Chapter 20 - Just This Once

1878 Words
Now that she has cleared their relationship, Lia felt more than okay. She forgot the consequences for a while and just focus on her feelings. It was indescribable, she felt like she was hit by a lightning due to spark they both shared. It felt amazing having someone to call her mine and vice versa. So, this is how it feels to have a boyfriend? She thought to herself. She can’t be more happy than she is now. Because of it, her confidence increased a bit. “Ready to meet them?” Simeon lowered his head down to look at her. Blowing a deep breath, she smiled confidently. “I am, babe...” She giggled. They are now in front of the main door and Simeon lifted his hand to knock on the wooden door. One... Two... and three knocks before it opened, revealing a little girl, maybe five years younger than her. By how her brows meet each other, eyes squinting as if she’s angry, and arms crossing above her chest, she could tell that they disturbed her meal basing on the stain beside her lips. “Hey, Mal...” he greeted. “Where are they?” “Hunting,” she answered nonchalantly. “Emory left again. Must be grieving.” The girl he called Mal turned her back and walked away. Mal... “That’s Mallory,” Simeon informed her. “She’s my cousin, always be with my sister, Emory. And to tell you, she wasn’t like that.” Lia let out a smile. She actually didn’t like how the little girl talked but who was she to judge? Simeon told her how his family suffered and she understand where they’re coming from. Everyone changes if they went through hell-like situation. Even she... “It’s fine, Simeon.” He held her hand before they both walked through the door. The first thing she noticed was how dark their house. There was no life of light, even if it was already afternoon, the big and dark curtains were still closed. She roamed her eyes around. Woods... Everything was made in woods. The house was obviously old but it was still intact and standing high and proud. It was a type of house her classmates would call as haunted. High ceilings and candles... A house of witches. She don’t have an issue on what kind of lifestyle Simeon has. It was where he came, and grew up with. She respects it. Lia would even like to learn something from him if possible. If they do witchcraft, she would love to learn. “You’re not scared, right? This is house is not haunted or anything like that. We just grew up with oldies that were kind of traditional and little bit weird.” She chuckled inwardly. “I don’t want to think of anything related to that. Let me be here in peace without feeding my mind, alright?” Lia wants this day to end up well. And him, telling her these wouldn’t help. “And don’t ever think of telling me horror stories again, Simeon. If you want no screaming in fear and shock here, please don’t.” “I’m not planning to,” he whispered which made her rolled her eyes. After a few steps, they finally arrived in a living room. To her fear, everyone wearing black came in view. They were all sitting in the long el shape sofa, as if waiting for someone to scare. Lia... She almost hide behind him! Simeon never told her anything about their kinds, or what kind of life they had and was wearing black his families signature? There were four of them... An old man blankly staring at nothing, a man just two or three years older than Simeon, Mallory, then the woman sitting in the middle. Must be his mother named Astrid. She wore an all black outfit. From hat that has feather’s design on it, arm long satin gloves, to her dress, down to her heels. Even her make up was dark, too. Only four of them was present. One is missing. They walked closer then stopped. The center table was the only thing that hinders them from being close. “Attention here, everyone!” Lia stepped back a little when Simeon shouted without a warning. He even clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention which he succeed. No one talk. She felt his hand on her waist, then pulled her closer to him. “This is Lia, my girlfriend. You all probably know her already. But for formality sake, please introduce yourselves to her. At least...” His forehead frowned. “And why the hell are you all wearing black?!” “It was to scare her away!” It was Mallory. “I don’t want any new member of the family, Simeon!” “Mallory!” he called. “Don’t start being an spoiled brat again.” “Nye, nye, nye...” Mallory stood up and stick her tongue out, then placed her thumbs on the top sides of her head and started moving her fingers back and forth. It was directed to Simeon so, Lia laughed mentally. It was dark, and everyone was wearing black so she can’t really see who moves. But on the body built, it was the man who stood up, followed by Simeon’s mother. Lia didn’t bother to watch them as she was too