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I slammed my car door angrily as I silently fumed. That was the sexiest I’ve tried to be in ages and he didn’t even look the least bit flustered. “You should carry yourself with more dignity,” I mocked him angrily as I reached for my leftover brownie. I had a jackass for a boyfriend. I chewed it angrily and turned on the radio. I started the ignition on my car when I heard a soft tap on my window. I looked out, pissed at whoever it was disturbing my peace. Shocked would be an understatement to see little miss secretary nervously standing outside. A nasty smirk found itself on my face as I slowly lowered my window. “Well…well…well…” I muttered dramatically as I kept lowering the window until it was completely open. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” “Mr. Brooks sen-“ “Oh!” I exclaimed cutting her short, “so you can be formal with him, huh? How interesting is that?” She flushed slightly then opened her mouth to protest but thought better against it and shut her mouth. “What?” I raised my eyebrows at her waiting for her to continue, but still not giving her space to continue, “are you a fish out of water?” I mimicked her opening and closing her mouth, “Can’t you speak?” I was being downright mean, I know. But I had no obligation to be nice to this homewrecker. Not that there was even a home to be wrecked to begin with anyway. I gave her a second then begun shutting my window. “Well if you have nothing else to do other than waste my time, do allow me to leave.” I sat back on my chair tied my seatbelt and started the ignition. “Wait! Mrs. Brooks…” I rolled my eyes and waited. “Mr. Brooks sent me to accompany you to the mall to get you prepared for the gala, I know the right designers and the best salon to get-“ “Look Miss Secretary, how very honourable your boss is being sending you to accompany me- well you know what, you can go tell him to stick that honour right up his ass.” Then to myself I added, “I ain’t got no time for this bullshit.” Then drove off. Im sure the expression on her face was priceless. In literal sense I had nothing to do that day and I was probably going to be bred to death back in that house. Just the second day and I already miss my old life. I drove around aimlessly wondering where to go next. It was still only 11.30, maybe I’d go to the mall after all. I have my dear husbands card anyway. I could shop till I dropped. But it would be so boring doing that alone. I pulled in to a fast food joint’s drive inn and dialled my aunt’s number and put her on speaker, “She lives!” my aunt exclaimed immediately she picked up. “hello to you too aunt Maggie.” “I was si excited calling you last night but now im completely drained, so…what do I owe the honour?” I rolled my eyes at her drama. “Two large fries and a big vanilla choc chip shake please.” I told the attendant as I handed him the card. “No chicken today?” she piped up with a trace of humour in her voice. “Shut up!” I told her playfully. “Anyway, aunt Maggie,” I took my receipt and card and proceeded to the next window. I was surprised to see the same guy with a sheepish grin adorning his face. I took my fries and shake and placed them carefully on the seat. “Do you feel like going shopping with me?” “Did I ever tell you’re my favorite?” I chuckled softly, “No? well you are.” “I’m actually your only niece. I can come pick you up at your place-” “Actually, no, just tell me where you are and I’ll come to you.” She added quickly before I could finish my offer. She sounded awfully suspicious; I just decided to ignore it. I’d grill her later when we met. “Okay, lemme send you a pin. I’m not sure myself where to. My darling husband is taking me to a gala.” My ring then just caught my eye and I couldn’t help the awe that oozed from my voice. “Hmmmm,….someone sounds…different, but oh well. Okay.” She immediately hang up. That wasn’t like my aunt at all. I just shrugged and continued my drive. My phone started vibrating again beside me. “Ugh! I need to get my own car, damn. I glanced at the screen and saw it was Killian. Yea right, I wasn’t stupid enough to answer that call. I ignored it and kept on looking for a suitable mall. It began vibrating again. I rolled my eyes, can’t he take a hint. I still glanced at my screen though to be sure, and of course. It was him again. Nope. Nuh-uh. I ain’t ready bruh. And then he called again! I picked up exasperated “What?!” I was practically shouting into the earpiece. “Don’t ignore my calls, Skylar.” I could hear the warning in his voice. “What do you want, Killian?” I had finally spotted a pretty famous mall. I didn’t even know it was situated in these areas. I could only imagine the death glares he’d be sending my way if I were there. “Why isn’t Paige with you?” “Oh? Didn’t she tell you?” I pulled into the parking lot and relaxed into my seat and grabbed the first packet of fries. “Skylar, you don’t seem to understand how important this gala is. You need to look the best and Paige-“ “I swear to God Killian mention that name one more time and I won’t be responsible for a missing person or a dead person in our backyard.” That threat clearly shook him coz he was silent for a while. I kept on munching on my fries waiting for him to continue. “She knows the best designers around and all those other accessories you women need.” “Do you want me to dress like your slutty secretary?” I paused a bit for dramatic effect then continued, “Because, boy will what I have planned for you surprise you. Now, I’m sure you’re a busy man, please, don’t let me take too much of your time. Bye, see you later.” I hang up and sighed heavily. I sent my aunt the pin and continued with my feast. “You can’t be serious!” My aunt exclaimed amidst laughter. “honestly, if you could be returned, you’d be back with your darling papa before you could blink.” I had just finished telling her what had happened earlier in the day and she couldn’t stop laughing. “Anyway,” she wiped tears from the corners of her eyes and continued, “What do you plan on wearing to this fancy gala?” “I honestly have no idea. I talked big game but I don’t know whethr I’ll be able to deliver.” “And that’s why I’m here.” She dumped the bags in the boot and helped me put mine in. we’d bought so many things they were practically weighing us down. “I have the perfect designer for you. She’s in a very secluded area so we better leave now if you’re to be ready on time for your date.” I looked at her suspiciously but obliged anyway. I got into the co driver’s seat since she insisted on driving saying that I had this beast forever.
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