Volume 3: Part 2: Love

926 Words
I woke up really tired but the day had to go on, I was only half awake but I still searched the room with one eye for Paulo and Danzaki, I realized they had left, I brushed my mouth, had my bath and put on the tracksuit we were provided with at the academy. Immediately I was done, I went out with one objective in mind, to get answers from the girl who called me the child of prophecy, I went straight down and headed straight to the cafeteria for breakfast, I met Paulo and Danzaki there and we had an early morning meal consisting of French fries, fried chicken and soda drinks, talk about junk food. We were about to head out of the cafeteria and that's when she walked in, my God, she was beyond beautiful, she was near perfect, she had everything any man would want in a woman, I was immediately in love or I wondered, was it infatuation, no matter, I had to have her, she was something I'd never seen before, her beauty could move mountains. I wanted to approach her immediately and that's when I saw the person next to her, unlike her, the person next to her wasn't anything like beautiful, you could go as far as saying she was ugly beyond compare, she was one of the ugliest creatures I'd ever come across. I thought of ways I could separate them and talk to the pretty angel I couldn't take my eyes off, luckily for me, the ugly one went over to place the order for both of them, I seized my chance immediately, I went over to her and to my surprise, she knew who I was, I was elated, finally, someone knew who I was in this hell of an academy, we began to have a discussion and I was much more happier, she had a beautiful and colorful mind, her ugly friend however came and interrupted, she asked who I was rudely and I also rudely replied her by telling her to ask her ancestors, like hell, when Jesus said it is finished, he was referring to her intelligence, she was not only ugly, she was beyond stupid, her level of reasoning was appalling, she lacked not only intelligence but also wisdom, she was an empty head and yapped on and on, ranting like an extremely demented psychotic piece of s**t. Her loose mouth only revealed her empty brain, I had thought something was wrong with only her face, I never expected her brain to have such sad problems. I excused myself after hearing her rant and told the pretty lady to let us hang out sometime and asked her name, she replied and told me it was Damola and that her friend was Aramide, I thanked Damola and left. Danzaki called me and said we were having training, I wondered, football training? I was actually very wrong. I followed Danzaki to the training ground and it had nothing in common with football, it was very sandy, it had a lake, it was surrounded in short rings of fire and had tons of dummies. Mr Olasile appeared and told all of us (I and my five cousins) to gather round, he informed us that this was our training facility and we would hone our skills here, he told each of us to select a weapon, I proceeded to choose first but I went back in utter disappointment, there were no guns, just old weapons. My cousins however proceeded to choose, Danzaki chose a very long knife, it was longer than a knife but shorter than a sword, Paulo chose the shirukens, Olivia chose the kunai, Camila chose one of the two swords presented, Emily chose nunchucks, and I was given the last sword. Mr Olasile instructed us to put our weapons away for the moment, he had something else for us today. He instructed Olivia to go towards the lake and for Paulo to walk towards the largest ring of fire. He said nothing to the rest of us however. I asked what we were supposed to do and he told me to calm down and watch, he told Paulo to step into the ring of fire and increase the level of fire it emits by taking it up to at least his height but must do so without the fire touching him. I was very confused but I realized the point of it when I saw the fire level increase beyond Paulo's height but then, he screamed and stopped seconds later, the fire burnt him and he felt immense pain, he stepped out of the ring of fire but to our amazement, he had no burn marks or scars. Mr Olasile walked up to him and told him he needed to keep trying, he informed him that he was the king of fire and fire could not in any way harm or kill him, but that doesn't mean it won't hurt. Paulo eventually understood it and did it flawlessly, Mr Olasile then instructed him to move to a smaller ring, keep trying till he gets it right, then to a smaller ring and a smaller one till he gets it right. He then went towards Olivia and told her to go into the lake and control its flow, but he also stated that she mustn't swim and she mustn't drown, Olivia looked into the lake and saw that it was nowhere near shallow she immediately objected to the insane task she was given.
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