Chapter 4 - He’ll Reap

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"Scalpel," the lead surgeon commanded. The woman beside him immediately handed him the tool. Then, he opens up the patient covered with green cloth. "Retractor," it was the surgeon again. "Bovie," then blood spits in the air. He slightly averted his face after the process, but the blood still hit the mask he was wearing. There was now a stain on his blue mask. The surgeon blinked a few times. "Irrigation," he continued. "Suction," he said. "Cut," another doctor cut the thin thread. I was in the middle of watching when I felt a kicked inside my tummy. I tapped the key to pause the drama I was watching on my laptop. Leaning on my chair, I caressed my now eight months old stomach. Yes, I'm pregnant. I smiled when I felt my child kicked again. "Baby, hang in there. Just a few more weeks and mommy will get to hold you." I watched my hand caress the surface of my dress. One more month, baby. I can't wait to hold you... to hear your cries, and to witness you growing up. I will give you everything, my love. Just stay with me. Don't leave me like what your father did to us. My eyes caught the small picture frame resting on the table. Seeing our picture still brought tremendous pain to my heart. I bit my lip to hold back the tears. Until now, I still can't believe that he's gone, on our wedding day... he left me with his child alone. I still cried river remembering our memories together and whenever I do, what ifs' bombarded my mind. What if he made it? But as clear as the sky, the what-if won't happen anymore no matter what I do. Wherever he is now, I know he regrets leaving behind the family he would have had... He fought, I know. But he should have fought better. For months, I couldn't help but blame him. Why did he not fight? Why did he give up so fast in battle? Am I not worth fighting for? I wiped the tear that fell down my cheek when I heard the alarm came from my phone. I quickly turned it off and close all the tabs before keeping my laptop in my drawer. I examined myself in the small mirror inside my office. Then picked up the small bag lying on the visitor chair before leaving the room. The nurse who walked past by in the wide hallway greeted me. "Good morning, Ms. Lia..." I let out a small smile. I went straight to my co-doctor, the hospital's Obgyne for a consultation. Since I can't wait for another month, I planned to know my child’s gender so that I can buy the necessary things in advance. I want everything to be ready before I give birth. So I won't have to worry about anything regarding my child's needed items like clothes and diapers. I knocked thrice on the wooden door, with the doctor's name tag in front before opening the door. The doctor's smiling face welcomed me as I entered her office. She stood to greet me. "Good morning," I acknowledge. She lightly stroked my stomach before helping me to sit up. Then she sat on her chair, still smiling as she stares at me with her black orbs. The table was the only thing that hinders us. "How are you feeling? Are you in pain now?" "My back hurts, but it's still bearable. I can still shop for my baby." She chuckled. "Are you sure you want to know your child's gender? It's just one month, Lia. You don't want a surprise?" I shook my head. If he's here, maybe... "I wanted to know," I answered. She nodded. "We'll run some test, then." I smiled. I planned to tell him about my pregnancy after our wedding but it was too late. I wasn't able to open my mouth to spill a word about our child before his death. We were so close... We were standing next to each other but I didn't even tell him the surprise. If I told him early, would he survive? Knowing that he has a child to support, a child of his own... But then, it's too late. He's gone. The doctor runs some tests. I was silent the whole time and talked if necessary. I was thankful that she didn't ask personal queries. Everyone knows what happened on that day. I couldn't help but laugh at myself. What an unlucky woman. Who wouldn't pity me? Even I felt sorry for myself. Imagine, he died after the priest announced we were officially husband and wife. He died on our wedding day. Just less than twenty-four hours later, I became a widow. "Congratulations! You're having a baby boy!" The doctor happily announced. I just smiled widely. Hear that, Simeon? Your son is coming. I hope you're feeling envious now because I get to hold him in my arms. This is what you missed, love. I'm giving you the opportunity to be a father, but you chose to let go and die. When I returned back to my office, I called Emory, his sister to invite her over. Even she could not wait to hold her nephew when I told her the