i n t e r l u d e

460 Words
The entire werewolf Kingdom knows about the romance between the Princess and her Beta. It’s widely spoken of and fantasized by many even if one was to avoid hearing about it. Simply, it was unavoidable to hear about them because everyone wants to know if the fairytale Princess finally becomes mates with her Beta. It was the type of story I didn’t really care much for.  Who cares what some bratty Princess does? Who cares if she’s found her mate in her childhood friend and partner? Who cares if they’ll continue the bloodline and have many heirs? Who cares for any of it?  Apparently, I would because as she arrived in my territory when I was expecting her father… I realized then just how much I would care.  The famed Elizabeth Basco, the Princess and the future Queen of the werewolves stood in my lands looking more beautiful than anything else and smelling strongly of sweet spring that I found intoxicating. I’ve been told she’s beautiful but nothing would have prepared me for when my eyes focused on her. With long ebony hair that flowed like silk down her back and dazzling glacier blue eyes, she looked like the Ice Princess of everyone’s dreams.  Particularly… mine. She was so heart achingly beautiful that it was painful to look at her. It wasn’t some awful love at first sight kind of thing that mates often talked about. No. It’s like I’m finally seeing… feeling… like my soul recognized it’s match. Like it knew each other. Its other half.  We’ve been told since birth that a mate is a weakness and to resist is the greatest strength. I have planned to do such a thing. To prove my worth and resist any that come. Foolish really. One look at her and already I feel my entire being filled with uncontrollable joy. All those years of training and self control down the drain. And when she said my name, something inside me burst. As I stared at her longingly— as the entirety of my pack hungrily took her in as well— she was only looking back and smiling at me.  Did she know?  Did she know that she’s been fantasizing about the wrong man? That it wasn’t her Beta destined for her. It was never her Beta.  It was me. It’s always been me because don’t you remember? I’ve stated my claim to you before you even knew what it was. Elizabeth Basco. You are mine. Only mine. You will soon realize that.
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