confused, again. Later on, the whole living room was filled with lights and she screamed when a confetti popped right in front of her! Then a loud music started playing. But she thinks she heard a bang which made everyone stopped. Even the music... They all looked at each other with eyes wide opened. Even Simeon... Their eyes were filled of emotion she can’t name. But it was moving, and seems like they were talking through their eyes! “Mal, check if she’s home...” “She is, Tita Astrid. Actually, Ry didn’t leave the house. She stayed in the basement, practicing. As usual...” She shrugged. “Oh god...” Simeon’s mother looked worried. “I told you not to continue this, Aamon! Look what happened...” “I thought...” “I’m sorry but we have to stop the party,” said his mother. “This was supposed to be a short welcome party but, Emory’s here. We can’t...” They apologetically looked at her, except for Mallory who walked to nowhere. Lia has no idea why everyone seems startled. Simeon told her that they have gone through something but never told her what. She respect it just like he respect her. But to think that they prepared something for her, her heart melt. That means they accepted her. They welcomed Lia to the family and she can’t be more than happy. “I’m sorry, baby...” Simeon said when everyone left. “It’s okay, Simeon. The important thing here is they accepted me. But I felt guilty for some reason... I appreciate what you have prepared for me but I think it was not a good idea.” “Don’t worry about that. My sister won’t mind.” Her eyes went to their tangled hands on his lap. She could feel the heaviness on his voice. Simeon, too, was worried and he can’t deny it. Lia held his hand tight. “We can celebrate this day later. You and me... In my unit, of course. You can sleep there.” She has decided. Lia wanted to spend the night with him and felt his warmth. She just wanted to have someone to hug tonight. Also, she could see the sadness on his voice and for this once, she wanted to help him. Simeon was a big help to her. She at least, wants to return the favor although he never ask anything. “That will make you feel uncomfortable...” he uttered as he stared at her. She shook her head. “Nope... Knowing that you’re my boyfriend now, I think the feeling fade away somehow.” A tiny smile made its way to her lips. “Am I going to sleep in your bed or on the floor? Maybe on the sofa?” She shrugged. “Hmm. I will think about it.” Their heads turned to the side when someone coughed. It was the other guy named Aamon, looking disgusted. She heard Simeon laugh beside her before he stood up. “You should have just get back to your ex, Kuya Aamon.” “Shut up, Simeon. I came here to say that lunch is ready,” his eyes were fixed on the wall. “Alright, thanks...” Aamon left afterwards. She looked up to Simeon. “Lunch?” “Yes. Mom prepared food, too, of course. You’ll get to taste her food.” “I’m excited!” She quickly stood up. “Let’s go. Can’t wait...” Her voice became low and she giggled. Lia never tasted anything her mother made. It was always the cook who’s in charge for their food. She can’t remember a thing that her mother went to the kitchen for the purpose of cooking. Even her father... She doesn’t even know if they can cook. So now that Simeon’s mother cooked for them, she can’t deny the excitement in her heart. She heard that the best cook in the world are mothers. Now she’ll prove it herself. “You look excited,” he commented while smiling. “Ready to bet?” “Bet about what?” She was confused for a moment. “If my mother cooking skills impress you, you give me a reward. If not, I’ll do anything you’d ask me.” Her brows shot up. “Anything?” “Yes. Anything.” “But for sure Tita Astrid’s food can make everyone beg for more. I will probably lose. Don’t be unfair, Simeon.” She rolled her eyes. She never tasted his mother’s food. But deep inside her, she knows that some Asian mothers cook the best food ever. She has no hope to win this over Simeon. And also, what if she’s not impress? She has no face to say that in front of her boyfriend. Even if she wants to tell her opinion, there were just things better left unsaid. She faced him. “This bet favors you more, Simeon. I don’t see any chance of winning.” “That was why I’m taking advantage to this situation.” He moved his brows up and down. “C’mon... I wanna see what you’d give to me if ever, babe.” “This is beyond unfair...” her voice weakened. But honestly, she also want to see. Maybe she would use this as an excuse to buy something for him. She never bothered to buy anything for someone before and now that she has a reason to, she’ll see. “Is it a yes or no?” Simeon anticipated. Rolling her eyes, she nodded. “Alright, Simeon. Just this once...”
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