The wedding

1493 Words
Three months ago I first heard her name. Tania... "Alpha. I have great news!" My Beta entered the room without knocking. But what can I say? I have nothing to hide, have I? I just sighed, annoyed.  "What is it now?" I asked, ready to get that over with so I could go back to the ton of papers in front of me. "I have found you the perfect wife." I almost choked to death. We had this discussion when I first became Alpha and I thought I made myself. No arranged maragies for aliances. We don't need them enough to bother with it. But as always, what I say to my Beta takes as a suggestion. "No." I simply answered, returning my attention to the pack's finances. "Hear me out!" He answered, looking like he was prepared to fight for this. "No." And for that day, it was the end of it. But for the next month, every conversation was filled with details about how amazing Tania was and how much stronger would our pack become if I would agree to marry her. And after countless naggings, I agreed to listen. I found out that The late Alpha Carin only had one child, a daughter named Tania. He treated Tania like a princess and spoiled her rotten so when he died, she was totally unprepared to take over the pack's lead. So, they had no other choice, but to find an Alpha to rule both packs. And what better one can be than the young, unmarried war hero... me? Now, the Beta showed me some pictures with Tania. And to be completely honest, I was breathless for a moment. The girl was indescribably beautiful and had the sweetest smile. I guess that my reaction then signed my sentence. Because Beta took its a confirmation and I was so out of touch with the reality for a moment, that the deal was made. I swear, that fifty years old man sprinted out of my office faster than a toddler when he hears the ice cream truck. Scared, probably that I would come to my senses and say no. At his age, he could have hurt a knee with that speed. And so, regardless of her beauty, I resent Tania for stunning me enough to agree with this madness. Now I slowly walk through the crowd. Everyone is congratulating me, telling me that I'm a lucky man and some inappropriate comments about what I should do with such a beautiful wife. To the last ones, I throw a warning look. Weare werewolves, not beasts. They should show some dignity. And they quickly let their heads down. I end up at the altar, pale as a ghost, looking more ready for my execution than for my wedding. And then here she comes. Slowly walking towards me. The long veil is brushing the ground behind her. She wears a white, simple dress that hugs her tinny body perfectly. Rosy shoulders, long and pale arms holding a bouquet of roses. And the face... Half covered in the most perfect locks of honey-blond hair I have ever seen. So delicate. Every feature so gracefully aligned with the rest. Pink lips, full and glossy. Puffy cheeks under gorgeous blue eyes, with long blonde lashes towering them. Every detail made to take a breath away. My heart aches when I think how much this sweet face would hate me if she knew that I'm actually a woman. How those beautiful eyes would fire up with hate. How the puffy checks would be covered in tears and how that full mouth would curse me. But she will never know. She doesn't have to. I will make sure I'll explain to her that this is a political marriage and she doesn't owe me loyalty. She can have a lover and live a happy life far from me and I will make sure her pack's problems are taken care of. Perfect. But a small part of me s still stubbornly heartbroken by the thought of her being with someone else. Those are my thoughts as the ceremony goes on. As the last part is about to come, I feel totally unprepared to be alone with her. "You may go, Alpha, Luna." The elder says and puts the small seed in my hand. We make our way deep into the wood. Far from the crowd that already started to party. After what's surround us is only the silence of the trees, she speaks. "I like this wedding tradition. It connects us with the forest. Never letting us forget that despite the imposing pack houses, we are still children of nature. Don't you think?" "Yes, I suppose. I never saw it like that. I actually never paid attention to it at all." I answer, a little ashamed by my ignorance. She remains quiet for a while. The long dress and the veil make it difficult for her to move, always tripping over the big roots. I offer her my hand and she smiles as she takes it. Her skin is so soft and smooth. I feel the warmth and I blush. "Thank you. I'm glad you are kind. I was terrified that I would go blindly into a marriage with a cruel man." She says. "I am not." Is the only answer my fuzzy brain comes up with. " Not cruel I mean. I am not cruel."  I facepalm internally. I am good at speaking I swear.  "Good." She says and then we continue in silence until we find a spot. A small meadow in between the trees. A little creek passes nearby and the green grass seems to shine in the sun. "This place may be good." I say and she nods, looking mesmerized by the simple beauty of the place.  She suddenly takes off her shoes and starts running barefoot on the grass. My first thought is that she felt danger so I turn around, in a fight position, ready to take my wolf form. But I feel nothing. I look at her confused, but she is just laughing and spinning like a child. "Come! Feel the grass under your feet." She says pinning and spinning, with the white flowy dress making waves around her. But something about her cheerful and carefree laugh makes me throw away my shoes and run after her. She sees me coming and screams, running away.  "You can't catch me!" She says turning her head to me. I speed up, but the veil covers my eyes. The world becomes blurry for a moment, saw through the white fabric. So beautiful for nothing to be clear, for the uncertainty. The rush of adrenaline helps me take the last step and I catch her hand. She spins, suddenly, coming face to face with me. So close, I can feel her fresh breath. We stay like that for a moment, before we both take a step back. "That was... fun." She says and she smiles. "Mhm." "We should..." She continues. "Yes." "They will wonder what we're doing if we don't get back soon." She adds putting her shoes back on while she helps me looking for mine. "Mhm." We go to a spot near the trees and we dig a small hole with our hands. "With this hand, I put this seed in the ground, hoping that the earth will nourish it like I hope we will both nourish our union." She says as she drops the seed in the hole. "With this hand, I plant this seed, hoping it will grow healthy and strong like I hope our union will." I say and throw some soil on it. I take her hands into mine and we both put them on the spot where we planted the small seed. "And now I take your hands and swear that I will never let them go." We both say at the same time. "I pray for the Moon Goddess to bless us." With that, the last part of the ceremony ends and we are officially married. As we getup, Tania looks at me with a dead-serious expression. My mind is spinning with what possibly could have gone wrong. But none come close to what comes out of her mouth. "The ceremony ended. We are married. But I will tell you now. I will try to be the best wife I can be and an even greater Luna for your pack as time as you promise me to treat my people as they would be yours. But I only ask you for one thing." "Tell me." "Never ask me to sleep together." She says almost like a whisper as I stay in front of her confused out of my mind. "You mean..." "I will never want to have s*x with you." Is the answer the only answer I did not expect. And it does solve all my problems, but somehow... I'm hurt. And pissed.
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