result. We were so happy and excited that we decided to shop at the nearest mall and stroll around after buying everything that my baby boy would need. If only Simeon was here... He would probably be in so much glee as we both expect for our child to come. This was our family we have dreamt of. But it just shattered when he died. In a snap, he left. How could I give our son a complete and happy family we once dreamt of for him when he's gone? I'm all alone... I could act both of his parents but I know, in the future, he would feel like something is missing. "I can't wait to hold my nephew!" She was more excited than me. "He's going to ask for a cousin from you soon so maybe... Can you and Azar hurry up and make a baby?" I teased her. She frowned at what I said. Smirking, I rolled the pasta on the fork as I heard her grimace. "I don't want to have a child, yet. Also, Azar is not a human. We can't have a child, Lia. I don't want to risk my life for a child." My mind fell into the depths. Right... Her boyfriend isn't human, as well as mine. I wanted to reveal the truth but I kept my mouth shut. I am in no position to do that. Simeon was not a full human as she thought he was. And that my life would be put at risk once I give birth because of his nature but even if I know it from the start, I still took the risk. Because of his vampire's blood... After we ate and had a short talk, I called a friend to pick me up. "Take care," I said before getting inside the car. I watched her in the side view mirror as she stood up on the side of the road in the parking space. Seiji started to maneuver the car. I sighed deeply. "Who was that?" he asked, referring to Emory. I glanced at her position. I saw her getting her phone out of her purse. "She's Emory, and taken," I answered. He laughed lightly. "I was just asking her name, not her status, Lia. Your mind just wanders anywhere, eh?" I rolled my eyes, my hands above my tummy. Now that I think of it, I felt like my body would pass out anytime soon due to weariness. I was out the whole morning shopping. That was just two or no less than five hours yet, I'm feeling so tired now. Gosh... I just wanted to lay on my bed and rest all day. "I'm just informing you, and anyway," I sighed heavily. "I'm having a baby boy." He took a long breath. "Holy! So you were in the mall to shop for him?" I nodded. "You should've told me! You promised that we'll both buy your kid's the things he will need! You just broke your words, Lia..." he sulks. I shrugged my shoulder. "Just make one so you'll get to spoil your own child, Seiji." He scoffed. "I'm still waiting for her." "An endless waiting? You're not even sure if she's real. She's just part of your dream." "There's nothing impossible, Lia. Vampires were real, another world might exist, too. Who knows?" Honestly, I'm kind of worried about my friend, Seiji. It's not like I'm trying to destroy his fantasy but to believe that there might be another universe aside from ours, I can't help but think. He must have gone mad thinking about the girl he regularly sees in his sleep. Instead of arguing with him, I chose to sleep for the whole duration of our travel. Seiji was no longer in the car when I woke up. I unfastened my seatbelt and went out of his car, that was when I saw him getting out of my house, smiling as he approached me. "I have already entered the things you bought inside," he examined my face. "You should rest, Lia. And why don't you just go home to your parent's house? So they could help you." "I can manage," I assured him but he just rolled his eyes at me. "Yeah, right. You're Ms. Independent after all..." he was being sarcastic. "Lock your gate, Lia. Call me when you need something, okay?" We both bid our goodbyes and when he left, that was when I felt the loneliness again. Like as usual, I felt like I was using the people around me to make me feel less lonely. But in reality, once everyone is gone... I just felt so lifeless. It started when he left. My husband... If he's still alive, I would probably feel happy. I turned around and made my way inside my house. I didn't bother to lock the main door as I'm confident that no one would try to rob me. I walked upstairs with my head down, feeling tired. When I reached the last step, I almost fell down if it wasn't because of the hook I held on to before I could even meet death. My lips parted in shock. "Jesus!" But the man in black with a hook black umbrella just stared at me with no emotion. And f uck. He looked like Simeon! "You're Dahlia Possenti. 30 years old. A pediatric surgeon. Born on November 02, 1990, at 12:01 AM. And you're going to die after giving birth to your child."
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