelligent.  But the way she is drinking that tea, it is almost like she is challenging me, and so the intrigue will continue. She goes through all the code and work her team have produced in the last week, and it is outstanding, if she is human, then a promotion is in order, because she is the best at what she does, but that is the big question IF she is human. “Ms Black, thank you for your time, your work is outstanding, as I am sure you are aware, I am having drinks at my hotel this evening with the senior developers from each section, would you like to join us” I watch her as she downs the rest of the wolfsbane tea still staring into my eyes, like it is a challenge. “Thank you, Mr Knight, but I rarely mix business with pleasure” she responds the air of aloofness apparent in her tone “Ms Black, it is purely business, there will be no pleasure I assure you” I want to put her back in her place, and because I really want to get a handle on this woman,  tonight is the night after the full moon, and although they will not shift into wolf form this evening, they are still susceptible to aggressive outbursts having her in my hotel, where I can monitor her behaviour, is imperative. “If you insist, then I will attend, thank you” and with that she stands up and leaves without another word. 
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